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Author Topic: The Myrorian Crusade (1120) OOC  (Read 7998 times)

Offline Prydania

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The Myrorian Crusade (1120) OOC
« on: March 01, 2016, 05:44:19 AM »
This idea involves Catholic (Christian, basically) Prydania going on a crusade to convert the Myrorians and their Ozian lords in the 12th century. Obviously those posters/nations will be involved, but I want to let everyone know that it's open to them if they'd like to play a character from any of the factions represented in the narrative.

Offline Eluvatar

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Re: The Myrorian Crusade (1120) OOC
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2016, 05:32:28 PM »

I will think about this :)
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Offline Prydania

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Re: The Myrorian Crusade (1120) OOC
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2016, 02:31:36 AM »
Sweet :D

Offline Myroria

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Re: The Myrorian Crusade (1120) OOC
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2016, 03:19:58 AM »
I just posted a bit. I plan to write a character who goes off to fight against whoever needs to be fought against after urging from some spectral members of her extended family.
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Offline Eluvatar

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Re: The Myrorian Crusade (1120) OOC
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2016, 02:19:16 AM »
Quote from: wiki
The Royal Confederacy of Eluvatar was formed in 1243 as a confederation of six independent Dunedain states: Romenna, Meneltarma, Eldalondei, Anor, and Ilium.

At this time Minos was an island ruled by a number of noble houses, only symbolically united.

Eluvatar, while not actually politically united, did have some limited shared institutions. Specifically, a generation or two earlier an agreement had been made to have a common Church, following generations of priestly efforts to institute rules of war and diplomatic conduct. Some of these efforts have even had an impact in Minos, which has a closely related form of Eruvism at this time.

Will think of more to add soon, hopefully :)
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Offline St Oz

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Re: The Myrorian Crusade (1120) OOC
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2016, 06:59:35 AM »
Will make a post tomorrow morning, wrote up some basic plot for myself tonight.

Some Basic Plot

-Ozians won most of modern day Mainland Ozia and Myroria from the Pelagian Empire

-The Listener ordered pogroms to remove all "cults" from the Divine Republic.

-Much of Myroria was awarded to the Dires that contributed to the destruction of the Pelagians (all of them really), the head Dires designate administration of the Myrorian lands to loyal warrior-nobles, these women are called Kapitan-Dire or Capitan-Governor Half of these Kapitans even visit Myroria once, they further delegate administration to their own subordinates to the region. These subordinates are underpaid, corrupt, and generally sent there for a "promotion-demotion".

-Historically, these officers of the Kapitan-Dire are referred to as the Myrorian Warlords. These people were your Lt. Not-Nices, because they were underpaid, they often practiced raiding the locals, running corruption schemes (imposing taxes/tariffs/tolls that went straight to their pocket), and other nasty things like pimping out the populace to the Ozian armies stationed there (and pimping out the locals to the local administration!).

-The Pogroms did not work in Myroria, while they originally destroyed all they could of the "ancestor cult" initially the current job was to encourage worship of Gaeanism. There was no effort made to encourage Gaeanism, the leaders simply wanted "tax" revenue

-The most "successful" region was the one which contained the city of Pelagis. This region was awarded to the Parpaski direship. The Parpaskis concocted a scheme, relying on the city's religious importance, to promote trade and growth within the city, but also generated massive revenue for the Kapitan-Dire.

-Pelagis (or whatever city everyone is fighting for) is only important in Gaeanism because it was the birthplace of the first listener (it was considered a holy city as mostly an afterthought and a casus belli for destroying the Pelagian Empire)

-The Iseltov direship was awarded Rastival, which they renamed to Rastianav. It was the only region to be administered directly by "Kapitan-Dire Naside Zeri Zhaeladin dev Rastianav", affectionately known by the Ozian peoples, especially in Rastianav as Zhaeladin the Great Protector. When the crusade takes the Divine Republic off guard, Zhaeladin makes a last stand at Rastianav, stopping the crusade at Ozia's doorstep, and later leads the reconquest of Myroria. This lady is a big deal in Ozia, there is an entire holiday devoted to her called Kapitan-Dire Day, and the entire city of Rastianav shuts down and dyes the river purple.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2016, 07:21:52 AM by St Oz »

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Re: The Myrorian Crusade (1120) OOC
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2016, 09:34:01 AM »
Unless Oz has other ideas, I would assume that Keras is not independent at this time and this is set a few centuries before Keras' rise as a maritime republic. I can see Keras as a stronghold and its natural harbour is a ideal place for the Ozian navy and maybe even pirates under the employ of Ozia. So I could get in this as an Ozian naval commander.
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