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Author Topic: Founder Nation  (Read 26707 times)

Offline Myroria

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Founder Nation
« on: December 24, 2015, 07:57:10 PM »
I was informed today that the founder nation ceased to exist. I recommend the people who care so deeply about this community figure out a way to ensure it does not end up being on the losing end of some raiders who are just looking to "have some fun".

EDIT: Is it clear to anyone else that this region is falling apart? That people sign onto the forums just to punch each other in the gut? Or am I the only one that notices that? Some of you people were older than me in The Lexicon, so presumably since I'm an adult now you all are also adults... so why exactly are you alternating between "heartfelt apologies" and hatred?

Why do you think legislating a new constitution will dig yourselves out of a hole that you dug yourselves? Why are the mods not stopping this sort of idiocy? In one sentence, people will wax poetic about how Taijitu is made up of the people in it, and then in the next you will treat each other with what can't be described as anything but condescension, furious anger, and a total lack of empathy. It's like watching a trainwreck in slow motion.

Imagine you're a new person who just joined Taijitu - I know that someone joining Taijitu is hard to imagine - and you signed onto the forums to see this. Would you stick around? The complete lack of interest in actually solving the problems that apparently existed here is appalling. Kicking out whatever secret cabal that was doing whatever nefarious things people could pin on them is one thing, but just sitting around while Taijitu dwindles below 350, below 325, below 300 nations is completely baffling to me. Is no one even trying?

For all the "fuck the revolution" going around, at least in summer of 2014 Taijitu knew you couldn't kick out the old without doing something new. Jesus. The phrase "man up" gets thrown around a lot, so let me say this - it's time for all of you to put your big girl panties on and realize you can't insult your way to fame and success.

Don't make me sign on again in 28 days to revive the founder again. Please spare me the disappointment.

« Last Edit: December 24, 2015, 08:34:40 PM by Myroria »
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline AwesomeSaucer

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Re: Founder Nation
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2015, 11:49:48 PM »

Former Citizen-Liaison of Taijitu,

Evan C.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Founder Nation
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2015, 12:44:10 AM »
I can't reply without being cynical about how cynical this post is.

[insert rant against ranting about rants]

Merry Xmas Myro, welcome to Taijitu.

Offline Prydania

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Re: Founder Nation
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2015, 01:29:01 AM »
I was informed today that the founder nation ceased to exist. I recommend the people who care so deeply about this community figure out a way to ensure it does not end up being on the losing end of some raiders who are just looking to "have some fun".

EDIT: Is it clear to anyone else that this region is falling apart? That people sign onto the forums just to punch each other in the gut? Or am I the only one that notices that? Some of you people were older than me in The Lexicon, so presumably since I'm an adult now you all are also adults... so why exactly are you alternating between "heartfelt apologies" and hatred?
Heh. You've been the one person the "other side" who hasn't acted hostile in all of this Myro. So I thank you for that.
As for this? Well I assume you're referencing my public apology. Something neither I or any of my friends ever got from "your" camp.
If you're trying to create a correlation between my post and the type of person who is letting the region fall apart? I'm sorry Myro. I remember the refounding of this region. I was there. And afterwards we created a founder's committee. I was offered a spot on the committee. I turned out down. A mistake on my part, to be sure, but I didn't feel like I was on equal "footing" with SD, Gulliver, Elu, and yourself within Taijitu. A sentiment I've come to regret.
Either way? I didn't save the Founder because I'm not on the committee. 

As for "alternating between "heartfelt apologies" and hatred?" I'm frustrated. That public apology came from the bottom of my heart, and it was hard to get there. Why? I've felt insulted and unwelcome by a certain group of people since I returned about a month and a half ago. I've reached out to multiple people in an attempt to negotiate some sort of understanding, and it's blown up in my face each time. I've been accused of wrong-doings, of acting like some sort of manipulative puppet master. I've had a long-time Taijitu member who I thought I respected insult my religion on IRC because of political affiliations entirely beyond my control. I've gone above and beyond Myro. And it's only resulted in hurt on my end. Despite all of that though? I apologized. I never asked for one in return. I just apologized if that's what it took to move forward.
Did I expect everyone to accept my apology? No. Funk coming in to tell me to essentially piss up a rope though? THAT was antagonistic. And it was my final straw.

