I met one in the Underworld that was reprogrammed to defend zombies.
3rd law makes sense if they are androids where we see a "human" side. Otherwise 3rd law can rot in hell.
I liked that movie Ex-Machina. I'd totally be OK to lock that android for a period of time and evaluate, then free it to the real world. Couldn't we live with androids and let them have similar rights and similar punishments? If we're talking the advent of an AI android possibly kill a human, that's what you want to know. I think if AI is that advanced that could "break" that law, it's be as advanced to know ALL THE LAWS OF THE WORLD WITH GPS REFERENCE, and still break them all selectively or all together. Shouldn't then this android be regarded as a human breaking a crime or any AI that breaks laws is defective? You're pretty much saying any humans that break laws are defective...imo, but that's probably stretching it too much.