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Author Topic: SillyRPChannel1  (Read 4788 times)

Offline Thyatira

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« on: July 08, 2007, 05:57:35 AM »
Perhaps this is already being done, but after some discussion with MomaKhab, she and I have decided that the main problem with forum-based roleplay is the lack of what I call "rapid banter"

The following is an excerpt from the #taijtu channel log:
[01:02] <Thyatira> the more I think about the RP thing, the more I realize what's wrong with Forum-based RP
[01:02] <MomaKhab> oh?
[01:02] <Thyatira> rapid banter is impossible
[01:02] <MomaKhab> exactly
[01:02] <MomaKhab> there's no back and forth
[01:02] <Thyatira> therefore, a Taijitu Silly RP channel!
[01:02] <MomaKhab> absolutely!
[01:03] <Thyatira> the logs of which could be posted to the forum
[01:03] <MomaKhab> very intriguing idea
[01:04] <MomaKhab> whenever a group wants to RP
[01:04] <Thyatira> tis tru
[01:04] <Thyatira> okay
[01:04] <Thyatira> and there's already a Silly RP child board
[01:04] <MomaKhab> yes there is, which would be a good place to stick the logs
[01:04] <Thyatira> indeed
[01:05] <Thyatira> open the log file, copy, and post to a thread in Silly RP
[01:14] <Thyatira> join me in an experiment?
[01:14] <MomaKhab> certainly
[01:14] <Thyatira> join #SillyRPChannel1

The following is excerpted from #SillyRPChannel1:
Session Start: Sun Jul 08 01:13:51 2007
Session Ident: #SillyRPChannel1
[01:13] * Now talking in #SillyRPChannel1
[01:14] * MomaKhab has joined #SillyRPChannel1
[01:14] <MomaKhab> woot!
[01:14] <Thyatira> yes
[01:14] <Thyatira> it works
[01:14] <MomaKhab> congratulations, Thy!
[01:14] <Thyatira> now, can we access a log?
[01:15] <MomaKhab> not in PJIRC as far as I can tell
[01:15] <Thyatira> Session Start: Sun Jul 08 01:13:51 2007
[01:15] <Thyatira> Session Ident: #SillyRPChannel1
[01:15] <Thyatira> [01:13] * Now talking in #SillyRPChannel1
[01:15] <Thyatira> [01:14] * MomaKhab has joined #SillyRPChannel1
[01:15] <Thyatira> [01:14] <MomaKhab> woot!
[01:15] <Thyatira> [01:14] <Thyatira> yes
[01:15] <Thyatira> [01:14] <Thyatira> it works
[01:15] <Thyatira> [01:14] <MomaKhab> congratulations, Thy!
[01:15] <Thyatira> [01:14] <Thyatira> now, can we access a log?
[01:15] <Thyatira> [01:15] <MomaKhab> not in PJIRC as far as I can tell
[01:15] <MomaKhab> are you on your own client?  Or in PJIRC?
[01:15] <Thyatira> mIRC
[01:15] <MomaKhab> ah alright
[01:15] <Thyatira> this rocks
[01:16] <MomaKhab> then as long as there's someone in it who ISN'T using PJIRC then we should be able to log.
[01:16] <Thyatira> yup

And finally again from #taijtu:
[01:30] <Thyatira> shall we announce this victory?
[01:31] <MomaKhab> I think we should!
[01:31] <MomaKhab> You must do the honors
[01:31] <Thyatira> very well
[01:31] <Thyatira> to the Silly Boards I go
[01:31] <Thyatira> brb
+++ The Holy and Gryphonnic Land of New Thyatira, +++
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Under the overwhelming pressure applied by the Cookie Comrade I have been compelled to add the following: " this is true.  We owe you our thanks, oh grandfather of everything that is Awesome."
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Offline PoD Gunner

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Re: SillyRPChannel1
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2007, 02:56:55 PM »
Co-Founder of Taijitu
Former Delegate of The Lexicon (by mistake), The Rejected Realms (par force) and Taijitu (elected)
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Offline Thyatira

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Re: SillyRPChannel1
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2007, 05:16:45 PM »
I bow for the applause.
Thank you for your appreciation and support in this suggestion. :D
+++ The Holy and Gryphonnic Land of New Thyatira, +++
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Under the overwhelming pressure applied by the Cookie Comrade I have been compelled to add the following: " this is true.  We owe you our thanks, oh grandfather of everything that is Awesome."
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Offline Talmann

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Re: SillyRPChannel1
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2007, 04:42:48 PM »
Yea! I also agree that this is a good idea.
Music is the key to the heart.

