Um..... Yeah I have a question for Most Honored Delegate Sir....... Would be so kind as to give me your definition of the term......waffling? and if this is not to much of a drain on you...please also the definition of asshatery........of course all in your own words please....
(yes I know I am wasting space....but who cares?) Thank you, Your most Esteemed and Honorable Delegate Sir.
Why thank you, valued citizen for your question and interst in your government! I will be happy to define waffleing for you, for it is when we define things, that we learn more about them, and see them more clearly, they gain more definition. It is interesting that you use the words 'define' and "term" so close together, as it is in fact terms which define so many things. Waffleing is the process by which the terms of the definition become blurred, things and substance lack boundary and clarity. I support terms, and the defining of terms, as well as the terms of definition, and will do all within my power to make sure that both the definition of terms and the terms of definition are upheld in no uncertain terms. Thank you again for your question!
@ Twitchy.. um, i supose because you didn't get enough votes?