Hello Tak.
The general responsibilities of an ambassador are to make sure Taijitu profits from a good representation in the region he's being assigned to, if no special representation mandate is issued by the MoEA for that particular region, to post the up-dates our region issues for that special purpose on-time, to maintain a regular presence in the forums of the respective region, and report back if certain issues require it, to restrain from assuming any position that would interfere with the internal affairs of said region by maintaining a neutral and pleasant attitude toward natives, and, last but not least, to profit on the tax-payers' money and indulge himself in bahic celebrations if the said region offers that particular possibility (and they generally do
), if not, he's free to do so within the walls of the Taijituan embassy. If you choose to apply, a more detailed 'Code-de-Conduite' will be at your disposal, also detailing the use of official information in regard to Taijitu.