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Author Topic: Orion Syndicate  (Read 1882 times)

Offline Geradin

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  • Posts: 86
  • The Geradin Empire's military insignia and soldier
Orion Syndicate
« on: September 24, 2007, 03:19:21 AM »
-Incoming Transmission, commanding ship Thunderhammer, to commander droid CCE 273-
1.Destroy Orion Syndiacte Base/Camp in the Area
-Authorizationing usage of AAT, Sphat or any vehicle in your possesion
2.Elminate all their flight capable vehicles/ship
-Authorizationing usage of fighters and bombers
3.If needed to, eliminate all fight capable vehicels, if not secure them
-Authorizationing usage of AAT, or any vehicles in your possesion
4.Secure few high ranking officers and members for interrogation
5.Secure all weapons and impound and remaining vehicles
-If reinforcements are needed, call down the reinforcement from the "Bruncenture"
-Orbital Bombardment is avaiable, but try not to use it
-100 fighters and 20 bombers are available in this mission, use it well
-End Transmission, channel terminated, re-establishing channel, re-established-

"Roger, Roger. All vehicles, open fire." acknowleged a commander droid, Than all vehicles started to fire toward the Orion Base Camp.

-Incoming transmission, commander droid CCE 273, all droids in the area-
+All Battle Droids advance toward Orion Camp.
+AATs cover the advancing droids with support of Hellfire droids
+All bombers, initiates strafing run with fighters now, do not let any enemy flight capable object escape
+Rest, all activiate and ready for deployment
-End Transmission-

(well, there goes my first try at Futuristic Rping. anyway, please post the sequel to this people, yyou are welcomed to do so, since i enjoy interacting with many people, introduce your race here too, and etc. just post.. anyways, i am trying to less complicaten the transmission, so be understanding, that next time it might be simplified and different)
The Peace is War, therefore we fight

The Freedom is Slavery, therefore we work

The Strength is Ignorance, therefore we follow
-These quotes got nothing to do with Geradin Empire's policy! Please note that

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The Proud Nation of Geradin Empire