Wow, I don't think I have ever seen such an inviting topic to post in. 
As I am new here and all that, and as such have a very under-developed sense of life, the universe and everything; I was wondering if you would be kind enough to explain some things for my simple little mind.
As you are well aware, no one ever reads the rules, legislation, regulation, guidance or associated literature for anything to do with Nation States unless they are trying to "Do someone in" or wrote it themselves. Apart from annoying NS/Off-Site Forum Mods/Admins everywhere, causing noobs to be... well, noobish and resulting in numerous migraines, this has the unfortunate following effect:
So, as Delegate, I have elected you to answer my questions.
1) In a nutshell for idiots, what do the various legal articles of Taijitu say/mean?
2) Why are they so complicated?
3) (More importantly) What do I do now?
4) What does being a citizen stop me doing, particularly in other regions?
5) On a scale of 1 to 10, how noobish was question 3?
Feel free to answer via the Magic Message Box (MSN)
WARNING: The following answers will contain brutal and blunt honest opinions. For those who can't handle that, dont read it.
1)My interpretation, is bare bones basic. 1)Don't be an asshat. 2)Don't invade us or try to seize power illegaly (duh) Citizens can vote if they register, senators can vote regardless. Before you do anything else in the gov't, you must be a citizen. If you want more, bring me a specific section, and I'll give you the layman's perspective on it.
2) I like this question!! The answer to your question is quite simple, old friend. It's complicated for many reasons, none of them good. Its partly complicated because some people would rather have fancy legalese sounding latin terms, instead of actual easy to understand english. Most of it, however, is due to what seems to be an increasing trend to legislate the living fuck out of everything for no real reason. The current mindset seems to be that all actions in taijitu must be legislated by the senate. For example, some would say that as Delegate, I'm not even allowed to post in the senate, because there is no law saying that I can. However, there is no law saying that I can't either.
It seems to be the senate's opinion, that if it is not legislated, you can't do it. Or, they need to figure out if you can. Also, the Executive branch must be the senate's bitch, with an ever increasing trend to place "checks against executive authority" while the Executive has no checks on the senate whatsoever, not even a vote in the senate. I am probably the last Delegate of Taijitu that will be able to take a shit without getting senate approval. The mere act of me saying this, will most likely produce a flurry of legislation to regulate the bowel movements of the Executive, and probably even the citizens eventually.
In short, it's complicated because the senate was bored and wanted to add lots of shit worded as difficult as possible so that our legal area will look more impressive.
3) If you have common sense, get involved, apply to join the senate and attempt to be a voice of reason, register to vote, role play even. If you don't have common sense... we have a great OOC area

(This is in general, i know you have good sense Akka)
4)Nothing at all.
5)Not n00bish at all, a logical question.
To PoD......
Simple... "Winners never quit, quitters never win." Light one up!