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Author Topic: Mcmasterdonia: Vote for strength of conviction- Taijitu Senate  (Read 2114 times)

Offline McMasterdonia

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Senator McMasterdonia walked the halls of the Taijitu Senate Capital as he reflected on his first term in the Senate, and considered the future ahead. He stepped outside of the Capital to the waiting press and Taijitu Citizens.

Quote from: Press Conference Statement

As I am sure that you are all aware, I have accepted my nomination and will run for my second term in the Senate. I have enjoyed serving as Senator for the pass term, and would be honoured if the citizens of Taijitu would once again give me the opportunity to serve in this capacity.

It is easy for the Progressive Party to be blamed for things that people are unhappy with. It is easier to cast blame on the most experienced and proven political party, rather than offering help or ways to fix the things that concern them. There have been some accusations that, in my view, have been opportunist at best.

It is the duty of us all, to ensure that Taijitu continues to grow as a prosperous, strong community minded region. I must acknowledge the significant work our Delegate and others have done in recruitment. It is great to see new people, and new organisations forming, it is important that the Senate assist the region in continuing to grow in this manner.

This election there is a wide field of candidates, it also presents the voting public with a clear choice. Do we follow the opportunists and vote on whims, that have no proven practical basis.

Vote for ProP, the party that will make the right choices. The party that will take consensus and moderate choices, that will not destroy one important part of our region, or taijitu founder's economy, to simply benefit the extreme right or extreme left option. Vote for the party that takes the practical alternative to a variety of different issues. Vote for the party that considers the needs of all parts of our region, and all parts of our economy, and does not seek to further one part to the extreme detriment of another.

This election vote for an experienced, effective, and strong candidate who will always stand up for Taijitu, and take the decisions that need to be taken. Vote for a proven, capable and active candidates for Senate.

This election, I ask once again, for your faith, your good will, and of course your vote

I will now take questions
« Last Edit: June 28, 2012, 09:40:42 AM by McMasterdonia »
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Offline Terran

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Re: Mcmasterdonia: Vote for strength of conviction- Taijitu Senate
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2012, 09:52:04 AM »
Senator mcmasterdonia,

I'm pleased to see that you have been recently given a score of positive one on 1 out of three categories, and neutral on the remaining two in the Greenthumb Society's report. Out of the current sitting Senators up for re-election, your record remains the strongest, though there's always room for improvement. Which brings me to my question. What specific actions would you take to protect and conserve the environment in Taijitu Founder, and how would you go about reversing it's horrible state?

What's the Green Party?
Member of the Greenthumb Society

Offline McMasterdonia

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Re: Mcmasterdonia: Vote for strength of conviction- Taijitu Senate
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2012, 10:00:04 AM »
Thank you Terran,

Firstly I would like to mention that of my time in the Senate I am not aware of too many environmental issues coming up. As for specific things that one could do to correct the "horrible state" of the environment of Taijitu Founder, it largely depends on what issues come before the Senate. I believe that I will always address each issue with my common sense approach to politics, and assess all options at the time.

It is important to note that I support practical environmental protection. It is not practical to protect the environment at the severe detriment of other industries. It is also however, not practical, to advance industry and our economy to the complete detriment of the environment. We must balance preserving the environment, preserving our industry and economy for the future residents of Taijitu.

I will note, that should an issue present no viable options. By this i mean, if all options are too extreme, or would present undesirable outcomes, I would move to dismiss the issue.

It is important that we address all issues based on the context of the region and Taijitu Founder at the time they are brought before the Senate.

Thank you for your question.
Ur a towel