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Author Topic: Military Goods  (Read 1304 times)

Offline whereamistan

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  • Posts: 164
  • Islamic Republic of Whereamistan
Military Goods
« on: January 28, 2007, 11:21:15 AM »
Welcome to the Military Goods Shop

Our designers are hard at work building some of the finest weaponry on the market. However this takes time, please be patient.

1. Do Your Own Math - budget is checked through NSTracker
2. We Reserve The Right To Refuse Service
3. 10% off for nations under 100mil
4. 25% off for Allies.

Now Available

Small Arms Division

AK47 - 375$
AK74 - 390$
AK105 - 400$
RPG7 - 1800$
RPG29 - 5800$
Dragunov - 3800$
RPK - 800$
PKM - 820$

40mm - 800$
80mm - 900$
81mm - 950$
88mm - 1050$
106mm - 1150$

105mm Towed Artillery - 20000$
155mm Towed Artillery - 25000$
155mm Self Propelled - 27500$
203mm Self Propelled - 30000$
240mm Self propelled - 37000$

[Surface to Air]
Emplaced SAMs

SA-2 Guideline MtH1 emplaced SAM - 150,000$
SA-3 Goa Pechora-M M2 emplaced SAM - 190,000$
SA-5 Gammon MtHB1+ emplaced SAM - 300,000$
M1 120mm Flak Cannons “Stratosphere Guns” - 90,000$
Krunitov Missile Launchers w/ Ground-Launched AMRAAM’s - 500,000$
KS12 Anti-Aircraft/Anti-Missile Systems - 1,100,000$

AA SAM Vehicles

SA-13 Gopher - 900,000$
S-300 - 920,000$
9K38 Buk-M1-2 - 940,000$
Tunguska-M1  - 1,000,000$
S-400 SA-20 Triumf - 1,000,000$
TC-M1 AAA - 1.2million$
ZPU1 Mobile AAA - 1.3million$
Vodnik Anti-Aircraft Missle System - 1.1million$
SA-4 Ganef MtH1 Mobile SAM - 2.2million$
SA-6 Gainful LtM Mobile SAM - 3.1million$
S60 Mobile SAM Launcher - 1.3million$

T-90S - 4.5mil
PT-91 - 4.6mil
M-84AB - 4.2mil
Chiorny Oriol (Black Eagle) - 4.1mil
M-95 Degman - 3.6mil
T-84 Oplot - 3.8mil
M1 Phalanx Main Battle Tank - 3.9mil
MBT-17 - 4.1mil
MBT-5ME - 4.2mil
T-80AT - 4.3mil


C4 / LBS. - 200$
Dynamite / Bundle[6 sticks] - 120$
Modified 155mm Shell - 90$
Modified 80mm Mortar - 75$

Added Bonus

Ball Bearings / LBS. - 20$
Shaped Charge - 350$
EFP - 2000$


Pre Paid Cell Phone - 115$
Keyless Entry - 20$
Handheld Radio - 40$
Command Wire - 15$
Infrared Sensor - 500$
Oven Timer - 5$
« Last Edit: April 16, 2007, 03:02:00 PM by whereamistan »

Offline whereamistan

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  • Posts: 164
  • Islamic Republic of Whereamistan
Re: Jihad Workshop -Now Open-
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2007, 11:52:20 AM »
New Items


Composition B - 500$
Semtax - 800$


Car Bomb - 3500$
Dirty Bomb - 1.8million$
Suicide Vest - 2000$
Pre Fabricated IED - 1400$

Training Guides

IED Builders Guide
Sniper Handbook
Insurgents Handbook
Aircraft Pilots Guide

Training Camps
Jihadist Training Camp - 500,000$
« Last Edit: February 01, 2007, 07:36:02 PM by whereamistan »

Offline whereamistan

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  • Posts: 164
  • Islamic Republic of Whereamistan
Re: Jihad Workshop -Now Open-
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2007, 07:37:35 PM »
[Bump: updates.]