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Author Topic: Dropping the RP council  (Read 9049 times)

Offline Xyrael

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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #30 on: March 27, 2007, 03:02:08 PM »
By conservative I meant pro-business, by liberal i meant pro-government. We don't have your ordinary divisions between republican and democrat on this forum, we have them between libertarian (bustos, myro, ryaz) and communist (g-c and i, since our comrades have abandoned the cause!!!)

The current norms of "conservative" and "liberal" by American standards are so similar it actually doesn't matter. And don't started with this "it's not on a normal spectrum" stuff, libertarians are right wingers who just happen to like not banning anything.
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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #31 on: March 27, 2007, 03:26:44 PM »
What you mean is, left and right on an economic scale.

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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #32 on: March 27, 2007, 03:37:00 PM »
*rolls eyes* DONT BLAME THE GUY WHO DIDNT SLEEP... wait you're not blaming me...  yet....

Anyways, yes, economic, not political, because on IRC and in forum posts and on the SB when it was tried, we didn't argue about politics, we argued about economics. This forum people don't get so firey about government types as they do economics, and I say we should have economic-biased mods so I don't get some libertarian saying something I did doesn't make any sense. I would nominate myself for it, but I don't want to compete with G-C, who I believe would be more than able to moderate (even if not economically/politically biased) at least he won't go deleting threads because they aren't going his way  ;D
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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #33 on: March 27, 2007, 03:44:19 PM »
Wow...a lot happened here since my internet was down....

The idea of the RP council was what attracted me to this region in the first place because it serves to discourage shitty expansion RPs; but it does have the unintended consequence (the lesson of NS) of slowing down RP.

And if we're going to nominate mods, I'd like to be one.

My reasons are:

I only read the RP boards, and stay out of the rest of Taijitu politics.
I read (or skim, if they are too long winded) most of the RP posts.
I'm active in all the sides of RP, and invested a lot into it (DSE, shops, RPs).

I also agree that Oz should have a role in this since he has the map.
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Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #34 on: March 27, 2007, 03:46:20 PM »
Very true.  We seem to tolerate all sorts of governments; I-S' 1984 government, various theocracies, Bustos' corporatocracy, various monarchies, whatever Oz has, and even a few democracies here and there.

I've noticed that, back in the Lex and here as well, people actually go to war over economics.  The anti-PLTO holocaust was supposedly to prevent imperialism, and secondarily to stamp out its socialist membership (I'm including YV and CQ).  The anti-SA war was fought for totally obvious purposes.  I mean, it's implicit in the name.  Included in Ryaz's cassus belli for the Veramark War was an admonition to dismantle the "socialist" system.

Point is, Xy is right, and people on this forum get pissy about economics.

And I pledge that I will never delete a thread unless the other two moderators (or other moderator as the case may be) agree that it should be deleted.  Closed temporarily, yes.  Deleted, no.

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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #35 on: March 27, 2007, 09:16:20 PM »
I dont see why ANY thread should be deleted, bar it doesnt violate actual forum rules.

Not everyone's RP politics is a representative of the player's REAL politics.  I'd look at a person's history of people skills (ability to discuss ideas without degrading to a mudfest), open mindness, and objectivity; not a person's politics.

For example:  G-C.  A political opposite compared to me, however he IS an Supreme Court Justice, which weighs heavy as per his objectivity, however his voting history (RP Council) has shown that he is clearly biased against imperialism.

I dont want mods that I know are going to automatically vote a certain way based on the issue, rather have mods that will diliberate every issue, as objective as humanly possible, then form a decision.  Otherwise in a 3 mod system, its the moderate that retains the most power for its really his/her vote that counts, as the right wing will always vote a certain way and a left wing will vote the opposite.

