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Author Topic: A new direction, and a new beginning.  (Read 19677 times)

Offline The G Rebellion

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #75 on: March 26, 2008, 12:02:51 AM »
How do you respond to allegations that a group of your secret police force attacked a group of innocent Taijituans in the streets? How do you explain the violence to the orphaned children? How could you do this to this once safe region?

If it wasn't for the swift actions of a certain bouncy hero, your police would've killed four Taijis!

And, how do you respond to the suggestion that KoolAid < Fruit Juice?

Offline Myroria

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #76 on: March 26, 2008, 12:14:36 AM »
I'll gladly sign a new constitution, though I have a great amount of doubts it'll ever come around.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Solnath

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #77 on: March 26, 2008, 12:23:06 AM »
Ding, dong, the witch is dead, which old witch? The wicked witch.
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Offline kor

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #78 on: March 26, 2008, 02:18:03 AM »
Likewise Myro, no hard feelings.

But to Myro, Kor, and anyone else who wants to equate us with IP, Cathy, FL, and the rest of the Lex Goon Squad, I pose a question. Where are the mass bannings? Who's been silenced? If SD, Prag, PoD, and myself were as bad as we're being made out to be Kor would have been banned a day and a half ago, along with a whole slew of Taijitu citizens.
Yet this hasn't happened. If this new order is as tyrannical as you all claim there would have been mass bannings from the get-go. Furthermore, if we wanted to simply ban those we disagreed with we could have done that without a coup.
Any "refugees" fleeing this new regime left Taijitu on their own free will. We haven't forced anyone out, not even the most critical voice.

This "absolute rule" is is a transition period. The old way had become apathetic, unwilling to change. So to force it to change we had to seize power for a short time. This allowed us to both do away with the old apathetic order and simultaneously work toward implenting the new order.
Once the new constitution is ready and in place, absolute rule will be phased out.

When did I equate you to IP/Cath/FL? I don't recall doing that.

Offline Silanis

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #79 on: March 26, 2008, 02:25:29 AM »
Why are we just supposed to let you? I believe Taijitu was established as a polar opposite to The Lexicon, and I believe democracy is defined as:

(countable, government) A government under the direct or representative rule of the people of its jurisdiction.

If you're just here saying that you're disbanding our representation (Not to mention you'll soon go away in about...three weeks' time, all of you), how can you turn around and say democracy will come back? When I said the Senate was inefficient, I never meant for anyone to fucking get rid of it. I have trouble following a leader who goes away for weeks at a time.

So, are we a bunch of medieval peasants who just let whatever happen, or are we modern human beings? Convince me not to just refute your "new government".

You know, for all the insanity IP, Cath, and FL came up with, I'm starting to believe one thing they said was right:

This place is about people. Not numbers.
Ok, I am still new to this "game" however I am not new to the idea and/or ideal of gov't. I think that you...Myroria are being a bit jumpy. I understand your issues with disappearances in the past, but why not give it all a chance. Mayhaps this is going to be a change that is surprising refreshing and good. Dictatorship in of its self does not mean no representation for the common man.

 I think that everyone will be surprised with the out come of this "coup" or not coup. I have been around now for a few months and didn't see a whole hell of a lot going on. As a general comment to the whole game and not just to one person.....I find it odd and actually amusing in a very big way, that people were quiet and didn't say much of anything in the way of things they wanted or needed from the previous gov't. hell in fact there wasn't all the much involve at all from the masses. until SD, PoD, and company decided to be the pot stirrers. Coincidence? I really don't think so.

   I see that this is what the region needed....what this game needed. ~shrugs~ but by the standards of the majority of this game....I am still a nobody. But I gave you my two cents anyway.
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Offline Myroria

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #80 on: March 26, 2008, 02:34:43 AM »
Silanis, let's just say I see you have something to hide.

Again...No hard feelings.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Silanis

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #81 on: March 26, 2008, 02:53:30 AM »
Silanis, let's just say I see you have something to hide.

Again...No hard feelings.

 What pray tell do your think I have to hide?
 is it that in RL I am SD's girlfriend? who cares that has no bearing on what I said here. I have sat for months and seen the goings on here. I have read through pretty much the entire forum..... so tell me what do I have to hide?
« Last Edit: March 26, 2008, 03:06:55 AM by Silanis »
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Offline Mahasoor

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #82 on: March 26, 2008, 03:33:54 AM »
Oooo, the plot thickens.  Dun dun duuuuuun!
GMT: i`m a princess

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #83 on: March 26, 2008, 03:37:11 AM »

 As my girlie said, there's a bit of jumpiness going on here. There are a few who just read shit about senate suspended blah blah  blah.. and then get their knickers in a knot. And I will say, this shit of "I doubt there will be any democracy introduced" irritates me just a bit. If you're just wanting something to bitch and whine about (which seems to be the case with some) then carry on. But if you wish to appear to be rational individuals who think for themselves, then maybe, just maybe, you might want to sit back and give us a shot do deliver what we say we are going to deliver (thank you to those who have decided to do so!)

