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Author Topic: Borders at 1700  (Read 12256 times)

Offline Delfos

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Borders at 1700
« on: March 21, 2015, 02:48:52 PM »
For the 1700-1800s RP I'm doing a "Caribbean" style map. My main reason for this is that New Delfos didn't exist like the way it does in modern times and it'll help me figure out part of that RP.

Modern New Delfos

In case you want to be included in this map for the "pirate RP" or just because you love maps, let me know how your nation would be different in the 1700s.

I'm inspiring in old maps for the colors :P looks pretty

I know Sbbasburg will be called different it'll be one of the main trading ports, also unaligned with the Kingdom of Delfos (called that for simplification, Delfos will be the city/port where Delfingrado is). Previous name of Sbbasburg is Sbbastopol but that name was adopted in late 1800s.
What do you think of "Florescer"?
It'll be a sister city-state of Litar. They officially will not support Piracy...but there will be a lot of Pirates from this place.
Ships coming to Florescer carry cloth, guns and books. Florescer exports grains, wine and whale-oil.

Litar will be unaligned as well, but it's viewed as an autonomous part of Delfos, lots of traders...mercantile hotspot, they will use their connections to trade most goods out of the Delphic Bay and have a lot of skirmishes with Honto.
To put Litar's history in a simple way: Litarians are Kita nobles aligned with Virit that dethroned the Duke of Litar of the Theocracy - their previous autonomous status gave them a self-righteous and self-government spirit and was one of the first territories to split from Virit's Territory and to sponsor others to do the same.
They won't officially support Piracy but they will surely like to lead or buy pirates against their competition.
They are very proud "nationalist" people, see themselves as one of the most advanced cultures on that area and love their sister city of Florescer.
Litar is a huge trade hub, for internal consumption Litar imports steel, tools and stone. Internal production exports wine, whale-oil and assorted fruits, mainly bananas

Kingdom of Delfos will be a poor excuse of Virit's legacy and conquest against the Suna empire - Theocracy of Delfos. Because of the size of the territory after defeating the Theocracy, it falls into administrative nightmare and broken claims, heirs and nobles fighting for power, the most famous split from Virit's conquest is the loss of their main beautiful city of Sbbasburg.
Sees Piracy has the root of all evil and will fight hard to keep their weak maritime trade-rotes clean.
Employs captured people to support their heavy maintenance kingdom, doesn't like to call it slavery.
Most Ships coming from afar to Delfos bring tools and fabrics/clothes, Delfos long route exports include farming products like grains and fruits, like the well known Delphian Tomato, lumber and furniture.

Honto to Domeikuni will rule most islands in the Delphic Bay area and part of the southern coast of mainland, also have good ties with southern part of Boyen (south of Sbbasburg). Honto isn't a kingdom in itself but it'll be ruled as one (a version of feudalism), the other territories named as Domeikuni are just Seijin colonies (they're just pockets of Seijin people, Honto hasn't colonized any of that), they rather be aligned with Honto than with their "uncivilized" Kita counterparts. In early 1700s they're simple and traditional farmers and fishermen, mostly fishermen, and go sell a lot of fish to ports close to theirs. Things will not be like that for long, they will have internal problems and close their shop for maintenance.
Honto and their will rarely sail out of the Delphic Bay, their ships may have Ceramics, Copper or Spirits but are not worth to bother. On the other hand, there will be some Seijin pirates but they are heavily hunted by Delfos.

Most of what is now Mahara and Kazjko will be broken and devastated remnants of past glories, Kingdom of Delfos will exploit this to use lands in the south and have a certain degree of slavery. Some Suna Tribes will benefit from this as well an rule where Delfos doesn't, specially in Kazjko.

PS: I will finish my post later.

What's the difference between your modern country and 1700s? What valued information can you add to be used in 1700-1800s RP aka Pirate RP?

Offline Delfos

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Re: Borders at 1700
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2015, 07:44:49 PM »
I was thinking that Boyen people "split" from Delfos could be the result of proxy wars of Cefnor nations. I was thinking that the Kingdom of Delfos tried to get most influence from Eluvatar's nation, fashion and guns, while in the north, Boyen people from what is now Sbbasburg reacted to Delfos' approximation to Eluvatar with their usual business partners which were likely Letonna and Myroria. After the 1800s they will use that to unite the land of "Boyen" which is when the term comes to place, and the most common ethnic groups will start to dilute between Kita (natives) Letonese and Myrorian (Sbbasburg will be similar to Hong Kong except accepting opium trade - which we can think about if you guys want) (link).

Any of this makes sense in your RPs?

Offline Eluvatar

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Re: Borders at 1700
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2015, 10:59:20 PM »

The above may be relevant to your interests.

(Intended to be a mercator projection about the Carth meridian from the 1700s).
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Offline Khem

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Re: Borders at 1700
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2015, 12:25:05 AM »
Bah wheres KHEM?! Also with Pelargir Company Influence.

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
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Re: Borders at 1700
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2015, 03:34:56 AM »
That's a cool looking map.  Nice job.
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Re: Borders at 1700
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2015, 09:36:33 AM »
I have updated it some and will make sure to add the bit about Khem to it. It's intended to reflect sometime around 1750.
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Offline Eluvatar

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Re: Borders at 1700
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2015, 07:09:01 PM »
While I touch up the historical mercator map some more, here's a map more useful for planning. It's an Azimuthal equidistant projection: it shows distances from Delfos properly:

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Offline Delfos

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Re: Borders at 1700
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2015, 09:22:29 AM »
latest update on the development of the map.

Offline Khem

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Re: Borders at 1700
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2015, 03:32:17 PM »
Nice texturing, really loving this map.

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
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Offline Delfos

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Re: Borders at 1700
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2016, 05:53:18 PM »
latest update on the development of the map.

Because the election is coming and I have a pertinent RP to come up, at least the start will be posted soon enough, I'm just polishing a little bit. It is also much much earlier than this map, this is before the setting on the 1700s map, it will likely be around 1200s but I'm still studying the correct placing in Delphic History.

This RP is about the origin story of Virit, probably before it became a lasting Kingdom in the north of mainland and later an "Empire". Yet many things in this map apply.

Maharan/Suna people were united under a Theocracy, much relating to a "Suna" version of Khemish religion, very Orthodox, very large influence, bordered by the Kita people that will unite later under Virit.

Kazjko region had more land to the Domeikuni but it was less Feudal, on the other hand this Theocracy stretched quite a lot into Kazjko region by this era, it will later become the Kazjko Emirate.

Domeikuni exists in abstract, there is a controlling family but the lands are more relatable to cultural dominance.

Florescer didn't exist, or it was irrelevant, it was also not named Florescer, has similar origin to Naples regarding Litar.

Litar is very old and by then was an annexed Kingdom, kinda like Sicily's history, but always had strong history of autonomy.