Senator Myroria,
I'd like to thank you for taking the time to clarify the Progressive Party's stance on the environment and animal rights. I know I speak for everyone when I say that this is an important issue, perhaps more so than it has been in the past. Thanks for bringing this further into the public discourse, you have my gratitude.
Now, to get down to business (and since you asked for public discussion, I trust this is okay?) I'd like to draw the attention to the three largest budgetary allocations for Taijitu Founder. They are:
- Education: $3,065,140,618,317.86 (31%)
- Social Welfare: $1,779,759,068,700.69 (18%)
- Healthcare: $1,285,381,549,617.17 (13%)
As you can see, the education department currently receives the largest amount of funding from the Taijituan taxpayer, nearly doubling the amounts funded into Social Welfare, and more than doubling the amount allocated for Healthcare. Our crime rate is low, thanks to this policy of over-funding, and a strong support for our nation's social justice programs. However it's important to point out that of the over $9 Trillion Tai budget, only 1% of that is given to the Environment and Wildlife Preservation. So, I ask you: what constitutes reasonable? Is the continued rejection of nearly
all environmental issues placed before the Progressive senate considered to be rational? Records clearly show via the Greenthumb Society that the ProP has the
worst environmental record of either party for standing senators and the worst party of prior senates. In two out of the three categories, your party has scored at minimum a negative two and at worse, a negative four for the overall environment. You get marginal good marks for the protection of animals despite your recent support of the experimentation issue.
The Progressive Party does not have the interests of the environment in mind in any manner, except when the personal convictions of it's members come into play, which is often times over ruled by majority consensus (see recent issue). The Progressive stance on the environment was made today, with Mr. Myroria's stance. It is obvious that they intend to continue with the current agenda of deforestation, exploitation and destruction of the environment and wildlife just to see the GDP go up a few more Tais. Our economy is given a rating by international observers as Strong. Our spending is high in many areas, and with crime at one of it's lowest levels, would it indeed be
irrational or
extreme to raise funding for environmental issues and concerns from 1% ($98 Billion) to 5% ($152 Billion) of our budget? Would that truly represent a drastic or radical shift from common sense, eco-friendly economics? Or rather, does it represent a new approach to the economy that is different from the current Progressive Party hegemony on our current methodology?
Something tells me it's the latter, and that has frightened the ProP into action. Rightfully so.
It is the duty of all of us, to ensure that the rights and treasures of the environment and the wildlife which it supports, are protected from elements that seek to try the "balanced" option. When you genetically enhance animals, plants or creatures, you upset the delicate ecosystem in which we inhabit. There is no rational, reasonable or sensible constraint to place upon this, as studies show that by the very existence of such things, it is already doing damage. Not to mention the adverse health effects of genetically modified foods! Likewise, studies have already shown that drugs which remain in formula stages and do not engage in or engage in very limited experimentation show a better success rate with less side effects and complications among human consumers. This tells us that supporting such laws that make it easier for companies and industries to cut corners to increase the bottom lines on their budgets, is not only hurting our environmental resources, but is also affecting the citizens of the nation. Something which the ProP should be gravely concerned.
In summation, I put to the people of this region, and of Taijitu Founder, that the Progressive Party is not a party which cares at all about the environment. It is not a party that concerns itself with ensuring that our natural resources are responsibly developed in a mature, and effective way that doesn't undermine our environment. I do not make this claim through rhetoric, speeches, or opinion. i base this off independently verified fact, and statistics which clearly show this to be the case. I trust in the ability of the voters to clearly see the differences in responsible environmentalism, and dangerous disregard for the world in which we live.
Thank you for your time, and best of luck to all those running for Senate, and Delegate.