Now, this shit about inactivity... frankly, I'm tired of hearing about it. It's beginning to sound like a broken record. Have PoD IS and myself had periods where we were inactive? Sure. Life's a bitch. But, do you really want to know what the fucked up thing is? After nearly 3 months of me being inactive... I came back, and found that NOTHING HAD CHANGED! Nothing, save for the names of the people in government. A new Delegate, some new senators, and that was about it.

So, who were the inactive ones really? Me who was unable to be on here to get anything done, unable to make a difference? Or those who were here the whole fucking time, and yet did neigh on nothing? "Activity" does not equal results. You can sit and post nonsense in the OOC areas all day long, and sure, you're active, but that's not accomplishing anything. But a new player could come in, be here for a week get signed up on toaster, recruit 10 or 20 nations, and bam! They've done more than the lot of us put together. I'm not trying to say that unless you recruit, you don't add anything, that's just an example of what I'm talking about.

To those who feel that the week or so that was promised for the new constitution is too long, that we were "unprepared" or "don't have a plan" I tell you this. The senate couldn't even agree on the how to change a small part of one article of it's own laws in nearly twice that time. Limi once introduced a change to an existing law, a change of one single word, and a debate ensued over the meaning of that word in the context in which it was used. The legislation was never changed. The thought that people complain that the finishing touches on a constitution are taking an ungodly week to complete, when the senate couldn't even figure out a fucking word in the same (if not more) time, is laughable at best, and sad at worst.

While the bickering and sarcasm is all very cute and witty, it does nothing to help the region. Those who disagree what what we have done, will disagree. I knew that would be the case before we did this. Those in favor, will most likely remain so. We're not changing anyone's minds here on either end of the spectrum. It's a senate style debate moved over into the Delegates office (which is pretty much what I expected) As I said, in the coming days, by friday, specifically, there will be a new constitution posted. It *will* deliver on the following.

1) A system for direct representation, without the need for a senate

2) Checks and balances against all offices in the government.

3) A bill of rights which is nearly identical as it is now.

Offline Gulliver

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #84 on: March 26, 2008, 04:16:07 AM »
Quote from: Sovereign Dixie
3) A bill of rights which is nearly identical as it is now.

If anything, stronger.

Damnit. I'm contributing productively...


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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #85 on: March 26, 2008, 06:48:18 AM »
By the way I'd just like to note that I personally very much respect and admire Kor and am rather disturbed by Inglo-Scotia's comments against him.
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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #86 on: March 26, 2008, 07:34:15 AM »
I think most of us respect and like Kor a great deal, that's not an issue. *is trying to identify negative comments about Kor*. Things get heated in a debate like this, however, keeping them objective and away from personal attacks is something I will gladly enforce.
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Offline Silanis

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #87 on: March 26, 2008, 12:39:33 PM »
Oooo, the plot thickens.  Dun dun duuuuuun!
lol (btw on a side note Mahasoor I love the Zaphod pic) there's no plot at all really, anyone could've known months ago my RL link to SD....if they had read an intro made for Me in the intro area. Then again until now, when I felt I had some things to say that were worth me going through all this explaining of myself, I have pretty much stayed quiet. However whatever anyone may think, and I am aware of what the majoritiy will think. My RL relationship with SD means nothing in reference to this game.  so really this info on Me is not the cornstarch that will thicken any plots.

 Besides, because of the fact that I share a computer with SD, which means same IP.... most of you know what that means. There isn't a whole hell of a lot I can do. I can't have a UN, so that means no joining military, couldn't join the Senate when it was around (if I had wanted to)...cause I can't have a UN. So really that just leaves Forum posting and Rp......oh and recruiting. So I for one thought all this a good idea, being that now there is going to be direct representation of the people....by the people. So in actuality it lets people like Me, that want to get involved in this,  better representation. For that matter it gives everyone better representation. If anyone wants evidence that a Senate set up is not always ideal just take a look at the US senate. Most of our elected Representatives, Senators, and Congressmen in Washington D.C. have forgotten why they were elected. They were elected to represent us...the people but now they are to busy with there own agendas. So personally I am happily awaiting direct democracy. So that I can use My own voice, not hope that My representative remembers what I want, or need.

~goes back to Her shadowy corner, to do what She does best......watch~

« Last Edit: March 26, 2008, 01:02:04 PM by Silanis »
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Offline Mahasoor

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #88 on: March 26, 2008, 04:45:37 PM »
As far as I'm concerned, everyone here is a celibate shut-in.  Way to burst my bubble.  :P
GMT: i`m a princess

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #89 on: March 26, 2008, 05:07:53 PM »