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Author Topic: Charter of the People's Nationalist Liberation Front  (Read 1259 times)

Offline Prydania

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Charter of the People's Nationalist Liberation Front
« on: June 06, 2011, 11:11:57 PM »

The People's Nationalist Liberation Front is a political party dedicated to promoting conservative principals within the region of Taijitu.

-That a person's freedom and liberty is absolute up to the point that it threatens peace, order, and good government.

-That society operates as a compact between the dead, the living, and the soon to be. As such the living have the responsibility to manage society in such a way as to respect the contributions of the dead while still moving forward to create a better society for the soon to be.

-That through hard work and effort one can make his or her own way in the world.

-That those most qualified are allowed opportunities to succeed.

-That the individual is to enjoy freedom of conscious, belief, speech, and thought.

-That the individual has the right to private property and free enterprise.

-That the citizens of the region ought to have the right to personally interact with the officers of the government and that the government is responsible to the people that elected it.

-That as the institutions established to protect the freedoms and liberties of the citizenry the government and Constitution shall be respected and upheld.

-That evil shall be stopped, no matter the cost.

Internal Structure
-Any Taijitu citizen may apply to join the PNLF by simply expressing his or her desire to join within the Party's HQ thread.

-The chief operator of the PNLF is the Chairman of the PNLF

-The Chairman of the PNLF must be a PNLF member.

-The Chairman of the PNLF serves for a period of four (4) weeks.

-When it comes time to elect a new Chairman any PNLF member may nominate any other PNLF member.

-Any candidate for the position of Chairman of the PNLF must receive a simple majority of all PNLF members voting.

-Members of the PNFL may move for the party to endorse and/or nominate any Taijitu citizen running for public office within the Taijitu government, regardless of the candidate's party affiliation.

-A candidate running for the office of the Delegate that has the nomination of the PNLF does not need to have a running mate that belongs to the PNLF.

-PNLF members are not bound to vote for the candidate in any race that receives the endorsement and/or nomination of the PNLF.

-PNLF members are free to run for any government position even if they do not receive the endorsement and/or nomination of the PNLF.

-All applicants to join the PNLF will be reviewed and approved or rejected by the Chairman of the PNLF.

-Any changes to the Internal Structure of the PNLF may be made with the majority approval of all PNLF members.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 06:43:53 PM by Inglo-Scotia »