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Author Topic: I no longer recognize this constitution.  (Read 6132 times)

Offline St Oz

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I no longer recognize this constitution.
« on: December 26, 2015, 04:25:55 AM »
For the past few weeks my power granted to me by the Ecclesia to be head of foreign affairs has been undermined by admins and those with access to the founder account. As such, that is a direct breach by the admins into the politics of Taijitu, abusing their powers to gain the upper hand in the decisions of the Ecclesia.

I hereby no longer recognize this government, as it is a means of giving false power to the citizens of taijitu and maintaining the power of the few select citizens. Obviously there is no longer egalitarianism, only those in the favor of the few.

Two votes for constitution reform? The admins were never supposed to get involved either. So I think we should just come up with a verbal agreement amongst active posters rather than relying on votes that are probably skewed by admin favor anyway.

I have no faith in this revolution nor this sham of Democratic will anymore.

Offline Of The US

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Re: I no longer recognize this constitution.
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2015, 04:53:25 AM »
I second this
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Offline Prydania

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Re: I no longer recognize this constitution.
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2015, 05:03:19 AM »
I agree with the Delegate. We're currently at a state where people who have publicly disowned the region have maintained admin status and access to the founder. That, more then anything else, illustrates the contempt elements of this "citizens' democracy" have for the actual will of the majority.

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: I no longer recognize this constitution.
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2015, 05:04:46 AM »
I also agree with the above sentiments.

Offline AwesomeSaucer

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Re: I no longer recognize this constitution.
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2015, 06:46:21 AM »
We don't need to make a new constitution.  We need new members, and for them to make the new constitution.  Let's expand from NationStates.

Former Citizen-Liaison of Taijitu,

Evan C.

Offline Gulliver

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Re: I no longer recognize this constitution.
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2015, 07:18:15 AM »
I know you're justifying this with the conspiracy theory that there's been some anti-democratic cabal stuffing the ballot box with foreign agents, but so far no one has presented any hard evidence of that actually happening because it never happened. You have, however, just presented us with very concrete evidence that you are willing to disregard the Constitution and laws when elements of the democratic process work against your faction and are willing to invent whatever imagined demons you need to justify your actions.

If you don't want embassies with 10K Islands, TNP or Lazarus, just call another vote on it. You would just need a majority to change the law. And if the results of the Ecclesia Improvement Act vote tell us anything, you have that majority, just not the super-majority to eliminate the Ecclesia. And requiring a super-majority to disband a legislature and strip people of their voting rights is an entirely reasonable and common nod to minority rights and stability.

That majority could also be used to repeal, implement and modify all sorts of executive offices and laws on foreign policy, military policy, domestic policy etc. Yet instead of exercising that majority to make substantial changes, you seem intent on continuing a crusade against a non-existent conspiracy, even if includes committing crimes on par with what you're accusing others of to begin with.

Offline St Oz

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Re: I no longer recognize this constitution.
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2015, 07:51:23 AM »
I know you're justifying this with the conspiracy theory that there's been some anti-democratic cabal stuffing the ballot box with foreign agents, but so far no one has presented any hard evidence of that actually happening because it never happened. You have, however, just presented us with very concrete evidence that you are willing to disregard the Constitution and laws when elements of the democratic process work against your faction and are willing to invent whatever imagined demons you need to justify your actions.

If you don't want embassies with 10K Islands, TNP or Lazarus, just call another vote on it. You would just need a majority to change the law. And if the results of the Ecclesia Improvement Act vote tell us anything, you have that majority, just not the super-majority to eliminate the Ecclesia. And requiring a super-majority to disband a legislature and strip people of their voting rights is an entirely reasonable and common nod to minority rights and stability.

That majority could also be used to repeal, implement and modify all sorts of executive offices and laws on foreign policy, military policy, domestic policy etc. Yet instead of exercising that majority to make substantial changes, you seem intent on continuing a crusade against a non-existent conspiracy, even if includes committing crimes on par with what you're accusing others of to begin with.

I was exercising my right as delegate of inaction in engaging with these embassies but someone both created the embassies and accepted them in my stead. Now the citizens elected me to this job and if they don't like it then they can impeach me.

Whoever accepted these embassy requests overstepped their power, because I have sole power to execute the forign policy laws of the ecclesia, nobody else.

The proof is on the NS site when the founder accepted an embassy with 10k. So get off your high horse dismissive attitude thinking we are all crzy, someone with access to the founder overstepped their power and should come forward and either apologize or I'm going to continue to ignore the constitution.

