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Author Topic: A new direction, and a new beginning.  (Read 19679 times)

Offline Eientei

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #60 on: March 25, 2008, 02:19:46 PM »
I'm willing to give them a little time to work things out.  While the way in which SD decided to begin reforms to the region seems a little insulting, it's fine as long as the new framework allows for the participation of all people in the region.  That's one of the aspects of Taijitu that brought me here in the first place, and this is the only NS region I've ever cared about out of the several I've been involved with.  It would be a shame if we were to lose that open, democratic way of doing things.

Offline Allama

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #61 on: March 25, 2008, 02:41:30 PM »
Highly agreed.  If I didn't think the promised democratic process would eventually be re-introduced, I wouldn't support this.  Also, if I ever come to feel that they really wouldn't happen, I would back out and leave my responsibilities to another.

Offline Romanar

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #62 on: March 25, 2008, 02:56:32 PM »
I'm still sitting on the fence.  On one hand, I'm pro-democracy and pro-rule of law.  Plus, I'm now an unemployed Senator!  :-P  OTOH, I'm also pro-activity, and this sure stirs it up.  It might also give me an opening for some good-natured rabble-rousing  (if I have time between RL distractions :-P )

Offline Feniexia

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #63 on: March 25, 2008, 04:15:29 PM »
I will in no way support this new government, but I either won't take any actions against it. As it seems that those people who started this coup are also those that hold the administrative power on this forum, resistance is futile anyways - and as you clearly stated, you will kick out anyone who resists. How childish - before this "coup", NS was treated as a game, not something serious or of importance to us. Have fun with your invasions on other regions in your game - my nation CTEd a few days ago, I revived it at request of Limitless Events, but I will not revive it again if it CTEs next time. The new government can do with Taijitu as a region whatever it wishes to - it does no longer concern me. Just stay away from the non-NS-related part of Taijitu - it's community, which you doubtlessly betrayed.

Edit: Sorry for the harsh tone; just been feeling rather...uncomfortable at the moment I wrote this post. Nothing against anyone personally of course.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2008, 12:38:49 PM by Nathaniel »

Offline Miller18

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #64 on: March 25, 2008, 05:19:00 PM »
Being in the game for less than a year this is the only region I know, so I am willing to to whatever I can to more involved to help this region continue to carry on in the NS realm.
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Offline Limitless Events

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #65 on: March 25, 2008, 07:22:59 PM »
There is the forum community around the game and then there is the gov't that was created for the region. Over time these began to be meddled and mixed together. When I became MoIA I cleaned up the long neglected citizenship records and vowed to get them in order to help the gov't run smoother and more efficiently. This change is a step towards once again taking the gov't and moving it away from the community based areas of the forum and keeping it where it should be, a gov't run by people who are involved with the gameplay mechanics to create and run a structure for the onsite game and region. RPers can still RP without restriction and there is still no special requirement to get involved in it
Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

Offline Of Crazed

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #66 on: March 25, 2008, 07:42:10 PM »
I am waiting for the new laws before I reject this new government or not.  Please be as swift as possible.
05/04/2008- Never Forget

Offline Myroria

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #67 on: March 25, 2008, 09:46:40 PM »
I've got no hard feelings against SDixie or I-S. You just shouldn't be running the region.

And you speak of RPers as if we're some demographic, like we're here JUST for that. The vast majority of us are JUST as educated on the government of this region as we are of Validus, or St Oz, or GCE, and just saying "well, you still get to RP" solves nothing. Not all of us are going to lay down and let some unenterable government tell us what to do. If there's no constitution, then what will stop the government, from, say, drafting us and ejecting us for a military mission? (As paranoid and unprecedented as that sounds)

And why the hell is everyone taking my sig?
« Last Edit: March 25, 2008, 09:50:18 PM by Libertarian Monarchy of Myroria »
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Bara

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #68 on: March 25, 2008, 09:50:59 PM »
It's not paranoia if they're really after you.
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline St Oz

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #69 on: March 25, 2008, 09:51:54 PM »
Myroria, calm down, what does the Government Achieve anyway?

Offline Myroria

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #70 on: March 25, 2008, 09:55:39 PM »
Protection of liberties. "Hey, let's ban this person because we don't like them - there's no constitution stopping us!"

"Hey, let's continue Gov's ban - indefinately - there's no judiciary stopping us!"

And so on and so forth. Not that I'm much opposed to the latter.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Gulliver

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #71 on: March 25, 2008, 10:36:19 PM »
Quote from: Myroria
"Hey, let's continue Gov's ban - indefinately - there's no judiciary stopping us!"

Why must you say such hurtful things? :'(

Offline Chairman Steve

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #72 on: March 25, 2008, 10:40:37 PM »
Quote from: Myroria
"Hey, let's continue Gov's ban - indefinately - there's no judiciary stopping us!"

Why must you say such hurtful things? :'(

Such vitriol I have never seen before. My poor eyes, were they less stained by the tears from my shattered soul, would be dry and burning from the withering cynicism. I am speechless, dumbfounded, and rendered unable to do much more than wallow in my own contrition.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2008, 10:43:25 PM by Kool Aid Man »

Offline Mahasoor

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #73 on: March 25, 2008, 10:49:27 PM »
Seems like this is accomplishing a great deal of good.  A brilliant move, Head Honchos!

*eagerly awaiting to see the major plans unveiled*
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Offline Prydania

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #74 on: March 25, 2008, 11:39:50 PM »
Likewise Myro, no hard feelings.

But to Myro, Kor, and anyone else who wants to equate us with IP, Cathy, FL, and the rest of the Lex Goon Squad, I pose a question. Where are the mass bannings? Who's been silenced? If SD, Prag, PoD, and myself were as bad as we're being made out to be Kor would have been banned a day and a half ago, along with a whole slew of Taijitu citizens.
Yet this hasn't happened. If this new order is as tyrannical as you all claim there would have been mass bannings from the get-go. Furthermore, if we wanted to simply ban those we disagreed with we could have done that without a coup.
Any "refugees" fleeing this new regime left Taijitu on their own free will. We haven't forced anyone out, not even the most critical voice.

This "absolute rule" is is a transition period. The old way had become apathetic, unwilling to change. So to force it to change we had to seize power for a short time. This allowed us to both do away with the old apathetic order and simultaneously work toward implenting the new order.
Once the new constitution is ready and in place, absolute rule will be phased out.