Citizen-legislators of the Ecclesia,
Today the Taijitu Citizens’ Militia, in conjunction with the Grey Wardens (an organization dedicated to offensive operations against invader and imperialist organizations) invaded the region of
Madrigal. This invasion, in the opinion of the leadership of the Militia as well as the authors of “On Regional Sovereignty”, is in line with Sovereigntist policy - namely, that regions that violate other regions’ sovereignty are liable to invasion themselves.
Madrigal is a region founded by, and for, invaders. It has conducted numerous operations designed to violate the sovereignty of innocent regions. The Militia has previously proactively opposed its founder’s other invader group, the Association of Imperialism. Its founder, however, died four days ago. When the Grey Wardens, including our own Citizen Cormac, asked the Taijitu Militia for assistance in giving this region a taste of its own medicine, Corporal Eluvatar and Lancepesade Pauline Bonaparte were happy to oblige, with Citizen-Sergeant Funkadelia’s permission.
In order to make this operation meaningful, though, we must hold onto this region long enough to show that we mean business. The Militia, therefore, asks the Ecclesia to authorize an occupation of Madrigal lasting at least one week but no longer than a month.
We move for a vote immediately, but of course will take questions at this time.