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Author Topic: Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing  (Read 23367 times)

Offline Bustos

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Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
« on: January 08, 2007, 02:30:10 AM »
Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing

Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing Headquarters, in Twenty One, Bustos-21

Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing has released its offical sales list.  We are always updating our list and information so please check frequently for all your military needs.

We sell to anyone with the money.  Are you a group of rebels in need of AKs and RPGs?  We can bring it to you!  Conflict diamonds?  No problem!  Or are you on the other side if the spectrum, the legitimate government in need of additional equipment to combat those pesty dissidents?  Well your larger budget will be able to buy the best for your troops and squash them.  You can even trade resources for weapons, after all who uses cash these days?!

Do your own math.
Prices are in the dollar currency (be aware of your currency exchange rate).
Don't overbuy. I follow this NS calculator for all nations defense budgets NSTracker.
All CAM Custom Designs are patented or owned by the Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing and may or may not be for sale.
Try to be in character. (Start your order off with something like [Insert Nation Here] would like to order...)
1 NS Year = 1 RL Day (thus 1 NS Month = 2 RL Hours)
Failure to comply to the rules will result in no sale at the least or blacklisted at the worst.

Discounts do not add up.  Largest discount is applied when applicable.
Allied International Bank account holders get 15% off.
Allies get 15% off.
Trading partners get 10% off.
Nations with under 200 million people get 5% off.
Orders over $1,000,000,000,000 get 5% off.

Domestic Production Rights
1) Only Domestic Production Rights are sold.
--Domestic Production Rights (DPRs) are used to create the said product for one's own nation.
--Any sale or distribution of said products will result in removal of all Domestic Production Rights and an immediate ban from CAM.
2) Standard Domestic Production Right costs are as follows:
--DPR of naval is 1000x the price
--DPR of aircraft is 2000x the price
--DPR of land vehicle is 5000x the price
--DPR of small arms is 1,000,000x the price
3) Discounts do not apply to the cost of a DPR
4) The following DPRs are not for sale:
OS-120 Titan
HE-101 TpC Mark I

No One

Sales Generated:  NS$1,290,015,102,058.52 (Does not inlcude yearly sales to the Allied States, its colonies, or to private individuals)
Profits Generated:  Classified

Our prices are slightly higher than our competitors because we provide a better quality product made with the finest, often patented, materials.  We have been in the Arms business since the first Allied State.

Individual Arms:

Glock 26, 9mm - $265
Glock 17, 9mm - $280
Desert Eagle - $700
M9 Beretta - $263
Colt M1911 Clone, .45 - $385
Steyr M1-A - $200
FN Five-Seven - $246
Taurus PT 92 - $330
IMI SP-21 Barak Pistol - $445
Smith & Wesson, Military and Police - $290
H&K Mk.23 US SOCOM Pistol - $500
Interdynamic KG-9 & Intratec TEC DC-9 Assault Pistol - $850

Assault Rifles:
XM8 (CAM Custom Design) - $1200 (The rifle for any combat situation)
M-16 Series - $515 (M16-A2 is $580)
M4A1 Carbine - $1000
AK-47 - $375
AK-74 - $390
AK-105 - $400
AK-108 - $420
AR-10/90 - $500
FAMAS - $500
FN FNC Assault Rifle - $450
Steyr AUG A1 Carbine - $700
Heckler & Koch HK G36 Assault Rifle - $630
M203 Grenade Launcher - $600

Sniper Rifles:
Genesis - $1850
British L96A1 - $4300
USMC M40A3 - $2045
Mauser 86SR - $2700
Dragunov SVD - $3800
SIG-Sauer SSG 3000 - $2300
Dakota T-76 Longbow - $3300
Barrett M-82A1 (XM107) - $4500
Tactical Operations - Tango 51 - $3395
Heckler & Koch PSG-1 Sniper Rifle - $6750
Accuracy International Super Magnum (L115A1) - $3350
U.S. Army & U.S. Navy M25 & XM25 Sniper Weapon System - $1975

