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Author Topic: [StarWars Hype] Most intense moment  (Read 1959 times)

Offline Delfos

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[StarWars Hype] Most intense moment
« on: December 08, 2015, 09:32:49 PM »
Let's "celebrate" this Star Wars hype  with a bunch of polls. If you haven't seen any of the older movies, wtf are you doing with your life? Crawl out of under the rock you live in and go see them.

1 - A New Hope - Ben Kenobi Dies

A New Hope's honorable mentions are: The very beginning of New Hope with the Star Destroyer and Darth's first appearance; Luke running back to find his uncles dead; Garbage Compactor on the Death Star;

2 - Empire Strikes Back - I am your father.

Empire Strikes Back is probably my favorite, but it's mostly Hoth battle, Yoda training, Han Solo transformed into a monolith, not as intense as the first face to face between Luke and Vader on Bespin.

3 - Return of the Jedi - It's a trap! Battle of Endor (space)

Return of the Jedi is riddled with intense moments, the Sarlacc pit in Tatooine, the Endor Battle on the ground with the Ewoks, the burning of Darth Vader, do you remember another? Please tell!

4 - Phantom Menace - Darth Maul duel

Being the lowest point of the Franchise makes it hard to find an intense moment, but Darth Maul's badass dual saber made everybody wish they had one. I always liked on the beginning where they shoot the Republic vessel cool; or the part "Activate the droids!" and the trade federation music starts. No?

5 - Attack of the Clones - Anikin is in pain

There are other scenes that could have made it, like Obi-wan's discovery of the clone army and it's assemble over the balcony, or their arrival in Geonosis "Around the survivers, a perimeter create."

6 - Revenge of the Sith - Order 66

Debatable, you have Obi-Wan vs Anikin duel, you have the "birth" of Vader, the closing scene where there are many endings and you see the fate of each character before "A New Hope".

Anyway, you don't agree with my choices for the vote? please post bellow your take, or tell us how you felt the first time you saw those scenes.

Offline St Oz

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Re: [StarWars Hype] Most intense moment
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2015, 09:56:52 PM »
Tie between cloud city escape and ben Kenobi dying

Offline Delfos

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Re: [StarWars Hype] Most intense moment
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2015, 10:04:22 PM »
Tie between cloud city escape and ben Kenobi dying

Cool one too.

"I am your Father" is surely the most iconic, but the most intense? I'll go with Ben Kenobi dying, it's on the right moment, very well planned, you had time to emotionally connect with the characters, and then Luke goes "NO!" like he's expressing what everybody is thinking lol, then action starts with stormtroopers hitting nobody, it's very intense, you're not even allowed to "mourn" because of the rare chance stormtroopers will actually hit you, "Run, Luke! Run!" (yeah, George Lucas was first to the Run, Forrest, run!).

Offline Khem

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Re: [StarWars Hype] Most intense moment
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2015, 12:09:21 AM »
Order 66 in addition to "I am your father"

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Offline Delfos

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Re: [StarWars Hype] Most intense moment
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2015, 02:53:09 AM »
I find your lack of faith is disturbing.
If the old movies don't rock your socks idk what will.