"Once art to me was something far off, unfathomable and unreachable... But I discovered that the real essence of art was not something high up and far off, it was right inside my ordinary daily self. If a musician wants to be a fine artist, he must first become a finer person. A work of art is the expression of a person's whole personality, sensibility, and ability." -Shinichi Suzuki

Offline Allama

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Re: SillyRPChannel1
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2007, 05:02:39 PM »
Fouth'd.  :)

Offline Thyatira

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Re: SillyRPChannel1
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2007, 03:31:07 PM »
[11:08] <Thyatira> members of the K.H.A.B. death squad raided the Ministry of Finance last night, only to find the building empty,
[11:08] <Thyatira> except for a large paper shredder, and some bent paperclips
[11:09] * Khab checks every nook and cranny and then tsks. Nothing but dust balls.
[11:10] <Thyatira> One member of the KHAB/DS was attacked by a vicious dustbunny lurker under a desk
[11:10] <Thyatira> although no mortal injuries were sustained, the DS member now has an odd tendency to sleep under his bed
[11:11] <Thyatira> Khablanese doctors do, however, expect that the DS member would make a full recovery...
[11:11] <Thyatira> ...if, in fact, he officially existed
[11:12] <Khab> ... which, of course, is vehemently denied
[11:13] <Thyatira> representatives of the Khablanese government refused to comment
[11:14] <Khab> A quote from Tommy Bong, Second of Khablan:  Like, no way, man... duuuude... did you see that purple squirrel run up that tree??
+++ The Holy and Gryphonnic Land of New Thyatira, +++
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Under the overwhelming pressure applied by the Cookie Comrade I have been compelled to add the following: " this is true.  We owe you our thanks, oh grandfather of everything that is Awesome."
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Offline Thyatira

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Re: SillyRPChannel1
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2007, 06:41:37 PM »
Update, Part 1 of ... well, many:

<Allama> Hello kiddos. Thought I'd give it a try, I did.

<Thyatira> we raided the MinoFin earlier

<Allama> Fuuun

<Thyatira> building empty. found evidence of alien feline invasion, tho

<Allama> I want to raid the MoF, as well, but if that's done with I'll wait for the next fun raid.

<Khab> pfft, why not raid it again?

<Thyatira> yes, clearly they hid all the good stuff

<Allama> Woo!

<Thyatira> we must launch another raid

<Allama> We'll have to look harder.

* Thyatira passes out Look-Harder-vision goggles

* Khab wearing trenchcoat and big floppy hat, slips into the MoF under cover of darkness. Khab waves the others in. The coast is clear.

* Allama sneaks up to the wall and climbs to the ceiling with suction cup boots.
<Allama> "Psst... you guys want some?" *pop-bloop-plop*

* Thyatira follows in wearing ninja outfit

* Khab whispers back, "suction cup boots?  do they have heels?  flats wouldn't go with my outfit."

<Thyatira> suction cups! I completely forgot suction cups. I brought a camera-hat

<Allama> "Yes, I have several styles you may be interested in."

* Khab tsks. Males. Just like when they got lost at the MoC because Thy wouldn't stop to ask for directions.

<Thyatira> I'll have those ones there -- the black ones

<Allama> Cameras, good idea.  I want a cowboy hat!

<Thyatira> we were not lost. I was... exploring

<Khab> of course, Thy, of course.
* Khab shares a significant look with Allama.

* Allama hands Thya the black sequined cowboy boots he wanted.

* Thyatira hands Al' a cowboy camera hat

<Thyatira> ooo, cool boots… sort of

* Khab takes the other ones. the ones with the heels, of course.

<Thyatira> OOC: Thy's camerahat is the Madhattery one, of course

+++ The Holy and Gryphonnic Land of New Thyatira, +++
+++ Founding Nation of The Order of Gryphons +++

Under the overwhelming pressure applied by the Cookie Comrade I have been compelled to add the following: " this is true.  We owe you our thanks, oh grandfather of everything that is Awesome."
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Offline Thyatira

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Re: SillyRPChannel1
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2007, 07:50:47 PM »
UPDATE, Part 2 of ... a lot...