Submachine Guns:
Heckler & Koch MP-5 - $575
Uzi 9mm - $550 ($490 for Micro & Mini)
Steyr TMP - $515
FN P90 - $630
Ingram Mac-10 - $405
Colt Model 635 - $800
B & T MP 9 Submachine Gun - $560

Machine Guns:
M60 7.62mm Machine Gun - $6,000
M240 Medium Machine Gun - $6,600
M249 SAW - $4,100
Fabrique Nationale BRG-15 - $5870

Benelli M3 Super 90 - $870
Benelli M4 Super 90 - $1450
Benelli Nova - $980
Franchi SPAS-15 - $900
Jackhammer - $1300
Mossberg Model 500 - $400
USAS-12 Gaugee - $600
Remington 870 - $540
XM-26 LSS - $1000

RPG-7 - $960
M136 AT4 - $1460
Javelin Antitank Missile - $160K
M-72 LAW - $1400
XM25 grenade launcher - $15K
Shoulder-Launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon - $13K
M3 Multi-Role Anti-Armor Anti-Personnel Weapon System - $15K
FIM-92 Stinger - $38K

Explosives  (Grenades will be added soon)

C4 - $200
Claymore - $200
M2 SLAM Demolition Charge - $300

Personal Protection

Interceptor Body Armor - $350
Advanced Combat Helmet - $80


CT-2- $600
MC1-1B- $600
MC1-1C- $600
SF-10A- $600

Tracked Vehicles

OS-120 Titan (CAM Custom Design) - Exclusive to Allied States
M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank - $4.3 Million
Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank - $5.1 Million
Leopard 2 Battle Tank - $3.7 Million
T-90 Tank - $2.1 Million

Indirect Fire:
M107 175mm Self-Propelled Gun - $1.4 Million
M108 105mm Self-Propelled Howitzer - $1.4 Million
M109A6 Paladin Self Propelled Howitizer - $2 Million
M110A2 Self-Propelled Howitzer - $1.7 Million
PzH 2000 Panzerhowitzer - $5 Million

Armed Vehicles:
M3A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle - $3.15 Million
M270 MLRS Self-Propelled Loader/Launcher - $2.3 Million
M6 Bradley Linebacker - $2.4 Million
AN/VLQ-7 Stingray - $1.7 Million
BMP-2 Fighting Vehicle - $1.4 Million
M113A3 Armored Personnel Carrier - $850K
MT-LB Multipurpose Armoured Vehicle - $900K

M157A2 Smoke Generator Set - $675K
M981 Fire Support Team Vehicle - $1.5 Million
M4 Command and Control Vehicle - $800K
M104 Wolverine - $900K
FV 430 - $1.2 Million

Wheeled Vehicles:

Avenger (Pedestal Mounted Stinger) - $2.4 Million
M998 HMMWV Humvee - $450K (All variations)
Light Armored Vehicle (aka Stryker) - $1.3 Million (All variations)
Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV) - $250K (All variations)
Engesa EE-9 Cascave - $1.8 Million
Patriot Missile Unit - $50 Million


AH-64 Apache - $14 Million
Mi-24 HIND - $13 Million
MH-47 Chinook - $11 Million
MH-53J Pave Low III - $12 Million
RAH-66 Comanche - $32 Million
UH-60 Blackhawk - $14 Million
V-22 Osprey - $38 Million
AH-1Z Super Cobra - $10.2 Million


F-16 Falcon - $26 million
F-18 Hornet - $37 million
F-22 Raptor - $95 Million
A-10 Thunderbolt II - $10 million
F-35 JSF - $60 million
C-5A/B Galaxy - $161 Million
KC-10A Extender - $85 Million
E-2C Hawkeye - $50 Million
E-3 Sentry (AWACS) - $265 Million
E-6 MERCURY (TACAMO) - $141 Million
E-8 JSTARS - $225 Million


RQ-4A Global Hawk - $42 Million
RQ-1 Predator - $25 Million
Dragonfly Canard-Rotor-Wing - $40 Million

