Most youtube is crap
amen, also agreed.
I like
Linus tech tips, they have helped me buy some of the stuff I have (steel series 5H for instance), also you learn a lot...sometimes...
I can't believe nobody listed
Epic Rap Battles of History, it's not my favorite but I think I've watched every single episode, it's a regular.
I've some gamers I've subscribed so I can watch walk-throughs instead of buying the game

like JackFrags and FRANKIEonPCin1080p .
I've got a bunch of nerdy "comedy relives" that I've been collecting subscriptions like
Good Mythical Morning,
Above Average,
Happy Hour,
Barely Productions/Political,
Nathan Barnatt, etc.
I've got a bunch of TV network/series to get updates, trailers and whatnot like SNL, Tonight Show w/ Jimmy Fallon, BBC, Sesame Street (sometimes it's cool), Adult Swim, Jamie Oliver, Bolshoi Theatre (that I can only watch when they're showcasing music/ballet), etc.
I've some comedy, "Porta dos Fundos" is very "easy" comedy, I used to watch the first series of Filipe Neto but those Brazilian channels haven't been worth it imo. Here's a random Portuguese one that I've subscription with:
Raminhos (which is already a funny name, it means twigs, or little tree branches)
PS: Oh, I just watched another
portuguese comedy clip, it's a comedy radio show that they actually film and put on youtube, this guy sometimes writes mock songs about recent events, this one is about the wife of the famous spanish goal-keeper Casillas that has moved to Portugal to play for Porto (Oporto, a northern city and famous football club). The "pink press" kept saying she didn't want to move to Porto but her first interview says exactly the opposite lol, anyway he jokes with this news saying she can go to Madrid anytime she wants, even by train, and that Porto has awesome food and is beautiful.