And at the end of it all, the result is that the "RPer" side of this argument has gotten exactly what it wants in the form of #taijitu_cabana while the "GPer" side has seen two of its members driven out of the region. This is an absurdly inequitable outcome which I believe is in many ways far more damaging to the region than the the original grievances ever were. How are we supposed to find any sort of meaningful resolution to this division when half of one side is now missing?
I'm "crossing this over" in the spirit of friendly debate. I had addressed this post earlier, yet I've been told that Gulliver was unhappy I ignored what he saw as the central argument.
Gulliver, I'm unsure what ways you would expect either "side" to go about fixing the problem. Myro is back in the Ecclesia. I don't know if that constitutes his "return" though. Funk posted in this debate, but said he'd be staying away at the end of his post.
Ultimately? The choice to return or stay away is theirs. And theirs alone. Regardless of what happens. Do I feel guilty over them leaving? No. I do not. From what I can tell? Myro left in response to Delfos trolling him. And I stepped up and condemned Delfos for that in the very thread. The attack was also aimed at Funk, for whatever that is worth. I am upset that they left, and upset and disappointed that what I thought was a rational discussing raising valid arguments turned into a means to attack people.
Do I feel guilty though? Well Gulliver, I was raised Jewish. I have a Jewish aunt and grandmother. It'll take more then what you've dished out to make me feel guilty over anything. The part of my brain that deals with guilt is just emotional scar tissue by this point
That last part was a joke, for the sake of clarification

That aside? Yes, I am upset that something I thought could be a reasonable discussion turned out the way it did. I don't know if this will convince Funk and Myro to come back, but I'm being totally honest and sincere here.
Myro. I've known you since the Lex. Your RP skills are second to none. I never wanted you gone. That would be like a hockey coach trying to drive Wayne Gretzky off the team. Not only that, but I have grown to like you as a person in the nearly nine years I've known you. I've enjoyed RPing with you. I've enjoyed just chatting with you. I'm sorry that I've felt some agitation on your end, and I've hoped to fix that. I don't WANT an issue to exist between us, I certainly don't want you gone from Taijitu. Both as a GPer and RPer.
Funk, if you're reading this. I got to know you a year ago or so. I've never had issues with you until SD and I returned recently and you responded to him by being insulting. There's been a lot of talk about "friends" here. SD is my best friend. I started this game in the Lex in high school. I'm now teaching high school. Through all of that. Friends from high school have come and gone. Friends from uni have come and gone. New friends from work have arisen. SD's been my friend through it all though.
I didn't appreciate the way you tried to insult him when all he did was give his two cents on the region. That upset me. And bothered me. As I said, I got to know you a year ago, and we seemed to get along. So the fact that upon my return I saw you insulting my closest friend? That was upsetting on a few levels.
I never wanted to drive you away though. Or give people an "opening" to attack you. If anything? I wanted to get to the root of why you were so hostile because I know you're a good guy.
Drastic times call for drastic measures. Sometimes you need to shock the establishment into acting via extreme action.
I hardly see how times are "drastic". We have 373 nations and are ranked 27th in the world.
I don't mean drastic in the sense that the region is in dire straights numbers-wise. I meant drastic in the sense that it seemed as if reform on the surface would be rejected by those who seemed to have an interest in the status quo. Will the piece of legislation pass? I don't know. If it doesn't though? Well more on that below...
The current system is imperfect, but it has accomplished enough that I would have hoped it bore building upon rather than discarding. Indeed, initially that's what it sounded like you wanted to do, and we seemed to be off to a good start (e.g. your brainstorming in the Centre Party, the recruitment gains, a prospect of new life in the Militia). All in all this seems like throwing things out without any replacement plan just for the sake of stirring things up, and past experience has shown that's not an effective solution.
Um, Gulliver? I'm not stirring this up. I didn't even propose the legislation being discussed here. Neither did SD. It came from someone who has joined the Centre Party, yes. What is a political party though? Aside from a collection of like-minded people?
The Centre Party will remain committed to reform even if this proposal fails to pass. If it fails? At the very least I hope it has shown the establishment that there are problems people have with the status quo.
It seems as if you and I tend to think the original Tai Senate had a good system in place Gulliver. That's a good starting point as any to build on future compromises. Be they take place in the form of a constitutional convention or a debate to reform existing structures of government.