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News: Let us make the whole region resound with the song of We Are The Happiest People in NationStates.

Author Topic: The Last Kingdom Embassy Request  (Read 1511 times)

The Last Kingdom Embassy Request
« on: March 05, 2008, 07:53:03 PM »
I am The Last Kingdom Minister of Foreign Affairs inquring whether The Last Kingdom region may have an embassy in the realm of Taijitu. :D

The Last Kingdom Information

Nations: 318 (NS Rank: 15)  :D
UN: 144
Delegate Endorsements: 81 (NS Rank: 12) - To be Updated on forum to 91+ Endorcements

Our humble forum usually has about 12-14 members on each day. We are undergoing planned political change, so we are less active than usual.  :book:

Here is the link: http://z11.invisionfree.com/The_Last_Kingd...dex.php?act=idx

Or for a quicker and more fun introduction to our region, here is our flash site: