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Author Topic: Planning the Exodus - Founding of Exodas (GW period, cooperative RP)  (Read 1619 times)

Offline Partisan

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'evening lads.

Some of you have already met me. I'm new to Taijitu. I've spent a good chunk of time this evening talking to various guys and getting up to speed on basic history of the RP in the region. That said, I have a global blueprint for the creation of the nation of Exodas. This RP would be best suited for cooperative RP, which is where you come in! Bare with me as I lay down a global picture of what Exodas exactly entails, and how I intend to RP the founding!

The Promised Land of Exodas
The Promised Land of Exodas after the exodus has settled
- The border size is set to mirror a set of mountains on the terrain map. Please note that this area is in large part useless, uninhabitable desert. The people of Exodas will only settle the fertile areas.

Government: Semi-deitified Triumvirate.
- Serves for life
- Dictatorship
- Theocratic (See: Yehovism)
- Strong cult of personality

Religion: Yehovism
- Monotheistic
- Cultist tendencies (evolves as RP progresses)
- Will develop various customs
- heavy emphasis on blood ties and blood sacrifice
- Religion evolves and gains in popularity as a direct reaction to the peasant struggles in the Great War
- Mostly a "pleb" religion. Little to no popularity with aristocrats

- Laws will be developed as the nation evolves. The religious emphasis will remain for the foreseeable future
- Indoctrination will be practiced
- Exodas' relations with other nations will largely depend on how its foundation plays out (See next post)
- Exodas' tolerance for other religions will be relatively low. Depending on how foundation plays, it could be abysmal
- the nation's initial years will be rather chaotic, with a large amount of intrigue and many developments dependent of the reactions of the surrounding world.

See post 2 for details on the actual RP.

« Last Edit: September 02, 2014, 10:46:32 PM by Partisan »

Offline Partisan

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Re: Planning the Exodus - Founding of Exodan (GW period, cooperative RP)
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2014, 10:44:42 PM »
RP - The foundation

I intend to play out the foundation of Exodus during the Great War period. As you all know, the war has been taking its toll on all nations involved. Citizens are suffering and there seems to be no end in sight. During these turbulent times, three men (all familiar with one another) set out with claims of a paranormal experience and a message. Each sets out to a different nation (which one is T.B.D. depending on who is interested) to spread the word of Yehovism - a new religion that, essentially, condemns the aristocracy and the powers that be.

This new religion's rise in popularity amongst the low-born people can mostly be attributed to a simple "right moment, right time" equation. The idea here is that each country that decides to get involved, gets to react to this "heresy" as it deems fit. These reactions would in turn influence the course of the RP. Nations could strive for tolerance, commit purges, banishments, you name it. This will influence the degree of popularity the religion will have, whether or not the religion lingers, the degree of hostility the new nation will initially have to its old homecountry etc. In the end, the three preachers will take whatever followers they have across the desert, through the mountains and into the "Promised land" (See map in post 1) to form the nation of Exodas.

The departure of the three messengers with their followers will be referred to by this new people as "the exodus", which leads to the new nation being named "Exodas". During whatever events unfoled in the hostnations and on the road, the religion of Yehovism develops various cultist tendencies and radicalizes in certain ways. Global guidelines can be found in the first post. Other things may be added as-we-go and/or kept a surprise for now!

In the end, those nations that intend to involve themselves will have a degree of influence on not only its diplomatic relations with this new country, but also the development of culture and customs in said country. Ofcourse I do have certain elements that will remain in my RP regardless.

I'd love feedback from you all. What do you think? Any questions/remarks/concerns? If you are interested, please let me know so we can work out details of the cooperation.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2014, 11:06:10 PM by Partisan »

Offline Myroria

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Re: Planning the Exodus - Founding of Exodas (GW period, cooperative RP)
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2014, 10:49:50 PM »
I think this has a lot of promise! The unhappy peasantry of Myroria, especially near the border with Austrasia and Neustria would definitely flock to a charismatic banner after the Great War - though the more devout Catholics among the population would no doubt feel very uncomfortable about this new cult springing up in their borders.
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Offline Khem

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Re: Planning the Exodus - Founding of Exodas (GW period, cooperative RP)
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2014, 01:01:53 AM »
Most impressive. I really like this idea especially from an integration vantage point. Now I must question myself rather than yourself, how might the Library of Khem react to an upstart religion? How might each cast react? Such as the Servile might latch onto such a faith or at least elements thereof. Regardless of the interactions I am very hopeful for their unfoldment.

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