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Author Topic: [Signups/OOC] Taijitu City  (Read 1220 times)

Offline Somstratzka

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[Signups/OOC] Taijitu City
« on: April 01, 2015, 10:54:57 PM »
Taijitu City is an pretty much open world RP. In Taijitu City you can do anything you wish. Taijitu City is not based off any certain city and is just another city in the world.

Here are the rules:

I) NO Killing/Maiming
- The worst that can happen is for your character to be knocked out and recovering in hospital

II) Please keep your posts up to a reasonable standard
- No one-liners
- No OOC posts in the IC thread
- No spamming

III) Please respect your fellow players
- Please do not take control of other players' characters
- If you must take control of another player's character, be reasonable
- No Godmodding

IV) Please keep everything PG-13

V) Do NOT focus on "winning"
- NO manipulating the events in your character's favour
- NO attacking other characters all the time "because you can"
- Adhere to the limit of ONE conflict per 10 pages

VI) Do NOT apply UNLESS you intend to post in the IC thread
- If you have a busy schedule, say so in the OOC thread
- If you are dropping out, say so in the OOC thread

VII) My word and my co's (Stormwrath) are the rule


Code: [Select]
Your character's full name:
Does your character have any nicknames?
What is your character's age?
What is your character's gender?
Describe your character's personality:
What are your character's signature items?
What are your character's weapons of choice (no more than five weapons are allowed per character)?
Describe your character's residence:
Is there any affair between your character and another character (to be updated as it happens)?
« Last Edit: April 01, 2015, 11:00:20 PM by Somstratzka »

I am Somstratzka!!! [/color

Offline bigbaldben

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Re: [Signups/OOC] Taijitu City
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2015, 12:27:10 AM »
n00b alert!  just smack me if I do something stupid.

Your character's full name:  Rorik Eckstein
Does your character have any nicknames?  Stein
What is your character's age?  41
What is your character's gender?  Male
Describe your character's personality:  He has good intentions with absolutely no idea on how to turn those intentions into constructive actions.  Socially awkward, always stumbling into other people's problems. Truly kind and avoids physical conflict when possible.  Deadly when not.
What are your character's signature items?  Black beanie over unkempt black hair, silver tipped cane/walking stick given to him by his now deceased father
What are your character's weapons of choice (no more than five weapons are allowed per character)?  Aforementioned cane, Smith and Wesson 500 Magnum (for life threatening situations)
Describe your character's residence:  An old, weather beaten house in the Taijitu City slums.  Kept up remarkably well for it's age and and in comparison to surrounding dilapidated housing.
Is there any affair between your character and another character (to be updated as it happens)?