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Author Topic: Declartion of Military Deployment and Support  (Read 1139 times)

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Declartion of Military Deployment and Support
« on: August 16, 2007, 06:35:32 AM »

 It is with a troubled sense of being that I make this address to you. Earlier today, The Pacific was thrown into internal unrest as former Emperor Moldavi began leading a coup against Moo Cows with Guns. This action is intolerable, as it threatens to bring The Pacific back under the thumb of a tyrannical dictator who during his last reign was responsible for the unprovoked ejection and banning of hundreds of nations.

 After  recieving an official request for assitance from Emperor Moo, and after analyzing the available intelligence, I have given the order for all available Taijitu military forces to deploy to The Pacific as quickly as possible, in support of Moo Cows, so that this region may be defended from tyranny. I wish our troops godspeed and the best of luck, and know that liberty is supported by your strides.

 If you are reading this, and a member of the Military, please take no action until instructed to do so by the Minister of Defense, of one of his Deputies.

 If you are not in the military, I would like to encourage you to please consider signing up, your service is not obligatory, but would be of tremendous benefit to our region. This action will be sustained until such time as stability has been restored to the region, and Emperor Moo feels that our involvement is no longer needed.

 Thank you all for your understanding an patience, and know that our men and women in uniform will be brought back as soon as possible.

 Long Live Taijitu!

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: Declartion of Military Deployment and Support
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2007, 04:42:09 PM »
Due to the stabalisation of this matter, Taijitu forces will be called back from the region.