coffee apparently isn't very good for you when you wake up (well, considering moderate users).
Tea and toast is usually my breakfast, my "culture" isn't very into large breakfasts and somehow I don't feel like eating much when I wake up. Sometimes fruit / natural juice is welcome.
LARGE LUNCHES! or diners, are more my thing.
What's this hate on coffee that sprouts up every five years? Some B.S. nutritionist suddenly comes up with a dos and don'ts blog, reading between the lines of some report with bullshit controls and research methods. Every once in awhile it's just new coffee study finds that coffee causes more stress. Well then you look into their research methods and they found coffee and non-coffee drinkers, but let's be real, the people drinking coffee more often are already stressed, they need that buzz to get them through another hour of work, they got a 25 page paper on German Strum und Drang Literature due the next day and they only have 5 pages so far.
This goes on and on with other topics, how bread is the new killer, that curry powder clears cancer in your asshole, and even that coffee prevents all these countless diseases. Most everything you hear about a food study or an effect of something is completely bullshit, researched by Nutritionists with fake fields and fake degrees who want to push their blog/book with their specialty diet/advice that are just common sense. Sure you will lose weight if you walk more and drink less alcohol, that's not rocket science. But then they make outstanding claims on coffee, bread, curry powder, etc.
On the other end, these people just make the same beneficial bullshit up about coffee too. Coffee is coffee, it's got caffeine in it. There's caffeine addiction, but there's nothing wrong with a caffeine addiction except maybe your wallet might be crying if you go to starbucks every day, you die when you directly take caffeine powder, but it takes hundreds of cups of coffee to equate to that. The worst that happens to you is you drink too much and get a headache, tummy-ache, and/or have nausea or it dribbles right out your asshole if you didn't eat anything with it.
Of course maybe you're thinking these people get so many calories from coffee? I'm not sure. Coffee itself is a lean 5 calories, what kills people is when they put in absurd amounts of cream, syrup, and sugar into it. But I don't know what you meant, you just said coffee was apparently bad for you in the morning. Whatever that means.