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Author Topic: Boards  (Read 4645 times)

Offline Eluvatar

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« on: June 22, 2011, 05:36:06 PM »
I have considered comments that the forum may be too long, with too many top level boards. I therefore propose the following reorganization.


Basically the proposal is to fold as many boards as workable into other areas. Arts and Entertainment and Real Life move under General Discussion, and Role Play is folded into a single board with subboards rather than a category and appended to the same category as General Discussion.

We could also fold Elections and Petitions & Referendums together, or separately into Legislative and Judiciary.

This is an informal poll and I will be editing the diff it relates to as the conversation leans. The basic idea of shrinking the forum will remain however, so vote no if you think that's a bad idea.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2011, 02:35:45 PM by Eluvatar »
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Offline Gulliver

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Re: Boards
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2011, 06:40:11 PM »
I strongly believe that the Role-play area should remain as it is. I do like adding a NationStates Events area, though I think it might warrant a top level section in the category. Not sure the term "apolitical" works since not everything in City Center is necessarily political. Have we been using arts and entertainment?

Offline Eluvatar

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Re: Boards
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2011, 06:48:32 PM »
I strongly believe that the Role-play area should remain as it is.

I believe otherwise, though perhaps not strongly. I think it is not very convenient for roleplayers at the bottom of the page and I think it would be perfectly usable this way, the way Taijitu had it originally I may add.

I do like adding a NationStates Events area, though I think it might warrant a top level section in the category.

I want to reduce the number of top level areas. It makes sense to me to have General Discussion > [Topic] Discussion.

Not sure the term "apolitical" works since not everything in City Center is necessarily political.

Apolitical was pulled out of the proverbial orifice. I have no idea what to call it. Fun? General?

Have we been using arts and entertainment?

Not much. Which is why I was going to demote it.
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Offline Gulliver

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Re: Boards
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2011, 07:15:54 PM »
Couldn't you just move the role-play section up? Also, I think you should merge Petitions and Referendums with Elections as Elections and Referendums.

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Re: Boards
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2011, 07:19:01 PM »
We very rarely use arts and entertainment. It has quite a few sub-boards that are probably unnecessary. Perhaps we could merge a few of them. Otherwise, I appreciate the changes, although I won't comment on the Role Play section as I don't use it.

Offline Limitless Events

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Re: Boards
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2011, 11:58:04 PM »
Arts and Entertainment was something I made for ofcrazed that expanded while the region was at its peak. It was made with the intent of having actual discussions that didn't devolve into the spam that was all over General at the time.

A lot of the boards I feel can be stuffed into the archives and/or moved into one giant archive board like taking all the forums related to past governments and putting them under a single heading to lessen clutter.

As for the ordering of things it is hard to say which section should have priority over others. Certainly the Welcome and Open Discussion areas should be at the top and the archives at the bottom but its hard to say among the Zocalo, Government, and RP areas which should be.

I do think RP could be folded a bit by having the International Relations and possibly Novmir folded under National Role-Play, so that you have an IC and OOC board under the RP heading.

I also agree that the Referendums and Elections can be merged together and would suggest calling it something like the "Citizens' Center"
Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

Offline Khem

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Re: Boards
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2011, 01:35:01 AM »
Arts and Entertainment was something I made for ofcrazed that expanded while the region was at its peak. It was made with the intent of having actual discussions that didn't devolve into the spam that was all over General at the time.

A lot of the boards I feel can be stuffed into the archives and/or moved into one giant archive board like taking all the forums related to past governments and putting them under a single heading to lessen clutter.

As for the ordering of things it is hard to say which section should have priority over others. Certainly the Welcome and Open Discussion areas should be at the top and the archives at the bottom but its hard to say among the Zocalo, Government, and RP areas which should be.

I do think RP could be folded a bit by having the International Relations and possibly Novmir folded under National Role-Play, so that you have an IC and OOC board under the RP heading.

I also agree that the Referendums and Elections can be merged together and would suggest calling it something like the "Citizens' Center"

I am totally in support of these ideas. The simplicity works best now that we are re-vamping the scenario, so until things are really needed to be flush in the open as such then they should be condensed. makes it easier on new people.

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Offline Corgi

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Re: Boards
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2011, 01:02:09 PM »
Simplicity is of good.

I feel that if you are attracting new people a huge wall of text (much of it old) can be intimidating.  But then again I'm old fart that has not been on very many forums.  I'm easily confusseled.
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If it hails or if it snows,
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'Taint no use to sit an' whine
When the fish ain't on your line;
Bait your hook an' keep a-tryin'--
Keep a-goin'!