Leiria is a terrible city, urban chaos lack of strategy and whatnot, I got lost so many times there that I finally figured it out. It's chaotic in so many ways...it has a sense of grandeur that doesn't really exist, it was a damn town not that long ago, it became the capital of the district and it started to expand rapidly. Nouveau rich type of people, etc. It's terrible.

I also hate Vila Franca de Xira, backwards people, and always doing popular festivals and bullfighting and whatnot, it's terrible to have to take the national roads there because traffic always slows like a mofo there. I don't want to go for so many reasons, specially because people are very backwards conservative ... like... Mississippians?

I'm not sure if I disliked any foreign cities. I mean, they are so different...I dislike Platte South Dakota bc my mother-in-law lives there, and it's a tiny place with tiny people. I disliked Kensington (UK) last time I was there but I think it was because I was "forced" to eat a vegetarian meal that tasted like crap.
I really disliked Chicago airport...it was a terrible experience, specially going through customs, fu. But I like Chicago...I think, I gotta stay there a while next time.
I really disliked Cologne airport...it was worse than Chicago, I guess it would be less terrible if I knew any German.