I'd rather have three mods that vote objectively everytime, not based on personal politics.  I believe my history has reflected that, based on my voting record in the RP Council as well as maintaining the Resource System.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2007, 09:19:06 PM by Bustos »
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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #36 on: March 27, 2007, 09:40:42 PM »
I don't think anyone will support me because I overreact a bit from time to time (If by "time to time" you think "Holy Jesus he bitches and whines a lot"), but my strength is society so I think that'd work out.

By the way, I support the society-war-story mod trio. Maybe even a "statistic" mod.
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Offline Dysanii

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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #37 on: March 27, 2007, 09:48:26 PM »
So...there are quite a few nominations then?

Surely the people who want to be Mods will vote for themselves? Or if they are barred from voting at all, there wont be anyone left to vote for them...how are we even selecting the Moderators? Will there be campaigns? Or just voting by people who have not put themselves forward?

Anyways, the people I think would make good Mods are Pragmia and Bustos (either or both). :)
« Last Edit: March 27, 2007, 09:54:30 PM by Dysanii »

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #38 on: March 27, 2007, 10:14:28 PM »
Understand, I knew all along that any colony-creation polls were going to pass, and that any vote against them was essentially a protest vote.  Thus, my voting record on colony creations should not be considered at face value.  Rather, think of it as...an expression of the value of dissent ;D

Besides, I know I announced somewhere that I would stop casting "no" votes on colonies just because I could.

Oh, here's another thing you'll like about me; this is my only moderating job (on this forum).  I've held such positions in other forums, but I have no such responsibilities here to distract me from the issues of RP.  Unlike Prag, who has the Senate to run, among other things.

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Offline Xyrael

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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #39 on: March 27, 2007, 10:28:13 PM »
Example: Should I commit a terrorist attack against you, how many of you would send you army in immediately and try to kill me before trying diplomacy? Would you immediately assume it was Xyrael backing the terrorists just because I posted the post???? (that's aimed at both Bustos and Myro, but actually anyone would assume it was I funding the terrorists instead of doing it for entertainment)

Bustos, while G-C has made it blatantly obvious he is against imperialism, you have made it blatantly obvious you are pro-imperialism by merely putting down colonies on the original document instead of waiting for someone to suggest them. Which is why we need economically biased moderators who don't need to separate themselves from issues which are too deeply rooted to be separated from.

G-C voted against colonies on the RP council based on principle, should his duty as a moderator require him to seperate himself from his IC issues with colonies and look at the general nature of the RP, I believe we could count on G-C to be quite objective, as with you Bustos.

Personally, we need a triumvirate, with the moderate as the tie breaker, the question is who is moderate enough to be moderate? I would suggest Talmann, as not only is he quite pro-capitalism, he also associates himself well with socialists, or Pragmia, who chooses sides based on facts.
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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #40 on: March 27, 2007, 10:55:46 PM »
I wanted to try something different then a socialist nation that i did in Ranholn. I just got tired of dealing with the mass socialist hate going on.  :whip:

Who the mods are should be something impotent

Offline Bustos

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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #41 on: March 27, 2007, 11:06:13 PM »
I'd rather have three mods that vote objectively everytime, not based on personal politics.  I believe my history has reflected that, based on my voting record in the RP Council as well as maintaining the Resource System.

I dont expect you to know my voting record but, I have in two cases voted against colonization.  Once against Myroria due to his colonization consisted of one post RP and against Merchants due to a disputed claim by Varkour.  The times I voted for included an extended RP and no disputed claims.  My personal issues or politics had nothing to do with the way I voted.  Evidence of my impartiality regarding imperialism.

Whereas G-C flauntingly voted against, no matter the situation surrounding the colonizations.

I did not mean to single out G-C.  He was the best target that had an obvious pro (supreme court justice) and con (actual voting history) concerning his background (depending on who else joins the list, currently has my vote as one of three mods; you may consider that as my official endorsement for him at this time).