<Khab> OOC:  that hat is like my trench coat pockets.  Mary Poppins would be proud.

<Thyatira> Alright, Al'. Recon from the last raid indicates we may be up against AFE's. Alien Feline Entities

<Allama> Uh-oh.

<Thyatira> yes, be prepared. they are distracted with fast moving shiny objects and tend to run if you bark like a dog

* Khab picks a hair from the curtain that looks suspiciously like cat fur.

<Allama> Will do, sarge.

<Thyatira> yup, AFE's. alright. we knew we were going to see this
* Thyatira passes out cat toys

* Allama readies kitty distraction device - catnip mice spring from her vest at the push of a button.

<Thyatira> the guys in MBF told me about the cat threat

* Khab arms herself with a feather on a string.

<Thyatira> MBF = Man's Best Friends

* Khab checks the cookie jar for evidence. And finds it sadly lacking in cookies.

<Thyatira> shall we split up? or stick together?

<Allama> We'll cover more ground if we split up, though the guys who say that in movies always die... I say we stick together.

<Thyatira> right. stick together

<Khab> definitely.  dying would be most inconvenient.

<Thyatira> there's just one thing that bugs me about all this. what would AFE's want with the Finance Ministry?

<Allama> Hmmm, good question.

<Khab> hmm.  excellent question

<Thyatira> unless...

<Allama> Do you think they were hired... as assassins?

<Thyatira> assassin?

* Allama plays scary music.

* Thyatira hides behind Khab

<Allama> Oops, forgot we were being stealthy.
* Allama turns it off.

<Thyatira> right. no music

* Khab looks around furtively. And makes herself small.

+++ The Holy and Gryphonnic Land of New Thyatira, +++
+++ Founding Nation of The Order of Gryphons +++

Under the overwhelming pressure applied by the Cookie Comrade I have been compelled to add the following: " this is true.  We owe you our thanks, oh grandfather of everything that is Awesome."
I thus accept the title Grandfather of Awesomeness.

Offline Thyatira

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Re: SillyRPChannel1
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2007, 10:22:28 PM »
UPDATE, Part 3 of several...

<Thyatira> I've got it! the first raid found nothing because the AFEs took all the shiny stuff! it's the only thing that makes sense

<Khab> you must be right

<Allama> by Jove, I think he's got it!

<Thyatira> I'm always right

<Allama> You're a man; that can't be right.

<Thyatira> hmm

* Khab checks the coffeepot. Seems SOMEbody has enough budget for one that works, as opposed to the poor little MoC workers, who do not.

* Allama smiles at Khab.

* Thyatira looks around corner

<Allama> All clear?

<Thyatira> no. fur all over the hallway

* Khab freezes.

<Khab> this could mean an ambush.

* Thyatira draws distraction device

<Thyatira> I'll go check it out. you stay here

* Allama huddles behind Khab.

<Thyatira> If I'm not back in 5 minutes, send in the dogs

* Khab grips Al's sleeve and nod-nods.
* Khab waits... and listens.

* Thyatira slips around corner and vanishes in the dark, fur-covered hall

<Khab> psst... Al... do you think he'll get lost again?

<Allama> There's no telling.

<Khab> you know males

<Allama> Well have to wait and see. If he isn't back in 3, I say we pull over and ask for directions.

* Thyatira returns

<Thyatira> there was a scuffle, a ... cat-fight

<Allama> Uh-oh, what happened?

<Thyatira> apparently a struggle for leadership within the AFEs. I found ... this ...

* Allama gasps
<Allama> *gasp*

+++ The Holy and Gryphonnic Land of New Thyatira, +++
+++ Founding Nation of The Order of Gryphons +++

Under the overwhelming pressure applied by the Cookie Comrade I have been compelled to add the following: " this is true.  We owe you our thanks, oh grandfather of everything that is Awesome."
I thus accept the title Grandfather of Awesomeness.

Offline Thyatira

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Re: SillyRPChannel1
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2007, 10:23:59 PM »
UPDATE, Part 4, I think...

* Thyatira pulls out an AFE officer's collar
* Thyatira hands collar to Al'

* Khab double-gasps!

<Thyatira> put that on, it may come in handy... okay. ready?

<Khab> ready

* Allama puts on the collar after applying a thick layer of disinfectant.

<Allama> Ready.