If nobody comes forward in a week, I will declare martial law. Why can I do this? Because certain people seem to think they can assume the duty not granted to them on a whim. So, I will take the place of the ecclesia and hold supreme executive power until an appropriate and fair constitution is made.

2. Powers and Responsibilities
The Citizen-Delegate will serve as head of state and conduct foreign policy.

As far as I'm concerned I'm the only one who has this power to conduct foreign policy, there is no provision that citizens may act on their own when the delegate decides inaction.


Dyr already overstepped his authority and perhaps we should open up procedures to have him ostracized.

Of course we all know certain citizens are above the law around here.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2015, 08:04:30 AM by St Oz »

Offline Wast

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Re: I no longer recognize this constitution.
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2015, 08:16:01 AM »
On this particular issue, if I recall correctly, it's just a misunderstanding. I think that you were away during that time [the four days from the passing of the law on Nov. 16 to the creation of the embassy on Nov. 20], so we [at least Dyr and I] figured the embassy should just be created. It certainly wasn't a deliberate attempt to usurp your authority as delegate. Might have been an error on my part in not recalling the legal rules when that course of action was suggested.

Also, I don't recall seeing any statement about inaction until much later (was there one that I missed?).

Note: I edited this post a bunch of times while the response below was being written.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2015, 08:27:25 AM by Wast »

Offline St Oz

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Re: I no longer recognize this constitution.
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2015, 08:21:00 AM »
I was aware of it, I was just ignoring it.

Offline Gulliver

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Re: I no longer recognize this constitution.
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2015, 09:11:43 AM »
I agree that the regional founder should not be used for approving in-game embassies like this. We have a long standing tradition of keeping the founder out of regional politics. Nevertheless, the misdeed of one person is not grounds for collectively punishing the region by flaunting the laws and Constitution or declaring martial law.

Moreover, as the law stands you should be approving embassies with 10K Islands since that is how the last vote went. It's entirely possible opinions have changed since then, and I would be happy to have another vote. But until then the law should be respected as it stands in line with previous constitutional precedent.

You cannot also claim legitimacy by virtue of the law giving you power of foreign policy adopted under the Constitution while simultaneously ignoring the Constitution. I see no good from this escalating any further. You can end this now by accepting the law as it stands now and asking the Ecclesia to repeal our embassies with 10K Islands. Again, in all likelihood you command the majority necessary to make this happen.

Offline St Oz

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Re: I no longer recognize this constitution.
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2015, 04:12:06 PM »
Who made you judicator?

Did you do this? Are you that much of a coward that you can't admit that you broke the law? Are you that Mich of a coward that you bent the bill of rights to punish me after a new policy?

It's not your call, it's mine. We have political leverage to make me do it, but no one took any of those actions.

Actually as the law stands, I conduct foreign policy. By that I assume I don't need to follow the ecclesia laws. When certain citizens left and whined, when you bent the law of taijitu of taijitu. I decided a new foreign policy, one of complete disdain, one of mockery, and now I will think about conducting one of fire.

Those responsible will apologize or I will ruin months of foreign policy work.

Offline Myroria

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Re: I no longer recognize this constitution.
« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2015, 05:50:12 PM »
I was the one who interfered, not Gulliver. I was also the one who changed the founder password. Last night, I looked at Taijitu's region page and saw that seconds before an embassy had been proposed with The Black Riders. Having seen many regions given to them by a rogue founder, I had no choice but to assume a coup was imminent, despite their relative powerlessness.

Of course, it is now clear a coup of a different kind has been attempted. Oz, I know you're frustrated but this is not the way to achieve reform. It was wrong of me to reverse your decision about 10KI without consulting you. For that I apologize. I acted rashly. However, closing embassies with our allies (TNP and Laz) without an Ecclesia vote is an unlawful withdrawal from those treaties. I believe strongly that I did the right thing in reversing your decision with those two embassies.

We must hold a transparent discussion amongst the Founder Committee about these issues which are close to causing an irreparable schism. This discussion must be visible to all citizens. I cannot in good faith hand back the founder when the rule of law in Taijitu is under threat.

I have participated in the escalation of this conflict and for that I apologize. There must be a civil, respectful conversation if we are to save this community.

"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline St Oz

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Re: I no longer recognize this constitution.
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2015, 06:13:06 PM »
I was the one who interfered, not Gulliver. I was also the one who changed the founder password. Last night, I looked at Taijitu's region page and saw that seconds before an embassy had been proposed with The Black Riders. Having seen many regions given to them by a rogue founder, I had no choice but to assume a coup was imminent, despite their relative powerlessness.

