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Author Topic: One way in. One way out.  (Read 677 times)

Offline Bustos

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One way in. One way out.
« on: February 28, 2007, 11:29:21 PM »

A spacestation completed transit from one end of the wormhole to other.  After mutltipe incursions into this unexplored space, several spacefaring civiliations were discovered and the Bustian Empire made their offical presence in this region of space.

Offically called Wormhole Station, it was a military/trading station for the Bustian Empire.  As a military base to defend the wormhole from undesirables, along with the standing fleet, and as a trading post for the mulititude of civilizations they were expecting to encounter.

OOC:  I am patterning the Bustian Empire after the Dominion of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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