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Author Topic: The Arrival of the Latagonians  (Read 5745 times)

Offline Validus

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Re: The Arrival of the Latagonians
« Reply #30 on: May 11, 2007, 12:45:06 AM »
The Captain looked at the alien captain. "Well Captain I am not in any way a diplomat. I am a warrior Marine at heart. But i have negotiated before, and from what I hear negotiation and diplomacy are similar. So an alliance is what you want, lets see if we can make this happen." The captain looked down, kind of uncomfortably he then looked back up at the aliens, "What do you have in mind Captain?"


Offline Latagon

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Re: The Arrival of the Latagonians
« Reply #31 on: May 11, 2007, 01:39:45 AM »
"A Non-Aggression Pact, maybe a mutual defense pact?  What do you think?"

Offline Validus

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Re: The Arrival of the Latagonians
« Reply #32 on: May 11, 2007, 02:07:55 AM »
"Well I am not authorized to work threw these things, as you could understand. I am just an envoy, to make first contact. To say 'hello', you understand? We could have a propper government sanctioned diplomat here in a matter of hours. But just give me your proposals so I can better brief him. What kind of mutual defence pact are you thinking of? Fleet integration? Military personel exchanges? Lets here what you would like."


Offline Latagon

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Re: The Arrival of the Latagonians
« Reply #33 on: May 11, 2007, 02:18:10 AM »
"Mutual defense.  As in if either of our empires calls for aid, and the other's receives the call, then they will come to the other's defense.  Do you understand what I'm saying?  I'm no orator."

Offline Validus

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Re: The Arrival of the Latagonians
« Reply #34 on: May 11, 2007, 03:00:08 AM »
"Yes, but a call like that is not for me to make, as I stated earlier. From our scans of the system you do not have a powerful navy. In fact their are more ships of this class of destroyer then all your decent sized ships in this system. So it looks like we will be offering more assistance to you then you would to us. I am fairly sure that the government of the Dominion would offer to you to become a Protectorate of the Dominion. If you would like that of course."


Offline Latagon

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Re: The Arrival of the Latagonians
« Reply #35 on: May 11, 2007, 01:39:49 PM »
"We'll avoid that.  Of course your scans probably didn't take into account our titan.  We stole it from the Caldarians around 30 years ago.  That would be the large, Oblong, moon like thing out there.  You also probably missed the captured Maraudersoft fleet.  Maraudersoft ships may be small, but they're just as powerful as most of our battleships.  We can defend ourselves."

Offline Latagon

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Re: The Arrival of the Latagonians
« Reply #36 on: May 11, 2007, 01:45:41 PM »
"Actually there were four titan classes built.  One for each of four civilizations.  The one out there is of the Caldarians, and is the last surviving Titan known to Latagon.  Here's a list of the others.  They're the big ones."

"If you see any other Titans, then be wary.  They are highly dangerous, and their crews are scared.  They may not hesitate to fire.  We only captured that one because we disabled it from the inside out, using our Legionaries."  She nods to the two in the room.

Offline Validus

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Re: The Arrival of the Latagonians
« Reply #37 on: May 11, 2007, 03:29:22 PM »
The Captain looked over the specs, "Decent size, a tad bit bigger then the Arch Angel. However they are no threat to the dominion, in fact most large vessels aren't. We have a classified weapon which can disable any vessel known."


Offline Latagon

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Re: The Arrival of the Latagonians
« Reply #38 on: May 11, 2007, 03:54:49 PM »
OOC:  Sorry about the size.


Well the Titans have a weapon that can do about that...It's a large Omni directional weapon, capable of destroying an entire fleet with one shot.  Unfortunately our Titan was captured without that, so we made a few changes.  Instead of a large weapon, we put in five Super MACs, that dwarf even the largest of our station borne MACs.  Unfortunately losing the Titan means that we don't have a titan anymore.  We never had, nor will we have, stations large enough to build them.

Offline Validus

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Re: The Arrival of the Latagonians
« Reply #39 on: May 12, 2007, 03:26:39 AM »
"Hmm, well the fleet in which the Hinder is apart has nearly 450 independent ships in it. and their are 8 fleets in the dominion stellar navy. We have the resources to defend large sectors of space."


Offline Latagon

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Re: The Arrival of the Latagonians
« Reply #40 on: May 12, 2007, 05:27:28 AM »
"Ah to the days of glory, when we had thousands of ships ready to defend any planet at a moment's notice.  Latagon Prime was defended by over 2,000 ships and 400 stations, before it was over come..."

Offline Validus

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Re: The Arrival of the Latagonians
« Reply #41 on: May 12, 2007, 02:40:21 PM »
"Well, from our sensor readings of your ships, your more powerful ones this single destroyer can take on. You appear to be many years behind us in Technology. But with help from the Dominion we can help you advance that quickly, if your people wish it."


Offline Latagon

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Re: The Arrival of the Latagonians
« Reply #42 on: May 12, 2007, 07:29:53 PM »
"Sensor readings can be deceiving my friend.  Our Battleships are on patrol right now, but they could hold their own against a destroyer such as yours.  This cruiser is well equipped to take on your destroyer as well.  We have a battle hardened crew, and have seen many, many battles.

Offline Validus

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Re: The Arrival of the Latagonians
« Reply #43 on: May 13, 2007, 05:41:16 PM »
"Yes, but your technology still seems to be lacking. When compared to ours, this is not a flaw, it just means that the Dominion is just older then your government, before your fall."


Offline Latagon

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Re: The Arrival of the Latagonians
« Reply #44 on: May 15, 2007, 01:11:23 AM »
"Well sir, I have to say your offer is tempting, but we are already adapting Maraudersoft technology to our ships.  The Maraudersoft are the most most technologically advanced ship builders ever, other than...them..."