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Author Topic: Mercantilist Smokes & Brews  (Read 4827 times)

Re: Mercantilist Smokes & Brews
« Reply #15 on: April 24, 2007, 12:01:26 PM »
Mercantilist Brewing Co. merges with Staropaamen Brewery
MBC acquires controlling interest in Takasian brewer

DECARTES (Decartes Business Journal) - Henry Adams, President of the Mercantilist Brewing Co., with Jan Smichov, CEO and founder of Staropaamen Brewery, announced that the Mercantilst Brewing Co. would be merging with the Paahaa-based brewer in a press conference today.

"This merger will allow us to bring Staropaamen brand products the far reaches of Taijitu," Smichov said. "It is beneficial to all involved."

When asked about the company policy of alcohols only brewed in the Mercantilist States, Adams responded that all Staropaamen brand products would continue to be brewed in Takasia and that it does not violate the company policy. All Mercantilism branded alcohols will continue to be brewed in the Mercantilist States.

"I can ensure any concerned that all Mercantilism brews will continue to be brewed right here at home," Adams said.

The merger comes after weeks of secret negotiations between Adams and Smichov. The Mercantilist Brewing Co. had established a number of distribution hubs in Takasia and acquired farmland in Alland Major.

Under the terms of the agreement, the Mercantilist Brewing Co. acquires 52% of Staroppamen from the Smichov family and Royal Takasian Funds, the primary holders of Staropaamen. In exchange, the Smichov family and Royal Takasian Funds each acquired a 12% stake in the Company. Additionally, Smichov will take a seat on the Company's Board of Directors and the Company becomes the exclusive distributor of Staropaamen branded products.

The merger is not without its critics however.

"No to Staropaamen! No to Mercantilist Beer!" drunken crowds chanted outside local taverns in the Takasian provinces of Smalland and Upland.

Staropaamen is the largest alcohol producer in Takasia.

Mercantilist Smokes & Brews storefront has been updated.
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

Wiki|News|Department of Commerce|NationStates Page|Factbook

Statement of Interests
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2007, 12:28:16 AM »
Mercantilist Brewing Co.
Statement of Interests
April 25, 2007

Mercantilist Smokes & Brews
Corporate Headquarters, Decartes, Decartes
Staropaamen Holdings, Paahaa, Takasia

Decartes, Decartes
Jazzville, Jazzo
Newsouth, Newsouth
New Decartes, Tenokee
Budvar, Bruno
Plzn, Prahaa

Daniels, Newsouth

Brewery Isles, Jazzo
Tobacco Isles, Jazzo
Kansas, Newsouth
Wikipedia, Wikitree
Adams Isles, Tenokee
West Ginties, Mercantilist Dominion
Nu Sai, Chinese Loyalist State
North Jazzville, Ginto Territories (Disputed)
East Davis Province, CAP
Theans, Aragan
North Pass, Tenokee
Alland Major, Takasia
Sierra Leone, Wikitree

Distribution Hubs
Decartes, Decartes
Jazzville, Jazzo
West Jazzville, Jazzo
Newsouth, Newsouth
Wikipedia, Wikitree
Nashborough, CAP
Kē'ur, Mor'os
New Kalvskar, Kalvskar
New Decartes, Tenokee
Bergenhafen, Talstadt
New Haven, Bustos
Himmelstadt,  Talstadt
Segelnburg, Talstadt
Ginto, Mercantilist Dominion
Iskandryah, Parsanali (Tobacco Only)
North Pass, Tenokee
Nu Sai, Chinese Loyalist State
Carcosa, PUR
Templeton, Newsouth
Aranqua, Aragon
St. Takasburg, Takasia
Alland Major, Takasia
Goatland, Takasia

Board of Directors
Henry Adams, Sr.
Cameron Dunn
Jay Polk
Bill Jackson
Jim Gardener
Samuel Bullock
Jan Smichov, Jr.

