Let me start by saying that I love this region. Taijitu is the best region in the whole of Nationstates and you are all great people. This is why, after much deliberation, I have to step down from the position of Delegate of Taijitu. Real Life has left me unable to fulfill the role as needed. I want to be Delegate, and I thank all of you who voted for me. I hope you don't feel let down by my having to step down.
I was faced with two options. I could do what would be best for me, and try and hold onto the position, hoping that I will be left with enough time to hold it properly at some point soon. Or, I could do what's best for the region. It would be selfish for me to do anything but the second.
Once I'd made this decision I needed to make sure the region would be in good hands so naturally, I had to find a person with incredible personality, good humour and ability. Unfortunately I didn't have time to look so you guys can have PoDGunner

I am of course joking; PoD is one of the nicest people I know, he has great strength of character, is always up for a laugh and is more than able. I know that I feel safe passing over to the user who has served as my Vice. He is already in the position on the site and can begin immediately. He will serve the remainder of the term I should be serving and at the end of this term, elections will carry on as normal.
I hope to, at some point when I have more time, run for delegacy again and I hope I can serve to my full ability next time I run. This may not be for a while however.
From the night it was founded, Taijitu was destined for greatness - to be the biggest, the best and the most revered. For the moment, I am not the one to move it on. I would like to be but unfortunately, it just hasn't worked out for me.
Thanks for your understanding and good luck to PoD (though he doesn't need it).