Ozian Music, contrary to what you may think, is very free, probably freer than other countries, and most music is free of charge or extremely cheap because Ozian copyright laws only last for 15 years before it is ischinai puvlika (benefit of the public).
The top 40 music of 2000-2020 Ozia is never pop, but instead really annoying acoustic and vocal feel good-music. Ozians as a whole hate most foreign music, and foreign musicians hate Ozia back because of their tough crowds, shitty copyright laws, and fanbases that never drop a dime for even online mp3s.
There is one exception, Jazz. Mainland Ozia can't get enough it, and the islands even dig it a little. (Not sure who we established invented it.) Myrorian and Rykkovaan jazz and blues artists are especially popular and can make a killing by playing at theaters there. Ozia has its own versions of jazz and blues such as Vosha Noisha (like bossa nova), Arktikalia (a variant of bossa nova that later becomes the schlocky top40 Ozian music they listen to today, and Rastinav Blues, which incorporates elements of rock and roll into blues.
Ozian traditional music on the other hand is heavy in its use of percussion, oboes, and a traditional string instrument called the Zhatukat. There's a genre of traditional Ozian music that translates to trance or meditation and it's about meditating and dancing around naked and covered in colored chalk while playing a gigantic drum. Lots of Gaean temples have this really large drum that a priestess will play around like a madwoman. It's also a recommended treatment for trauma and anxiety.
The marimba is a sacred instrument to Ozians as Gaean mythology states that when the first listener was a young child she first heard Gaea playing a marimba before she slept. Gaea materialized 49 bars of different notes and 49 mallets and played a complex and beautiful melody before she slept. Groups will assemble 20-49 people together to play these bars and attempt "the lullaby"