Foreign Investors
Edward Lee, CAP
Wulfgang Metallschmied, Talstadt
Royal Takasia Funds, Takasia
Smichov Family, Takasia
« Last Edit: April 25, 2007, 12:30:47 AM by Mercantilist States »
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

Wiki|News|Department of Commerce|NationStates Page|Factbook

Re: Mercantilist Smokes & Brews
« Reply #17 on: May 04, 2007, 07:06:59 AM »
Mercantilist Brewing Co. merges with Black Death
MBC enters the cigarette industry

DECARTES (Decartes Business Journal) - Henry Adams, President of the Mercantilist Brewing Co., with Richard Black, CEO of Black Death, World Class Cigarettes announced that the Mercantilst Brewing Co. would be merging with the Carcossa-based company in a press conference today.

"Black Death cigarettes are already one of the most popular brands in Taijitu," Adams said. "It is with great pleasure, that we welcome them into our fold."

Black, with a rifle around his shoulder and smoking a black cigarette, made no comments.

The merger comes after the pair returned from a trade conference in Llanydern where the principles of the arrangement were negotiated.

The Mercantilist Brewing Co. acquires 75% ownership of Black Death, while Black Death acquires a 10% stake in MBC. One of the first moves Adams made was change the name of the cigarettes from Black Death to World Class citing the latter's broader appeal; but added "they will continue to have the same great taste that has come to set Black Death apart." 

Black will take a seat on the Company's Board of Directors and the Company becomes the exclusive distributor of Black Death cigarettes, tobacco, and opium. Black Death will continue to market its various paraphernalia products separately.

Mercantilist Smokes & Brews storefront has been updated.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2007, 08:18:02 AM by Mercantilist States »
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

Wiki|News|Department of Commerce|NationStates Page|Factbook

Statement of Interests
« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2007, 07:23:06 AM »
Mercantilist Brewing Co.
Statement of Interests
May 6, 2007

Mercantilist Smokes & Brews
Corporate Headquarters, Decartes, Decartes
Staropaamen Holdings, Paahaa, Takasia
Black Death, World Class Cigarettes, Carcossa, PUR

Decartes, Decartes
Jazzville, Jazzo
Newsouth, Newsouth
New Decartes, Tenokee
Budvar, Bruno
Plzn, Prahaa

Daniels, Newsouth

Brewery Isles, Jazzo
Tobacco Isles, Jazzo
Kansas, Newsouth
Wikipedia, Wikitree
Adams Isles, Tenokee
West Ginties, Mercantilist Dominion
Nu Sai, Chinese Loyalist State
North Jazzville, Ginto Territories (Disputed)
East Davis Province, CAP
Theans, Aragan
North Pass, Tenokee
Alland Major, Takasia
Sierra Leone, Wikitree
East Jazzville, Mercantilist Dominion
Bismahl, Tagirstan
Gledhill, PUR
Estrog, PUR
Silverlake, PUR

Distribution Hubs
Decartes, Decartes
Jazzville, Jazzo
West Jazzville, Jazzo
Newsouth, Newsouth
Wikipedia, Wikitree
Nashborough, CAP
Kē'ur, Mor'os
New Kalvskar, Kalvskar
New Decartes, Tenokee
Bergenhafen, Talstadt
New Haven, Bustos
Himmelstadt,  Talstadt
Segelnburg, Talstadt
Ginto, Mercantilist Dominion
Iskandryah, Parsanali (Tobacco Only)
North Pass, Tenokee
Nu Sai, Chinese Loyalist State
Carcossa, PUR
Templeton, Newsouth
Aranqua, Aragon
St. Takasburg, Takasia
Alland Major, Takasia
Goatland, Takasia
East Jazzville, Mercantilist Dominion
Bandana, Saletsia (Alcohol Only)
Quarrovth, Myroria
Tagshknet, Tagirstan
Merchant City, Arveoli

Board of Directors
Henry Adams, Sr.
Cameron Dunn
Jay Polk
Bill Jackson
Jim Gardener
Samuel Bullock
Jan Smichov, Jr.
Richard Black

Foreign Investors
Edward Lee, CAP (1%)
Wulfgang Metallschmied, Talstadt (1%)
Royal Takasia Funds, Takasia (12%)
Smichov Family, Takasia (12%)
Black Death, (10%)
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

Wiki|News|Department of Commerce|NationStates Page|Factbook