Why do you think legislating a new constitution will dig yourselves out of a hole that you dug yourselves? Why are the mods not stopping this sort of idiocy? In one sentence, people will wax poetic about how Taijitu is made up of the people in it, and then in the next you will treat each other with what can't be described as anything but condescension, furious anger, and a total lack of empathy. It's like watching a trainwreck in slow motion.
You've fallen into the same trap Elu and Gulliver have, Myro. You're assuming you and your friends here are the only tight-knit group in this region.
What you have failed to recognise is that SD, myself, OT, POD, Delfos, and Oz are close too. And all the wrongdoings you see committed against your friends? I've seen committed against mine.
Funk goes on about being treated poorly. Well my FIRST experience upon coming back was seeing Funk treat SD, my closest friend, terribly. Gulliver even admitted that I wasn't in the wrong to be upset about that. Yet my reaction, to call Funk out on his behaviour, is seen as part of some plot to "purge" him from the region. Essentially your "side" thinks it's ok if I'm upset about a friend of mine being treated poorly. G-d forbid I actually do something about it though.

Imagine you're a new person who just joined Taijitu - I know that someone joining Taijitu is hard to imagine - and you signed onto the forums to see this. Would you stick around? The complete lack of interest in actually solving the problems that apparently existed here is appalling. Kicking out whatever secret cabal that was doing whatever nefarious things people could pin on them is one thing, but just sitting around while Taijitu dwindles below 350, below 325, below 300 nations is completely baffling to me. Is no one even trying?
I came back in part because my friends felt like this "cabal" was stonewalling them and dictating through the veneer of democracy.
Do I believe this was intentional on the part of Elu, Gulliver, Funk, and yourself? No. I do believe, however, that you got so wrapped up in your own clique that you disregarded the opinions of people who didn't agree with your vision for the region. That led to built up frustration and led to a lack of trust.
I've asked Elu this. I've asked Gulliver this. Now I'm going to ask you this Myro. Partly because Elu and Gulliver couldn't answer me. Why is it that my friends who have remained active here would rather come to SD and myself with their grievances than come to you guys or the Ecclesia as a whole? Why didn't they trust the system?
Both Elu and Gulliver have told me "I don't know why they didn't trust us." I don't know either, but it's not my problem. It's your problem that you need to figure out through self-examination. Instead you've doubled down on being obstinate. Why do you think we proposed legislation that tore the Revolution down? We realised that certain powers that be would stonewall individual reform. At least this way we were able to demonstrate what should have been obvious to all of you. That there's a large number of people within this region who were dissatisfied with the status quo.

For all the "fuck the revolution" going around, at least in summer of 2014 Taijitu knew you couldn't kick out the old without doing something new. Jesus. The phrase "man up" gets thrown around a lot, so let me say this - it's time for all of you to put your big girl panties on and realize you can't insult your way to fame and success.
"Old"? SD, OT, Oz, Khem, and myself were here day one along with Gulliver, Elu, and yourself. FFS Funk was going on about the Q Society. He wasn't even around when that was a thing.
This trend of building yourselves up while talking down to and belittling everyone who isn't within your clique is part of the problem. We're not friends Myro, but I've always thought we were on friendly terms. I have learned, since I returned, that you hold my friends and myself in contempt. Which is just laughable when you broaden the scope beyond NS.

Don't make me sign on again in 28 days to revive the founder again. Please spare me the disappointment.
Look Myro. No one was purged of anything. SD has been called "two-faced," a "tyrant," and a "Nazi." The latter of which even insults me. He's my best friend and I'm a gay Jew. How much of a Nazi/white supremacist/southern fried racist do you really think Jack/Dixie is?
Point being SD never left in a huff over these insults (that he left without much of a warning is another story :P ). Meanwhile Funk leaves. You leave. Gulliver threatens to leave. Why? You feel insulted? Gulliver both insulted my religion and has claimed I was manipulating others into driving you and Funk away. And say what you will. I'm still here.

As far as the Founding nation goes...as I said. I'm not on the committee. Bring this up with those who are. And yeah, that includes Dixie. Trust me. He has nothing against you Myro. There's room for mutual respect there.

Taijitu is many things to many people. To many of us it's a NS region. That's never going to change.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2015, 07:42:44 PM by Prydania »

Offline AwesomeSaucer

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Re: Founder Nation
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2015, 01:38:15 AM »
Taijitu is many things to many people. To many of us it's a NS region. That's never going to change.
Then keep in mind that if we stay strictly a NS nation, we will suffer the consequences of stagnicity, a broken community, and arguments left and right.

We need to expand.

