Greetings Citizens of Taijitu,
I bring kind regards from the Empires of Earth Foreign Offices. We are a large region, with an active government and high population level.
We are seeking to expand our Foreign Office relations accross Nationstates to include many interesting and excellent regions such as yourselves.
I therefore, on behalf of the EoE Foreign Office, would like to please request the creation of an EoE embassy here within this fine region.
We wish to begin, what will hopefully grow into, strong and continuing diplomatic relations with yourselves, and as such would be honoured if our embassy request were to be accepted.
If you wish to any further information regarding our region please dont hesistate ask, and i shall be happy to any questions you may have.
We would be delighted to welcome a member of your foreign office to our region in get to know us better, and perhaps reciprocate the opening of an embassy within EoE if you so wish.
Thank you for your time, we look forward to hearing your response.
Best Regards,
Empires of Earth Ambassador