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Author Topic: Justice appointment  (Read 921 times)

Offline Flemingovia

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Justice appointment
« on: September 28, 2007, 07:48:14 AM »
At the suggestion of one of our ministers, and after consultation with the Executive of Taijitu, I am pleased to appoint Khablan to the position of Justice of the Supreme Court of Taijitu.

This is under the provision of the constitution, article IV section 1:

1. The Supreme Court shall consist of no more than nine Justices.

1. Justices shall be appointed by the Delegate, but the Delegate shall have no power to remove them.
2. Any nation, having held citizenship for ninety or more days and having accumulated 300 or more posts on the forum shall be eligible for appointment to the Supreme Court.
3. Appointments to the office of Justice shall be subject to review and confirmation by the Senate.
4. Should a Justice be unable to perform their duties or their office be left vacant the Delegate shall appoint a new Justice to the office.
5. Justices shall swear by the oath provided by the Senate.

Under section IV:1:3, appointments are subject to review and confirmation by the Senate, and I look forward to appropriate discussion and vote in the Senate chambers.

Thank you.

Offline Durnia

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Re: Justice appointment
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2007, 04:27:05 PM »
*Matty[/color] looks forward to corrupting Khab

Nobody of importance.