HE-101 TpC Mark I(CAM-Evermorian Custom Design) - $15.8 Million

Naval Forces:

Aircraft Carrier:
CVN-68 Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier - $4.5 Billion

CG-47 Ticonderoga Class Cruiser - $1.7 Billion

DDG-51 Arleigh Burke Class Guided Missile Destroyer - $800 Million
DD-21 Zumwalt Class Destroyer - $1.3 Billion

FFG-7 Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigate - $950 Million

T-ATG 166 Powhatan - $350 Million
T-AKE Lewis and Clark (ADC) - $750 Million


Ohio-class SSBN Trident - $1.2 billion
Ohio-class SSGN Tactical Trident - $1.2 billion


Tomahawk - $500k each, any class.
DPRs are $50 billion dollars per class.
Harpoon - $450k
DPRs are $45 billion dollars per class.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2014, 06:43:22 PM by Bustos »
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Offline Xyrael

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Re: Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2007, 09:12:23 AM »
The Divine Empire would wish to purchase the following:
Mi-24 Hind DPR: $26,000,000,000
AH-64 Apache DPR: $28,000,000,000
SPAS-15 DPR: $900,000,000
F-22 Raptor DPR: $190,000,000,000
FN BRG-15 DPR: $5,870,000,000

Total: $250,770,000,000
I have become, again and again.

Offline Bustos

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Re: Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2007, 09:29:46 AM »
To: The Divine Empire
From: Carol Black
CEO of Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
Subject:  DPRs

Your account is in order.  An escorted courier will meet with your representatives.  Upon confirmation of the money transferred into our accounts specified by the courier, he or she will then hand over the DPRs.

Thank you for your business and have a good day.
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

Brought to you by Bustos

Offline Bustos

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Re: Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2007, 02:40:46 PM »
Updated:  Expanded naval forces list.
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Offline Acle

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Re: Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2007, 09:15:51 AM »
Acle new militray would like to order

12500 Javelin Antitank Missile
18500 M-72 LAW
1500 Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank
1000 M3A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle
280 AH-64 Apache
150 MH-47 Chinook
150 F-16 Falcon
200 F-22 Raptor
100 A-10 Thunderbolt II
150 F-35 JSF
80 F-18 Hornet
50 E-3 Sentry (AWACS)
3 CVN-68 Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier
7 CG-47 Ticonderoga Class Cruiser

Total cost = $92,905,900,000

Offline Bustos

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Re: Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2007, 11:25:52 AM »
To: Acle
From: Carol Black
CEO of Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
Subject:  Your new military

Your account is in order and confirmed.  $92,905,900,000 is correct.  We will start accepting payments as we begin construction and delivery of your order.  It will take approximately twelve years to complete and have upon your shores.

Thank you for your business and have a good day.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2007, 11:27:49 AM by Bustos »
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Offline whereamistan

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Re: Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2007, 08:00:49 PM »
Salam, My names is Lt General Jaysham, Commandant of the newly formed Whereamistan National Police. As such, I have been alloted a certain amount of money for law and order to build up my force I would like to order the following:

Glock 17 280 x 100,000 = 28,000,000
Ak47 375 x 100,000 = 37,500,000
Interceptor Body Armor 350 x 100,000 = 35,000,000
Ballistic Helmet 80 x 100,000 = 8,000,000
5% under populated =

Total: 1.03 billion transferred from swiss acct # 1106**** *** **** to be immediately sent.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2007, 08:08:21 PM by whereamistan »

Offline Bustos

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Re: Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2007, 01:15:45 AM »
To: Lt General Jaysham, Commandant of the Whereamistan National Police
From: Carol Black
CEO of Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
Subject:  Your new police

Your account is in order and confirmed.  $1.03 billion is correct.  We will start accepting payments as we begin construction and delivery of your order.  It will take approximately five years to complete and have upon your shores.

