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Author Topic: National Statistics  (Read 1986 times)

Offline Zimmerwald

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National Statistics
« on: March 11, 2007, 03:20:16 AM »
Now, I used to like reading NatStats pages.  Pages like Bustos', Myroria's, mine, and a few others' are not only informative; they serve a necessary RP function.  What a NatStats page is supposed to do is to provide an easy reference guide to the nation, and how it behaves: resources, existing treaties, various policies, internal politics, history, all should have some mention in a NatStates page.

However, I have begun to notice a rather annoying, if not disturbing, trend.  Some NatStats pages are either copies of a given nation's NS, or include only military statistics.  Rather than commenting on the rather martial trend RP has taken (I'll leave that to someone people might actually listen to...or KR :-P), I'm just going to say that that's not the only purpose NatStat pages serve.

Now, instead of mandating a rule that says "everyone has to include x, y, and z," which would be rather hard to enforce, and would eat up many people's time, I'm going to propose that we offer some incentive to create a comprehensive NatStats page.

What that incentive will be, I do not know.  Neither do I know how "comprehension" will be judged.  I leave that to more practical minds.  Like yours.  Propose.  Discuss.

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Offline Xyrael

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Re: National Statistics
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2007, 04:05:50 AM »
Might I suggest that all elements of cultural significance be labeled? In depth reports about your laws are not necessary (although if you're creating your own Utopia we'd like to see how you'd do it) but instead things of significance.... #1 Government, how it's run, Executive, Legislative, Judicial, anything else, democracy, Corporatism, despotism etc. etc. #2 Economy, free market and closed market are entirely different, and even then there are varying types of free markets. #3 Military, we don't need all the gory details such as whether or not your guys were tilted berets or stilleto heels, but a basic outline #4 History, this is important, people need to know where you come from, so if your people have lived under a dictatorship for 4,000 years some guy cant invade you saying your people "want democracy" since they've never known the concept.
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Offline Bustos

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Re: National Statistics
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2007, 11:30:31 AM »
Some nations have asked to used my layout and I dont mind.  Its flattering to see the newer RPers model after me.   8)

As for encouraging others to go indepth as others well, thats another matter I think should be left up to the RPer.  I really only look at other NatStats for two reasons, to see their military stats and their trading partners (if any).  I only went indepth with my nation so I would not have to constantly repeat myself and for the fun of it.
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Re: National Statistics
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2007, 03:13:37 AM »
Political/Resource Maps are helpful.
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

Wiki|News|Department of Commerce|NationStates Page|Factbook

Offline Xyrael

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Re: National Statistics
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2007, 04:05:49 AM »
hah yea I'm making one... 4,000 pixels wide um 2,600 or so pixels tall... i'm rather entertained making it, although I may need to use a different site to host it  :o
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