As per your situation:
Example: Should I commit a terrorist attack against you, how many of you would send you army in immediately and try to kill me before trying diplomacy? Would you immediately assume it was Xyrael backing the terrorists just because I posted the post?Huh? (that's aimed at both Bustos and Myro, but actual anyone would assume it was I funding the terrorists instead of doing it for entertainment)

Well there isnt enough information for me to determine what I'd do.  However...

Using a RL example of terrorism, the 9/11 attacks in NY, PA, and DC.  There were investigations to find out who was behind the attacks, which lead to the demand of the Taliban to give up Osama, and refusal leading to the actual invasion of Afghanistan.  Such would be my course of action based on what I can assume of the situation you have proposed.

I post as many different people under the same account (I'm a post number whore) depending on the thread, whereas some others create new accounts to clearly show a different person/group.  I also have never assumed that just because you, or anyone else, made a post that it is public knowledge (unless explicitly stated), unlike many other potential candidates for mod.
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #42 on: March 27, 2007, 11:16:50 PM »
I'd rather have three mods that vote objectively everytime, not based on personal politics.  I believe my history has reflected that, based on my voting record in the RP Council as well as maintaining the Resource System.

I dont expect you to know my voting record but, I have in two cases voted against colonization.  Once against Myroria due to his colonization consisted of one post RP and against Merchants due to a disputed claim by Varkour.  The times I voted for included an extended RP and no disputed claims.  My personal issues or politics had nothing to do with the way I voted.  Evidence of my impartiality regarding imperialism.

Whereas G-C flauntingly voted against, no matter the situation surrounding the colonizations.

I did not mean to single out G-C.  He was the best target that had an obvious pro (supreme court justice) and con (actual voting history) concerning his background (depending on who else joins the list, currently has my vote as one of three mods; you may consider that as my official endorsement for him at this time).

As per your situation:
Example: Should I commit a terrorist attack against you, how many of you would send you army in immediately and try to kill me before trying diplomacy? Would you immediately assume it was Xyrael backing the terrorists just because I posted the post?Huh? (that's aimed at both Bustos and Myro, but actual anyone would assume it was I funding the terrorists instead of doing it for entertainment)

Well there isnt enough information for me to determine what I'd do.  However...

Using a RL example of terrorism, the 9/11 attacks in NY, PA, and DC.  There were investigations to find out who was behind the attacks, which lead to the demand of the Taliban to give up Osama, and refusal leading to the actual invasion of Afghanistan.  Such would be my course of action based on what I can assume of the situation you have proposed.

I post as many different people under the same account (I'm a post number whore) depending on the thread, whereas some others create new accounts to clearly show a different person/group.  I also have never assumed that just because you, or anyone else, made a post that it is public knowledge (unless explicitly stated), unlike many other potential candidates for mod.

Thanks for the endorsement, Bustos.  If we are going for the three-mod ideology-based system, I'd vote for you for the right-wing mod.  (So many hyphens)  Of course, if we end up with a two-mod system, my choices are entirely different.   ;)    And not to quibble, but the Taliban did offer to put Osama on trial in exchange for us not invading, and we refused.

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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #43 on: March 27, 2007, 11:21:13 PM »
Just to clarify, I am aware of that.  We wanted him put to trial in our courts instead.  Now I wonder if ever found, would he survive the capture?  Lots of trigger happy American soldiers but, that is besides the point.

You do bring up good point, though.  We need to settle on the issue on the number of mods (why people choose who should be left up to the individual when the big vote comes).  A three mod system seems to be the popular choice, but one, two, and four mods have been offered up.  A quick vote, perhaps?
« Last Edit: March 27, 2007, 11:24:20 PM by Bustos »
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Re: Dropping the RP council
« Reply #44 on: March 27, 2007, 11:22:32 PM »
If i was active i would step up for being a mod, but im not... i like doing otherstuff to much.

Right now bustos and g-c are the clearest for the two right/left or how ever the hell you wish to call it.
the middle is the most important really, and is pragmia active enough?

no less then 3 mods in any situation
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