Thank you for your business and have a good day.
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

Brought to you by Bustos

Offline whereamistan

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Re: Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2007, 07:28:27 AM »
Salam, My name is Maj. Muqtada Al Sudani I represent General Sadyia. Our military force is close to non existent since we have disbanded the many warlords in our area and enforced national unity. We want only a small defense force, but have little money. I request 43 Patriot missile units for the price of:

43 patriots @ 50 million x 43 = 2.15 billion
- 5% fledgling country discount

total: 2.04 billion  transferred from swiss acct # 1106**** *** **** to be immediately sent.

Shukran Habibi

Offline Bustos

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Re: Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2007, 07:49:01 AM »
To:  Maj. Muqtada Al Sudani
From: Carol Black
CEO of Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
Subject:  Patriot missiles

Your account is in order and confirmed.  $2.04 billion is correct.  We will start accepting payments as we begin construction and delivery of your order.  It will take approximately two years to complete and have upon your shores.

Thank you for your business and have a good day.
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

Brought to you by Bustos

Offline whereamistan

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Re: Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2007, 09:33:42 AM »
Salam, It is Lt Gneral Jaysham again. I expect all is well with the production of my previous order. I am glad to have an arms dealer within my own region to keep the money inside our boundaries. I have a new request for this year:

Glock 17 280 x 100,000 = 28,000,000
Ak47 375 x 100,000 = 37,500,000
Interceptor Body Armor 350 x 100,000 = 35,000,000
Ballistic Helmet 80 x 100,000 = 8,000,000
Dragunov 3800 x 1,000 = 3,800,000
BRG-15  5870 x 10,000 = 58,700,000
RPG7  960 X 100,000 = 96,000,000
M3a3 Bradley 1.3m x 90 = 1,170,000,000
Stryker 1.3m x 90 = 1,170,000,000
M1117 HMMWV  450,000 x 10,000 = 4,500,000

- 5% discount

Total: 2,480,925,000 billion transferred from swiss acct # 1106**** *** **** to be immediately sent.

Offline arabstates

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Re: Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2007, 02:39:02 PM »
Hello my name is Finance Minister Jalal. My country would like to outfit the following
Law And Order:

100,000 Glock26 x 265 = 26.5million
100,000 AK47 x 375 = 37.5million
110,000 Interceptor Vests x 350 = 35million
110,000 Advanced Combat Helmets x 80 = 8million
10,000 Colt 1911 x 385 = 38.5million
7,000 AK-105 x 400 = 40million
1,000 Dragunov x 3800 = 380million
1,000 RPG7 x 960 = 96million
1,000 BRG-15 x 5870 = 587million
300 Bradley Fighting Vehicle x 3.15million = 945million
500 Stryker x 1.3million = 650million

2.7 billion wired through our Cayman Island Acct #001247**** *** ****01

ALSO I am looking for a manufacturer who can build the  XM1117 Armored Security Vehicle...can you do this?

Offline Bustos

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Re: Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2007, 02:40:02 PM »
To:  Lt General Jaysham, Commandant of the Whereamistan National Police
From:  Carol Black
CEO of Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
Subject:  Your new order

Salam, your account is in order and re-confirmed.  $2,480,925,000 is correct.  We will start accepting payments as we begin construction and delivery of your order.  It will take approximately six years to complete and have upon your shores.  I am glad your previous order was completed to your satisfaction.

Thank you for your repeat business and have a good day.
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

Brought to you by Bustos

Offline Bustos

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Re: Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2007, 02:49:52 PM »
To:  Finance Minister Jalal
From:  Carol Black
CEO of Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
Subject:  Law and Order

Your account is in order and confirmed.  $2.7 billion is correct.  We will start accepting payments as we begin construction and delivery of your order.  It will take approximately six years to complete and have upon your shores.

We currently sell the LAV-150 Commando, under the Light Armored Vehicle (aka Stryker) category.  The information provided will list a LAV-150 M706 as one of the versions of the Styker, which is the same as the XM1117 Armored Security Vehicle you requested

Thank you for your business and have a good day.
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

Brought to you by Bustos

Offline arabstates

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Re: Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2007, 03:01:05 PM »
Greetings, I would like to then order 500 Commandos at 1.3million a piece for Arabstates

total price: 650million do not worry about the discount this time around. Money to be delivered upon request.