[Sorry for posting so late on this thread! This is the time of year when I have most to do at work, and I have hardly any free time at all...]
So, we have ourselves a Coup d'Etat...
To propose an abolishmant of the entire constitution without a replacement will create a power vacuum. Power vacuums are usually filled with a Napoleon (at best) or a man of steel. Lindisfarne will NOT TOLERATE any tyrrany. Obviously we will vote NO on this issue.
I am not adverse to a constitutional change, but such a change must come as a proposal for a new constitution. This could be done by simply post such a proposal on our forum, or create a constitutional congress, in which we all can pitch in. Either way, Lindisfarne will be happy to consider any improvement.
I am myself writing a constitution for Lindisfarne. I have been doing so for over two years, and I doubt that I will be finished within another two - three years, otherwise I would propose a constitution myself. One reason I sined up for Taijitu, is to learn about the political process. I have done so, and I think Taijitu has been a good place to do so. I like you guys, and hope that the present chrises can be resolved peacefully.
I am sad to see so much personal conflict between some of you guys. In a parliamentary system, different opinions will arise. We can have different opinions without being personal enemies! This is, after all, what this game is for. As for the idea of an oligarchy running Taijitu; I have not seen it.
Gulliver's point about the Militia is well taken. We need to maintain all our inter-regional commitments until there is a new system in place.
I feel I should also point out that Lindisfarne is not a member of the WA and probably never will be.

Long Live the Glorious Revoloution!

The Lindisfarnian Defence Forces have been mobilized and the High Seas Fleets left port early this morning. The Air Force have began long range patrols and our borders have been closed except at the major crossings.