1) I don't know where you're coming from with the "divisive and hostile atmosphere." We have, I believe three instances that could really be called divisiveness (here and here and here). And then this most recent epic disaster.
Most of the time this has been a pretty laid back place over the last nine months or so since I've been here.
*Nods* I get you. I wasn't trying to imply that its been a constant and perpetually ongoing thing. At least this most recent outbreak though seems like... well, there's more to it than what's on the surface. I could be wrong though. Either way, a little more civility never killed anyone. Except for that one time. When it did.
2) I am very interested in helping the region in any way that I can. My most recent ideas/efforts can be found in the links below. I would very much like to know which everyone thinks are viable, and which ones I shouldn't waste my time on - or rather, more than I already have.
Writing Contest: http://forum.taijitu.org/college-of-the-creative-arts/boisaire-ar-2-(november-2015)/
Greater War: http://forum.taijitu.org/pre-modern/protectors-of-the-common-people-(1940-)/
Forum Makeover: http://forum.taijitu.org/general-discussion/forum-makeover/
Micro RPs: http://forum.taijitu.org/planning-room/idea-micro-rps/
Daily Polls: http://forum.taijitu.org/taijitu-polls/
These are all ideas that I think are beneficial. The Greater War idea (or something similar) is something that I've kicked around in my head for a few years now.
And yes, a forum Makeover would be a good thing, to make it more intuitive and better organised so that newbies aren't "OHHH MAIIII GAWWWWD WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS SHIT"
Micro RP's... that's an interesting idea and something I'd never really thought about. I've done a couple of sessions over chat before and then me and whomever would make a "joint post" of the content. But this is something that could be quite interesting.
I could be wrong, but I think the daily polls are something we used to actually have. I think Wast used to do them? Not sure. But either way, I approve.
The writing contest is quite interesting as well. I admit I blinked a bit when I seen the prize section. *laughs*
They're all good ideas worthy of effort! Just don't push yourself too hard or burn yourself out.
3) I want to move forward as well, but there is one thing that is going to bother me if I don't ask. Prydania, Sovereign Dixie, OfTheUs, Funkadelia and to some extent Dyr Nasad and Eluvatar have rarely posted for quite some time:
What was the catalyst that got you all to come back, all at the same time, with all the same enthusiasm to work on helping the region?
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad for sure! And I love some of the new ideas and am ready to assist. But, wow, everyone jumping back in at the same time? I'm just wondering what brought it on.
Well, I can't speak for OT, Funk, Dyr, or Elu. Only myself and to a degree Prydania 'cause him and I are best buds. Oz and OT had asked me about 3 or 4 months ago if I could come back, but I had to decline due to time constraints. I tried to make sure my nation stayed alive though, and also kept the founder from going CTE a few times and would poke my head onto the forums now and then to see what was going on.
Prydania and I had been talking amongst ourselves over the last couple of weeks of ressurecting our old RP that we'd been working on. Similar in idea to your Greater War thread, it was meant to be something that anyone could jump into as the threat within the story arc would potentially be a global menace. We figured if nothing else, fuck it, we could have some fun with it even if no one else was available.
So then it came to pass that OT and Ozzy called me up on skype and Oz told me he had become Delegate. Since I'd planned on coming back soon any way I decided to offer my services and then asked Prydania if he would like to come back as well. And while yes I am enthusiastic about trying to help, my time is still rather limited. So my involvement will be more frequent (at least every two or three days) but possibly shorter in duration. As in, a couple of hours every two or three days. I'll just have to see where it goes.
At the very least I want to be a voice of Alternative Opinion in the Ecclesia, and get my RP groove on.