Weird topic. I read a bunch of stuff to realize and control some of my strengths and weaknesses, I suggest everyone should read Psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud, any number of books as much as you think you need to read more to understand more. There are of course other books you should read, I'm more inclined to politics and I've read a bunch of different works from political philosophers that also help understand and (positively) shape my world view.
I consider to have had a "good Oedipus school", by reading some of Freud's work I remembered things from my childhood that I had done and completely forgot, events that culminated on my father's death for instance I can relate to some of the Oedipus complex and what it entails, although I don't think I had sexual attraction to my mother, at least consciously I remember having a very strong connection with my mother, but I did not kill my father if that's what you're thinking, although...well now this is only for a few restricted amount of people that actually know me for real.

So yeah I think people should seek that knowledge, specially people that say "I'm pretty sure I have some problem about something but I can't relate to anything I read online" - well you can't relate directly to the cases Freud had to deal with, everyone has their experiences and their version of all complexes, and for him all men are cave-men and behave completely irrational, well he's not that far off, it may seem exaggeration but men usually have a mixed soup of complexes that are completely Fcked up, you have to try to relate to the type of feelings, relationships and impulsive reactions you've had, specially growing up/childhood.
Adulthood is usually all your complexes combined, competing with each other, taking ownership of your ego and sneaking up on your when you least expect, and it gets worse as you get older, 65 and up you'll lose control of your ego and eventually...go nuts. Your best weapon is to read this Psychology and Philosophy mofos to shape your world view and keep your sanity.