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Author Topic: Daneluttia Nation Building Thread and Extravaganza!  (Read 2378 times)

Offline Daneluttia

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Daneluttia Nation Building Thread and Extravaganza!
« on: September 03, 2015, 07:37:00 AM »
Hello there, new friends!

I am here for the RP, and with RP comes nation building.  I like the idea of being part of a community wishing to entwine their history because it makes a community feel united.  And I like being part of something.

Anyway, that out of the way... here is the basic concept of the nation.  Understand that my idea are often a tad silly, snarky, loose with their morality (at least as far as Judaeo-Christian morality is concerned), and are fervent worshipers of their God-Emperor (that is a self-issued title for him, as we're not a true empire in the European sense).

The basic gist of the nation is you have several million people (somewhere between 5-30 million) who live under the direct rule of their supreme leader, a god-in-human-form, the Divine and Most Righteous God-Emperor Antara V.  The national religion is the Imperial Cult in which the emperor is worshiped like a true deity because all things spring forth from his hand.  While they may seem a tribal people from the overview, they have a very structured social system that has the emperor sitting on top and the lay people on the bottom.  Emperor>Nobility>Priests>Educators/Doctors/Lawyers>Lay People (rough approximations).  I have little experience at creating a ConLang, though the idea of creating one is exciting to me.

I'm rambling a bit.. let me clarify these thoughts:

The head of Government and State is His Divine and Righteous Majesty, Antara V, God of All he Surveys, the Direct and Perfect Son of Ita the Sun God by Whom All Things are Blessed (etc... and so on).  He is an absolute ruler with little check on his power.  His advisers are the Nobility of the Daneluttians who are tasked with carrying out the will of the emperor.


The people are rather devoted to the Imperial Religious Cult, and follow its teachings with various degrees of sincerity.  Generally friendly people who believe in helping those is need and keeping society working.  They work hard, they love their families, and are often passive when it comes to confrontation.

However, this was not always so as the lands which eventually become the empire were inhabited by 4 other tribes that have since been subjected to the rule of the emperor and the Danelutti as a whole: the Warana, the Kokali, the Velara, and the Iora.  They have since been assimmilated into the overall culture, but there still beats a heart for independence in a few people.


The Danelutti tend to have a mostly agrarian economy with a somewhat decent GDP overall--at least as good as an agrarian GDP can be.  Through contact with the outside world (which I hope did happen), they have access to outside conveniences and probably have even adapted to the modern information age to some degree--at least in the higher orders of society.


The Imperial Cult of Ita, the Sun God, is the main religion of the people.  As the direct descendant of Ita, the Emperor is the Head of the Religion and intercedes on behalf of the people.  All Danelutti are members of the Cult and are expected to worship on a regular basis.  The religion is polytheistic, however, with many gods who control the different aspects of daily life (the Sun, the Sea, the Land, the Weather, etc....).  The Emperor himself is a god by right of birth as the direct descendant of Ita.

Important Historical Events

The Divine Encounter: Where Ita conceives a son with a tribal woman who gives birth to the Imperial Line
The Unification of the Tribes: Pretty self explanatory
First Contact with Outsiders: Willing for people interested in assisting with this

I think that's the real bare-bones basics of this nation idea.  I am open to criticism.  Let'er rip!

Offline Bustos

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Re: Daneluttia Nation Building Thread and Extravaganza!
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2015, 01:34:13 PM »
Just a thought.  Might want to add some sort of Time Line on your history to give it some depth.  While my nation's history begins in 1733, relatively young compared to some nations' history that go back to 3,000 BC.

Another thought is, most of us also branched off of 2 ancient empires.  Not that you have to, but would give a good beginning on where your people came from in our RP world.  I've seen you in our IRC, don't be afraid to ask questions there as well.

Oh forgot to add this Time Line link.  Its not set in stone and a bit outdated to the current history but gives you a good idea on the Tai's history.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2015, 01:39:57 PM by Bustos »
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Re: Daneluttia Nation Building Thread and Extravaganza!
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2015, 02:52:06 PM »
Your proposed society and location work perfectly with the surrounding cultures, Omsarim and al'Khem both have the sun god aspect and are your nearby neighboring island chains. If you are looking to link your history with others I recommend looking into the history of these nations for links.

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
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Re: Daneluttia Nation Building Thread and Extravaganza!
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2015, 03:08:10 PM »
Another island nation in the Cefnor Basin...meanwhile the rest of Tai...lulz
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Offline Khem

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Re: Daneluttia Nation Building Thread and Extravaganza!
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2015, 04:03:58 PM »
Another island nation in the Cefnor Basin...meanwhile the rest of Tai...lulz
Yer jus jelly cuz err hood da fiiiiiinest yo!

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
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Re: Daneluttia Nation Building Thread and Extravaganza!
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2015, 04:07:22 PM »
Another island nation in the Cefnor Basin...meanwhile the rest of Tai...lulz
Yer jus jelly cuz err hood da fiiiiiinest yo!

Offline Daneluttia

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Re: Daneluttia Nation Building Thread and Extravaganza!
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2015, 06:51:35 PM »
As far as history, yes a timeline is probably the way I am going to post the official history.  I didn't want to get too involved in creating history until I was settled on a location and had some neighbors with which to sort some things out.  It is easier for me to blend in with the surrounding history once I know it than to attempt to force a prewritten history that may not conform to its surroundings.

And Khem, I am very willing to work with established histories there.  I admit to skimming through some history before I decided roughly where I wanted to go. 

I would suspect that our 'hood' is the best hood in all the game.

When it comes time to put it all down, is it better to put it in the Wiki here or on our nation factbook page on NS?

Offline Khem

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Re: Daneluttia Nation Building Thread and Extravaganza!
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2015, 02:49:22 AM »
As far as history, yes a timeline is probably the way I am going to post the official history.  I didn't want to get too involved in creating history until I was settled on a location and had some neighbors with which to sort some things out.  It is easier for me to blend in with the surrounding history once I know it than to attempt to force a prewritten history that may not conform to its surroundings.

And Khem, I am very willing to work with established histories there.  I admit to skimming through some history before I decided roughly where I wanted to go. 

I would suspect that our 'hood' is the best hood in all the game.

When it comes time to put it all down, is it better to put it in the Wiki here or on our nation factbook page on NS?
I and many other old school Taijis go with the wiki since it is on our server and can get all linked together nice nice. If you ever need help with regards to formatting a wiki page I would be willing to help. No worries on the writing of history as of now, just excited by the existant common threads if you were to gain the spot :D

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
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Offline Omsarim

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Re: Daneluttia Nation Building Thread and Extravaganza!
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2015, 05:00:11 AM »
I like how it seems all three of us invented sun gods with "Ta" in the name.  Omsarim's sun god is named Vanata, which my "history" for the term is that originally the god was just Ta, and Vana meant "the great", but later the title merged with the name)

I guess that means your area was settled by the al'Ta people at some point as well.
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Re: Daneluttia Nation Building Thread and Extravaganza!
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2015, 08:28:07 PM »
Check out my most recent thread - I have a very basic summary of Omsarim's history in there.  Since you're right next door, you might experience some similar things.
Your friendly neighborhood third-tier mostly developed tropic country.