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Author Topic: Dropping the RP council  (Read 9048 times)

Offline Xyrael

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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #45 on: March 27, 2007, 11:35:57 PM »
Uneven numbers of mods are absolutely necessary to prevent an RP from being bogged down in a tie. Should the vote later be revealed to have an err, it can be corrected. Logically, RP Mods should not make themselves involved in every RP, only in RP's where their services are requested. Resting the power in one hand is absolute, and few are objective enough to handle that. Resting it in two or four, you can easily have a deadlocked jury, and the problem is never solved. A problem solved with err is better than a problem left unsolved, at least RP can continue on its norm.

The note about terrorism was not aimed at the precedent set by the US invasion of Afghanistan, but instead countless insurrections such as Chechnya and Palestine, where politics and human rights groups prevent you from committing atrocities irl where on the forum reciprocations are unlikely. Genocides come and go on the forum, at least there is opposition by the int'l community in real life.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2007, 11:45:10 PM by Xyrael »
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Offline Talmann

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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #46 on: March 27, 2007, 11:39:50 PM »
@ Ranholn:
Unlike Prag, who has the Senate to run, among other things.

I think Prag has enough on his mind....
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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #47 on: March 28, 2007, 12:13:45 AM »
You people are talking about bias when I voted pro-imperialism and anti-imperialism evenly. I didn't care if it was imperialism in general but that they had a good story behind it. In my own opinion it seems that most of you have voted for or against it because of IC reasons rather than OOC reasons. Such things like RP chaos are solved by moderators not by a group of people to vote on it. If anyone of the lexicon remember... How did the PLTO fall and how did the La Sava Pact Succeed? The Ozians controled LSP directly not by voting. PLTO was primarily voting and they couldn't get motions passed in time until they found themselves being bogged down by all the issues.

Offline Gulliver

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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #48 on: March 28, 2007, 12:20:28 AM »
Well, that and all of our members were a bunch of damn pacifists save Pragmia and Eluvatar  :P

And as to imperialism, my only concern is people who get too carried away with it, do it for the sake of trying to win RP or some such madness. RP is not meant to be won.

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #49 on: March 28, 2007, 12:26:27 AM »
Well, that and all of our members were a bunch of damn pacifists save Pragmia and Eluvatar  :P

And as to imperialism, my only concern is people who get too carried away with it, do it for the sake of trying to win RP or some such madness. RP is not meant to be won.
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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #50 on: March 28, 2007, 12:36:24 AM »
So three mods it is or we need a vote?  Does anyone oppose three mods?
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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #51 on: March 28, 2007, 03:51:01 AM »
I vote for three mods.

Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #52 on: March 28, 2007, 07:29:22 AM »
I agree with 3 as well.

For a middle mod, I'd propose Oz or myself. I actually chose my spot on the map for this reason, the island chain allows me to play a conservative foreign policy and focus on economics like Britain did with Europe for much of its history. I feel Oz generally does the same thing too (but I never played in the Lexicon either so my history is limited, which is another case I make for myself  ;)).
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Offline Gulliver

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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #53 on: March 28, 2007, 01:45:55 PM »
I have no nice way of putting this, so I won't try to.

Choosing Moderators based on OOC political beliefs is stupid, moronic, asinine, idiotic, short sighted, foolish, dumb, ignorant, silly, ill thought out and just plain a bad idea. Moderators aren't supposed to be debating politics and the feasibility of economics and their effects. Moderators are supposed to simply be objective and capable of making an unbiased decision, not going on about why democracy sucks or why communism is such a terrible and doomed idea and so forth. This is RP, and the way  I've always viewed it is that with such matters we give the benefit of the doubt.

Moderation needs to be as deliberative and depoliticized as possible. Why in Hell's name would you go out of your way to make is political?

Offline Bustos

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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #54 on: March 28, 2007, 02:38:38 PM »
I have no nice way of putting this, so I won't try to.

Choosing Moderators based on OOC political beliefs is stupid, moronic, asinine, idiotic, short sighted, foolish, dumb, ignorant, silly, ill thought out and just plain a bad idea. Moderators aren't supposed to be debating politics and the feasibility of economics and their effects. Moderators are supposed to simply be objective and capable of making an unbiased decision, not going on about why democracy sucks or why communism is such a terrible and doomed idea and so forth. This is RP, and the way  I've always viewed it is that with such matters we give the benefit of the doubt.