Of course, it is now clear a coup of a different kind has been attempted. Oz, I know you're frustrated but this is not the way to achieve reform. It was wrong of me to reverse your decision about 10KI without consulting you. For that I apologize. I acted rashly. However, closing embassies with our allies (TNP and Laz) without an Ecclesia vote is an unlawful withdrawal from those treaties. I believe strongly that I did the right thing in reversing your decision with those two embassies.

We must hold a transparent discussion amongst the Founder Committee about these issues which are close to causing an irreparable schism. This discussion must be visible to all citizens. I cannot in good faith hand back the founder when the rule of law in Taijitu is under threat.

I have participated in the escalation of this conflict and for that I apologize. There must be a civil, respectful conversation if we are to save this community.
Thanks Myroria for coming forward, I have no I'll will against you I just wanted to get to the bottom of it. A few days ago I canceled the embassy destructions twice from what was me and someone else with the founder account. I don't wish to escalate this into a full blown civil war, it would only kill our region.

Thank you for reviving the founder nation as well.

Offline Prydania

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Re: I no longer recognize this constitution.
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2015, 07:17:29 PM »
We must hold a transparent discussion amongst the Founder Committee about these issues which are close to causing an irreparable schism. This discussion must be visible to all citizens. I cannot in good faith hand back the founder when the rule of law in Taijitu is under threat.
I would argue we need to have a discussion amongst the citizenry as to who is on the Founder Committee.
I understand why you took the actions you took Myro, and I wouldn't have much of an issue with them if you were still part of this region. You made a show about leaving though. And yet you continued to have Founder access. Now you're the only one with it. You continue to have forum Admin authority.
Say what you will about me. When I left it was because life got busy or some other recreational activity just ate up my free time. I never made a show about leaving Taijitu. And I returned. Each and every time I game back to NS. Taijitu always remained my NS home.
You though? You moved Myroria out of Taijitu. You claimed you were leaving. So Myro. I'm asking you this. No judgements. I'll understand one way or the other. For the sake of the region though? Are you a part of Taijitu or are you not? I want you here. I know plenty of others who want you here. If you choose to be part of this community? Fantastic. I've already flagged you as an AOP in #taijitu_cabana for RP discussion.
If not? I understand. I'll be disheartened, but I'll understand. It's just that if you're not going to be part of this region? You shouldn't have forum Admin privileges. Nor should you have access to the Founder. That's not a slight against you. It's a fair and honest evaluation regarding your future as a citizen of this region.

an irreparable schism
I've reached out to you. To Elu. To Gulliver. To Funk. To Dyr. All in private at various points to try and smooth over what's happened here. I've tried to be civil. Dyr and yourself are the only two who I have reached out to who haven't made me regret it. And for that? You have my thanks.
I feel hurt though. I suspect the feeling exists among most parties on all sides of this. I don't even know what to do anymore. It's just going to collapse under a pile of "well you did A!"/"well you did X!" accusations. Gulliver has told me he feels frustrated about a number of things. I feel the same way.
My civility thread crashed and burned. That really hurts. Did I expect everyone I addressed would accept it? No, but I didn't expect one of those people to jump in and essentially tell me I'm a moron for trying. You can believe me or not when I say that it came from the very best of intentions, and from the bottom of my heart. It's the truth though.

If you want to help heal this? You need to reach out. To the other side of this schism. Not just to your friends. I feel like I've been doing the reaching, and I've been bitten more times than not. You know how to get a hold of all of us on IRC and on the forums. If that won't work? My Skype ID is [PM to ask]. Ask around. I'm sure others will be happy to give you theirs.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 08:38:24 PM by Prydania »

Offline Myroria

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Re: I no longer recognize this constitution.
« Reply #14 on: December 26, 2015, 07:37:50 PM »
I have acted rashly more times than I would care to admit. Like anyone with an emotional attachment to a place, I had trouble leaving despite bad experiences that I wanted to leave behind me. I would like very much to return tp Taijitu but I'm afraid there will be no community to return to if there are no rules to be followed, or if our personal differences consume us.

It was not easy locking the founder down, and I have admittedly been dwelling on it. I think anyone would agree that there must be a civil conversation where we can speak frankly but respectfully to each other if this region is to survive. But we need real progress before I can feel sure enough of the rule of law in Taijitu to turn over the password.

I have not banned anyone, nor have I removed the delegate's powers. We left The Lexicon because too few people held too much power.  Today there are similar concerns and I dearly want to address them. I don't think anyone has plans to bend this region to their will for kicks, but emotions are high.

EDIT: I am on my phone but I will be around in a few hours.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2015, 07:39:48 PM by Myroria »
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."