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Author Topic: Charter  (Read 816 times)

Offline Acle

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« on: January 13, 2007, 07:14:25 PM »
This is the Charter of the Role play council

Role Play Council
1. Any person may join the Role Play Council as long as they are active in Role Play.

a. A person is Active if they have posted in the Role Play forum within the last week.

2. If a Role Play Council member is inactive their removal it will be voted on by the Role Play Council.

a. A person is inactive if they have not posted on the Role Play forum within two weeks.

b. A person is not inactive if they gave prior warning to the Role Play Council.

3. A person may resign from their position whenever they like.

4. A member way be suspended for 6 days by a 3/5ths majority.
(2)Positions within Role Play
1. The Role Play director is decided upon by the current regional delegate.

2. The Assistant Role Play director is decided upon by the current regional delegate.

3. The Role Play Council clerk is decided upon by the Role Play Council.

a. The clerk is elected by the Role Play Council by a majority vote.

b. The clerk holds his/her position for 50 days before a reelection must take place.

c. The election will have a 7 days campaign period where the candidates hold discussions in a campaign thread opened by the current clerk.

d. Candidates may be anyone who is a member of the Role Play Council.   

e. The clerk duty is to keep the threads of the Role Play Council in order and in the correct place. He/she must also make sure threads are closed at the correct times and new ones created at the correct times.
(3)Powers of the Role Play Council
1. The Role Play Council can make, remove or modify any rules of Role Play by a 5/8 vote for.

2. The Role Play Council can approve or disapprove any technology’s that are not in use in the Real world today by a 5/8 vote for.

3. When there is a debate on whether an ignore is fair of not, the Role Play Council decides whether is it my a majority vote.
(4)Running of the Role Play Council
1. When a proposal is made it must be in a new thread in the “proposals” section of the Role Play Council forum.

2. When a new proposal is made it must be given three endorsements within 10 days otherwise the thread it is in is locked and does not progress any further.

3. A proposal may be given in any number of times.

4. When a proposal has 3 endorsements the clerk must make a new thread in the discussion area for it.

5. A proposal is open in the discussion area for 7 days.

6. After 7 day the clerk must open a voting thread in the voting area.

a. While a proposal is being voted on the discussion thread remains open.

b. The voting period may be started early if 2/8 Role Play Council members ask for it.

7. Once a voting period is over the clerk posts whether it was approved of rejected. The clerk then closes both the discussion and voting threads and moves them to the records area.

8. All parts of the RP-councils debates and conversations regarding council matters MUST be viewable to ALL of the RP community wether they are on the council or not.
(5)Amendment of the Role Play Council charter
1. Any subject on this charter may be amended by a 3/4 vote.

Offline Bustos

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Re: Charter
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2007, 04:36:39 AM »
This should be pinned or in the records forum?

I assume the records forum is for rules and laws that have been voted on and passed?
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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