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Author Topic: Children of Ta Revolution (1850), Threnody of Cinders and Seeds of Hope  (Read 1945 times)

Offline Khem

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So my Worldbuilding friends I have decided to start my revamped efforts into the storyline of the Children of Ta Revolution in which Al'Khem breaks away from Eluvataran control and the Great Library/institution of Librarians become destroyed. The event begins with an industrial facility poisoning the drinking water of an Al'Ta tribe, which brought the death of the tribes young and elderly. This tribe destroys the factory in revenge. The Da'Kavo becomes involved on the side of the factory owners at the behest of the Librarians. Various anti government groups rally an already irate mass of Ser'ev, Da'Kun and N'Khem workers. The situation quickly escalates to full nation wide riots.

Threnody of Cinders will focus on the destruction and the heart wrenching loss experienced by many by the end of the revolution. It will not be character continuous but instead event focused via the lens of many people and their unique grief.

Seeds of Hope will focus on a particular group of revolutionaries known as "The Gardeners". It will also have places for external input as the revolution goes from riot to restructure. This may wind up changing a bit but this is the plan.

Anyone with anything to add or whi wishes to collaborate in any way should post here. As well OOC comments here.

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
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Re: Children of Ta Revolution (1850), Threnody of Cinders and Seeds of Hope
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2015, 07:29:13 PM »
I should probably participate.

What kind of character(s) could I best contribute with?

Some brainstorming:

- A Minosian clerk from Eluvatar working in Khem as a factory paymaster, caught between her preference for the status quo and her religious belief in the equality of all before god.

- A dunedain born in "Hemland" who has advanced to a high position as the board member of several companies and executive director of one of them through his family ties into the (former?) Pelargir Company. He may identify contemporary events with the (in his view) horrible democratization of the motherland and/or the Rykkovaan Revolution. Willing to try and halt things by any means necessary.

- The dunedain wife of someone like the previous character, who loathes him but loves her children more, and fears for their safety in the chaos.

- A Bennish mercenary hired as part of a 'security team' to 'protect property' during the crisis. Despite consciously believing that all non-Benn are closer to animals than to real people, becomes troubled with his actions.

- A young socialist from Eldalondei who wants to help fight off the chains of oppression, but becomes disillusioned with the reality of revolution and war.

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Offline Khem

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Re: Children of Ta Revolution (1850), Threnody of Cinders and Seeds of Hope
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2015, 07:43:45 PM »
I really like the Minosian clerk, dunedain born in "Hemland", dunedain wife, Bennish mercenary and young socialist from Eldalondei.

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
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Offline Bustos

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Re: Children of Ta Revolution (1850), Threnody of Cinders and Seeds of Hope
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2015, 08:07:55 PM »
The Kallisti Family, then Dr. Pasteur Galt and Family, will be aiding the uprising.

Since this is aiming to be more event based, some various characters for the events...some of my ideas...

...Can have Galt's wife being the real reason for him supporting the locals somehow (maybe shes one of those who dies from the initial poisoning as his motivation...personally like this angle[very braveheart/patriot-like])

...Galt, as discussed before, supplying medicines/poisons/explosives(more homemade sort like Molotov cocktails)/funds

...Galt's kids helping in the fights as "combat" medics

...Apothecaries back then were essentially doctors and surgeons, Galt and Family could operate a hospital/conduct surgery to save someone vital to the cause or even an Eluvataran who turns and supports the cause

...Smugglers/Traders/PMC (from the Allied States?), selling arms/supplies/mercenaries to the locals and/or Eluvataran companies
« Last Edit: January 27, 2015, 03:29:07 AM by Bustos »
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Offline Myroria

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Re: Children of Ta Revolution (1850), Threnody of Cinders and Seeds of Hope
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2015, 03:40:07 AM »
Some ideas for Myrorian characters:

1. Wife of a nobleman living abroad in Khem; an amateur phrenologist, she successfully treats some of her friends' neuroses with what she calls the "talking cure". Eventually, her strange foreign habits, relation to the establishment-supporting Doge of Myroria, and the fact that rich Khemish and foreigners alike come to spend money to speak to her about their "problems" aggravates the revolutionary forces sweeping the nation.

2. Boatswain of a Myrorian merchant ship trapped in Carcossa harbor; he is swept up in the revolution after a chance encounter in a harbor-side bar with a radical socialist.

3. Half-Pelagian journalist attempting a circumnavigation of the world; she is trapped in Carcossa on the outbreak of the revolution, but soon finds the radical egalitarianism refreshing after being treated as a second-class citizen in racist Myroria.

"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Khem

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Posted Threnody of Cinders which is starting with a long drought and irresponsible management of waste.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2015, 09:49:57 PM by al' Khem »

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
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Delfian Characters:

1. Boyen Communists/Anarchists that want to seed their philosophy in Cefnor similar to Bakunin and Cuban Internationale in Africa

Everything else seems a bit too far for direct intervention, Kingdom of Delfos will likely support Eluvatar's rule but it'll be amidst "War and Peace" with the north, too much to be troubled about a far away Khem.