Moderation needs to be as deliberative and depoliticized as possible. Why in Hell's name would you go out of your way to make is political?

Werd.  Or as G-C puts it, "Quoted for truth.  All of it."

To date, there is no opposition to a three mod system.  We now need to sort all the candidates that desire to be one of the three so a seven day vote can be made.

So far (alphabetically):

Mercantilist States
Saint Oz

Anyone else?
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #55 on: March 28, 2007, 02:48:26 PM »
I have no nice way of putting this, so I won't try to.

Choosing Moderators based on OOC political beliefs is stupid, moronic, asinine, idiotic, short sighted, foolish, dumb, ignorant, silly, ill thought out and just plain a bad idea. Moderators aren't supposed to be debating politics and the feasibility of economics and their effects. Moderators are supposed to simply be objective and capable of making an unbiased decision, not going on about why democracy sucks or why communism is such a terrible and doomed idea and so forth. This is RP, and the way  I've always viewed it is that with such matters we give the benefit of the doubt.

Moderation needs to be as deliberative and depoliticized as possible. Why in Hell's name would you go out of your way to make is political?
But the problem with that is that it is impossible for people to be completely objective.  People have goals, agendas, aspirations, and if the moderation staff is made up of people with similar goals, they will, consciously or not, try to further them.  Only when there is ideological balance among the moderating staff can this be avoided.  If a moderator tries to use his/her position to further their goals, and always see other moderators blocking them, eventually they will give up trying to do so.

That is the closest to objectivity we can get: a balance of vested interests.

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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #56 on: March 28, 2007, 03:04:39 PM »
I think G-C & Pragmia BOTH have a point.  I think mods should be as unbiased as possible, at least as far as what they're modding is concerned (in this case RPing).  But mods ARE human (usually), and all humans have some biases.  I think the main thing with 3 mods, is that we have a diversity of opinions.  I wouldn't want 3 imperialist mods, OR 3 pacifist mods.

Offline Xyrael

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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #57 on: March 28, 2007, 03:41:18 PM »
Pragmia, you are correct, I'm not asking people to consciously be political about RP, I'd much prefer 3 objective moderators (which is who I'll vote on) but I want to be assured that their subconscious won't get in the way. The gut instinct that tells them which way to vote before they actually think about the topic and rely on reason. Pragmia, you are an American, taught by American books, living in the capitalist paradise, you probably have 3 or more televisions/computers, two cars, and a house or apartment with two designated parking spots. That inevitably biases you, one way or the other, into a certain mindset, and it would take effort for you to consciously break that mindset.

My point isn't to have non-objective mods, it's to have objective mods who will be trumped when they vote based on their subconscious bias.
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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #58 on: March 28, 2007, 04:05:02 PM »
I belive it is time I make my voice heard for the first time since the debacle when Taijitu RP was first getting started.

First of all, all posts prior to mine has good points in one way or another.

Second, I agree with the least number of mods for a smooth RP is uneaven and more than one thus making it three (3)

Now, for my point. In five weeks, I will graduate from my education and will most likely be completely unemployed for a couple of months, that leads me to think that I will have time eavailiable to put myself up as electable mod.
Those of you who know me a little know that I am a bit over-exentric from time to time but that I actively try to distance myself from my own bias. You probably also know that the few times I have been somewhat aggressive in my forum-behaviour is when I percive an unfair OOC conflict as basis of an RP-thread or when RP has gotten out of hand so that people feel preyed upon and the fun part of RP is lacking.

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Offline Gulliver

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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #59 on: March 28, 2007, 06:51:36 PM »
Pragmia, you are an American, taught by American books, living in the capitalist paradise, you probably have 3 or more televisions/computers, two cars, and a house or apartment with two designated parking spots.

I do have three televisions, but only one of them works, the other two antiques from a by gone time. We have one car here. I have one computer which me and my three brothers fight over unless you count my father's laptop, which he's usually using for work.

And God, you make it sound like I'm some brainwashed zombie just because I live in the Great Satan America. And what does being tought like an American mean? You think I'm taught the same way here in suburban Massachusetts that they are in, say, rural Texas or some such?

But this is off topic, even if I did need to vent.