<Thyatira> Well I'm not. This is looking more and more like a job for the Dogs of War

* Khab hopes there isn't a bell on that collar.

<Thyatira> looks good on ya, Al'

<Khab> works nicely with your coloring.

<Thyatira> and the cowboy hat

<Khab> that, too

<Allama> Thankee, I do try to match my ensembles.

* Allama winks.

<Thyatira> I only found the one. but if we're stopped, you're in charge Al'

* Khab will just have to wing it, then.

<Allama> Aye, aye.

<Thyatira> do your best to impersonate and AFE

* Allama snaps to attention and salutes.

<Khab> and make like we're your prisoners.  or something.

<Thyatira> alright, the hall is clear down to the end, where it T's left and right. all the doors in this corridor are locked

<Allama> Will do. Let's go left.

<Thyatira> left is good

<Allama> Right is always wrong. *ba-dum-cha*

<Thyatira> wait, if we go left I can't be right

* Khab nod-nods.
<Khab> well if you go right you might be left. and then you'd be on your own.

<Thyatira> right. I mean Check

<Khab> exactly.

<Thyatira> roger

<Khab> where?

<Allama> Indeed. Left!

* Khab looks for Roger.

<Thyatira> Roger bought it on the last mission

+++ The Holy and Gryphonnic Land of New Thyatira, +++
+++ Founding Nation of The Order of Gryphons +++

Under the overwhelming pressure applied by the Cookie Comrade I have been compelled to add the following: " this is true.  We owe you our thanks, oh grandfather of everything that is Awesome."
I thus accept the title Grandfather of Awesomeness.

Offline Thyatira

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Re: SillyRPChannel1
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2007, 03:38:02 AM »
UPDATE, Part X of Y...

<Allama> Surely we'll find the way!

* Khab shrugs, since she can't find him anywhere.

* Allama mutters "stop calling me Shirley"

* Thyatira inches up the hall, hugging the left-side wall

* Khab follows, silently.

* Allama follows just behind, ready to pounce on any opposition.

* Khab gets sidetracked for a moment by a chandelier.

<Thyatira> chandelier? in a hallway?

* Allama grab's Khab's shoulder and pulls her from the mesmerizing sparklies.

<Thyatira> you sure you're not part cat?

* Khab oopses and gets back on track.
<Khab> me?  never!

<Thyatira> I'd ask if you’re a spy, but we're all spies

* Khab swears by all that is sneaky.

* Thyatira crouches at the corner and sets down robot camera mouse, which heads down the left corridor

* Khab pats her hair, just in case she's caught on camera.

* Allama adjusts her flak vest. Those things don't offer a girl much in the way of support, y'know.

<Thyatira> down the corridor, there's the sounds of an AFE furiously attacking the camera mouse

* Khab commiserates with Al.

<Allama> Let me go first; I'll pretend to be one of them.

<Khab> good thinking

<Thyatira> that flak vest is fine. you both look lovely

* Khab preens.

<Thyatira> lovely in a sneaky way, that is. Al', call out if you need help

<Khab> and I must say you look terribly dashing in your own.

* Thyatira looks at the robomouse control unit

<Thyatira> why thank you

* Khab gets into position behind Al and Thy.

* Thyatira adjusts Madhattery hat

<Thyatira> okay, shoot first ask questions later, Khab!

<Khab> got it!

<Thyatira> If those AFEs get out of here, they'll use the whole regional park as a litter box

* Khab shudders at the very thought.

+++ The Holy and Gryphonnic Land of New Thyatira, +++
+++ Founding Nation of The Order of Gryphons +++

Under the overwhelming pressure applied by the Cookie Comrade I have been compelled to add the following: " this is true.  We owe you our thanks, oh grandfather of everything that is Awesome."
I thus accept the title Grandfather of Awesomeness.

Offline Thyatira

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Re: SillyRPChannel1
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2007, 03:40:03 AM »
* Thyatira looks at video feed from robomouse
<Thyatira> ACK!

* Allama wanders down the hall, trying not to look suspicious.

<Thyatira> Khab, Al's heading into an ambush. there's ... 5 of em!

<Allama> "Hello, my fellow cat-type person.  Mind if I join you in what is sure to be an enjoyable endeavor at chasing that mouse, wot wot?"

<Thyatira> the cat-type person looks quizzically at Al'

* Khab glances at Thy, intrigued by this.