Former Citizen-Liaison of Taijitu,

Evan C.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Founder Nation
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2015, 03:18:05 AM »
Taijitu is many things to many people. To many of us it's a NS region. That's never going to change.
Then keep in mind that if we stay strictly a NS nation, we will suffer the consequences of stagnicity, a broken community, and arguments left and right.

We need to expand.

Let's play Super Power 2 with Oz

Offline AwesomeSaucer

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Re: Founder Nation
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2015, 05:12:10 AM »
Taijitu is many things to many people. To many of us it's a NS region. That's never going to change.
Then keep in mind that if we stay strictly a NS nation, we will suffer the consequences of stagnicity, a broken community, and arguments left and right.

We need to expand.
Let's play Super Power 2 with Oz
I'm down!  ;)

Former Citizen-Liaison of Taijitu,

Evan C.

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: Founder Nation
« Reply #7 on: December 25, 2015, 06:31:04 PM »
I was informed today that the founder nation ceased to exist. I recommend the people who care so deeply about this community figure out a way to ensure it does not end up being on the losing end of some raiders who are just looking to "have some fun".

EDIT: Is it clear to anyone else that this region is falling apart? That people sign onto the forums just to punch each other in the gut? Or am I the only one that notices that? Some of you people were older than me in The Lexicon, so presumably since I'm an adult now you all are also adults... so why exactly are you alternating between "heartfelt apologies" and hatred?

Why do you think legislating a new constitution will dig yourselves out of a hole that you dug yourselves? Why are the mods not stopping this sort of idiocy? In one sentence, people will wax poetic about how Taijitu is made up of the people in it, and then in the next you will treat each other with what can't be described as anything but condescension, furious anger, and a total lack of empathy. It's like watching a trainwreck in slow motion.

Imagine you're a new person who just joined Taijitu - I know that someone joining Taijitu is hard to imagine - and you signed onto the forums to see this. Would you stick around? The complete lack of interest in actually solving the problems that apparently existed here is appalling. Kicking out whatever secret cabal that was doing whatever nefarious things people could pin on them is one thing, but just sitting around while Taijitu dwindles below 350, below 325, below 300 nations is completely baffling to me. Is no one even trying?

For all the "fuck the revolution" going around, at least in summer of 2014 Taijitu knew you couldn't kick out the old without doing something new. Jesus. The phrase "man up" gets thrown around a lot, so let me say this - it's time for all of you to put your big girl panties on and realize you can't insult your way to fame and success.

Don't make me sign on again in 28 days to revive the founder again. Please spare me the disappointment.

First off, I do apologise for not logging into the founder. I do normally receive the email that notifies that a CTE is imminent, and have logged in many times in the past to prevent it from happening. I am not sure what happened this time as I honestly did not see such an email in this instance. Perhaps I accidentally deleted it what with being busy RL and such, I don't know.

As for the rest... well. Some of what you say is objective fact. Some of it is only part of the situation, and some of it is subjective. I don't have the mindset at the moment to sift through and counter/discuss it all. That's not meant to be dismissive, not at all. Merely stating the fact.

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Re: Founder Nation
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2015, 02:29:57 AM »
I was under the impression that tearing down the region's laws was due to a legislative impasse that we simply cannot knock down. The idea that it will solve or prevent personal disputes within the region is simply delusional. We all have our disagreements every now and then but that's no excuse. We should keep in mind that this community is composed of great people. Flawed. but great.

As far as the Ecclesia is concerned, I feel it's a good thing that we've done all we can for our laws. It means we can now focus on other facets of the region, culture, military, media, etc. We should be proud that we've reached this point. Taijitu doesn't have to die yet. We can still have some fun and I don't think we should give up yet. This isn't the end. The way I see it, it is an unprecedented beginning.

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Offline Delfos

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Re: Founder Nation
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2015, 01:26:00 PM »
The way I see it,
it is an unprecedented beginning.

Offline Khem

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Re: Founder Nation
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2015, 02:16:53 PM »
I was under the impression that tearing down the region's laws was due to a legislative impasse that we simply cannot knock down. The idea that it will solve or prevent personal disputes within the region is simply delusional. We all have our disagreements every now and then but that's no excuse. We should keep in mind that this community is composed of great people. Flawed. but great.

As far as the Ecclesia is concerned, I feel it's a good thing that we've done all we can for our laws. It means we can now focus on other facets of the region, culture, military, media, etc. We should be proud that we've reached this point. Taijitu doesn't have to die yet. We can still have some fun and I don't think we should give up yet. This isn't the end. The way I see it, it is an unprecedented beginning.
:clap: :clap: :clap:

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