<Thyatira> "I am Kali-ko" quoth the cat

* Khab subtly places her hand on her yarn-ball shooter, just in case.

* Allama bats at the mouse with her hands and meows.
* Allama hopes this fools the AFE

<Thyatira> Kali-ko sniffs Al', then licks her

* Khab shrugs and makes like a cat, emulating Al.

* Thyatira wonders if we should call for back up

* Khab doesn't think that will be necessary, as she's checked, and Kalli-Ko is obviously a male.

<Thyatira> Kali-ko then catches sight of Al's officer's collar. Kali-ko salutes Al' then nudges the mousebot toward the "officer"

<Khab> Mrow... do I smell female around the corner?  (hoping Kali-Ko will chase off after it)

* Allama nods in respect and licks Kali-ko's face in return.

<Thyatira> Kali-ko's ears perk up at the mention of a female

* Allama plays with the camera mouse a bit more, then asks Kali-ko how his tasks are shaping up.

<Thyatira> All of the region's Tai have been loaded, ma'am! the starship is ready to depart
* Thyatira looks at Khab
<Thyatira> Are we too late?

<Allama> Excellent.  I must inspect them, so escort me to the ship.

<Thyatira> “yes ma'am!” Suddenly Kali-ko's fur bristles as the AFE catches sight of Khab and Thy

* Allama walks just barely behind Kali-ko so he doesn't realize she has no clue where it is.
<Allama> What's wrong?

* Khab mrows again to allay suspicion.

<Thyatira> them! who are they!?
* Thyatira tries to look like The Cat in the Hat
<Thyatira> "uh... meow..."

<Allama> They're new conscripts.  They just came down earlier.  Dreadfully shy, you see. They just won't stop staying behind like that. Come on, you two, look lively!

* Kali-ko shrugs. "This way then,"

* Khab snaps to attention!

* Thyatira follows Al's lead

* Allama nods.

* Kali-ko waves off the AFE ambush squad and guides the trio to the starship on the roof of the Ministry of Finance. "I shall stand guard, ma'am" says Kali-ko. the AFE gestures for the trio to go aboard

<Allama> Yes, that will suffice.  Thank you, soldier.

<Khab> Khab follows closely behind the others, trying to look all cat-like.

* Allama walks onto the ship.

* Thyatira follows Al'

* Khab closes the hatch and locks it securely.

<Thyatira> good thinking!

* Khab is always thinkin'.

+++ The Holy and Gryphonnic Land of New Thyatira, +++
+++ Founding Nation of The Order of Gryphons +++

Under the overwhelming pressure applied by the Cookie Comrade I have been compelled to add the following: " this is true.  We owe you our thanks, oh grandfather of everything that is Awesome."
I thus accept the title Grandfather of Awesomeness.

Offline Thyatira

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Re: SillyRPChannel1
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2007, 03:41:13 AM »
<Thyatira> but do you know how to fly this thing?

* Allama admires that.
<Allama> Um... no?

<Thyatira> Khab?

* Khab glances doubtfully at the controls.

<Allama> I was hoping one of you could.

<Khab> um.. me neither.

<Allama> Maybe there's a manual...

<Thyatira> Then I'll have to try

<Khab> well, one of these buttons has to do SOMEthing.

* Allama opens the glove box.
<Allama> Here we go!

* Thyatira sits in the pilot's chair

* Allama pulls out a manual.
<Allama> Oh crap, it's written in cat language.

<Thyatira> We are NOT stopping for directions

<Allama> Thya!

<Thyatira> don't you speak cat?

* Allama frowns.
<Allama> Oh wait, I do! I forgot.

<Thyatira> lol

* Allama reads the ignition instructions to Thy.

<Thyatira> right!

<Khab> whew!

<Thyatira> how hard could this be, really? WE'VE got opposable thumbs

* Khab thinks Thy does have a point.

* Thyatira fires up the engines

* Khab pushes a button to see what it does.

* Allama stumbles out of the way of the scratching post emerging from the floor.

<Thyatira> a mechanism nearby Khab shoots colorful Mylar streamers across the room

<Allama> Ooh, neat. That must be the "fun button"

<Thyatira> indeed

* Thyatira notes we need fun buttons back at base

* Khab makes a note of that.

* Allama is already drawing up the blueprints.

+++ The Holy and Gryphonnic Land of New Thyatira, +++
+++ Founding Nation of The Order of Gryphons +++

Under the overwhelming pressure applied by the Cookie Comrade I have been compelled to add the following: " this is true.  We owe you our thanks, oh grandfather of everything that is Awesome."
I thus accept the title Grandfather of Awesomeness.

Offline Thyatira

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Re: SillyRPChannel1
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2007, 03:42:26 AM »
* Thyatira flies the AFE ship away from the Ministry
<Thyatira> uh... where should we go?

<Allama> Canada! Fiji! Staten Island!

<Thyatira> those aren't in Taijitu!

<Khab> Switzerland!  They have chocolate, you know.

<Allama> Oh... Ummm... Mor'os! Whereamistan!

<Thyatira> right. Mor'os it is

<Allama> Wooo! They need one more spaceship to crash there, anyway. ^_-

<Thyatira> Mor'os is big. we should be able to hit that no problem. I mean "land"

<Khab> landing is ever so much better than hitting.

<Allama> Uh, alrighty.

* Allama grabs a seat and buckles up.

<Thyatira> Al' are there landing instructions in that book?

* Khab does too. And plays with some more buttons.

<Allama> Yes, but this is all they say:
* Allama translates.
<Allama> "Make the ship touch the ground.  Don't kill yourselves.:

<Thyatira> hmm

<Allama> *yourselves."

<Thyatira> not very helpful, is it?

<Allama> Not really, no.

<Thyatira> A big padded hand comes out of the back of Khab's chair and pets her head

<Khab> Hmm.  I suppose we could maybe cut the engines and coast in.

<Thyatira> Right, Cutting engines in 3... 2...

* Khab is so comfortable she could almost purr. Almost. Except she's not a cat, of course.

* Allama hold on tight.

* Khab grips her seat.

<Thyatira> Will the Mor'osians fire on us?

<Allama> They didn't last time. I mean, no. Probably not.

+++ The Holy and Gryphonnic Land of New Thyatira, +++
+++ Founding Nation of The Order of Gryphons +++

Under the overwhelming pressure applied by the Cookie Comrade I have been compelled to add the following: " this is true.  We owe you our thanks, oh grandfather of everything that is Awesome."
I thus accept the title Grandfather of Awesomeness.

Offline Thyatira

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Re: SillyRPChannel1
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2007, 03:43:35 AM »
<Thyatira> right... er... okay... Damn! I left my robomouse back there!

* Khab glances at both Al and Thy. Hmm.
<Khab> You didn't!  You did??

* The Big Padded Hand starts scratching Khab's back

<Thyatira> I did. the robomouse is in AFE hands... uh, paws...

<Allama> Damn, I think I need to get one of those. We should go back for it.

<Thyatira> well, if the ship survives, we'll reverse engineer fun buttons and scratchy hands

<Allama> Wait, I meant we *shouldn't* go back for it. That's it.

<Thyatira> right. besides, with the reward money we're sure to receive, we can build more robomice

* Khab sighs with contentment. The only thing that would make this more perfect would be some chocolate to go with the back-scratching.

<Thyatira> Okay. Making ship touch ground in 5... 4... 3... 2...

* Allama pulls a chocolate bar out of her pack and munches it. At least I'll die happy!

<Thyatira> 1...

* Khab squeezes her eyes shut!

<Thyatira> Tune in next time?

<Khab> lol sure why not

<Thyatira> Al'?

<Allama> lol. No! We must land now.
* Allama uses puppy eyes.

* Khab squeezes her eyes shut again!

<Allama> *Devastating puppy eyes!*
* Allama munches more chocolate

<Thyatira> The AFE ship hits the ground and then skids roughly to a stop on Mor'osian soil...

* Khab hopes we didn't take a wrong turn at Albuquerque.

<Thyatira> Alarms go off in the cockpit of the ship

* Allama peeks out the window.
<Allama> We're on fire!

<Thyatira> fun buttons randomly trigger

<Allama> Everybody, out!

<Thyatira> fire!? not good

+++ The Holy and Gryphonnic Land of New Thyatira, +++
+++ Founding Nation of The Order of Gryphons +++

Under the overwhelming pressure applied by the Cookie Comrade I have been compelled to add the following: " this is true.  We owe you our thanks, oh grandfather of everything that is Awesome."
I thus accept the title Grandfather of Awesomeness.