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Author Topic: A new direction, and a new beginning.  (Read 19670 times)

Offline kor

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #45 on: March 25, 2008, 03:55:18 AM »
First of all, please don't speak in l33t it makes you look like a 13 year old idiot. Secondly, I didn't know what was good for the region?! You obviously lack knowledge of who I am! I was one of the only active members in the Executive during my first terms as MoEA! I tried to get this region active and expanded into the greater parts of NS! So how dare you talk like you know what's best for the region when you don't even know about a key member! This proves how little knowledge you have of the region! And you claim to have the best interests in mind! How dare you!

Offline Prydania

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #46 on: March 25, 2008, 04:07:08 AM »
First of all, please don't speak in l33t it makes you look like a 13 year old idiot. Secondly, I didn't know what was good for the region?! You obviously lack knowledge of who I am! I was one of the only active members in the Executive during my first terms as MoEA! I tried to get this region active and expanded into the greater parts of NS! So how dare you talk like you know what's best for the region when you don't even know about a key member! This proves how little knowledge you have of the region! And you claim to have the best interests in mind! How dare you!
You obviously missed the sarcasm with the l33t speak, but hey, we can't get them all, can we?

Any, as for your role in the region? Yes, better then most. And it's a shame you opted to contribute to the apathy of the Senate. Truly a paradox. And just because we aren't standing in the Senate abusing the good nature of the liberal democracy doesn't mean we aren't active. We have been. Very much so, each in our own ways. We've each contributed to this region, we each built it in our own way so you could have a place to come and play the game. And what did you do? You abused it. How dare you.

Offline Mahasoor

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #47 on: March 25, 2008, 04:07:32 AM »
What I think is really cute is that there was new blood trickling into the senate who may have been able to cause change and every time I express dismay that it was dismantled I get patted on the head like a pet dog and told not to worry my pretty little head.  Way to go, guys.  If it is re-established, I'm not sure I'll be interested the second time around.

That's all I really have to say about the senate, I guess.  I was also really impressed with the constitution in place.  It will be interesting to see what sort of mockup is put in its place.

Hail the new overlords.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2008, 04:09:26 AM by Mahasoor »
GMT: i`m a princess

Offline kor

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #48 on: March 25, 2008, 04:12:45 AM »
I abused it?! And where were you? Oh yeah inactive as always. And it's kinda hard to stay active when 3 people do all the work and even the Delegate does jack shit. So don't you act so self righteous. Apathy of the Senate ? What about apathy of the Executive. Even Dixie is guilty of that. I remember in his last term, he did very little and when the going got rough, he quit. Don't get me wrong, I like Dix a lot, but even those leading this coup were among the apathetic.  So don't you try to push all the blame on the Senate.

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #49 on: March 25, 2008, 04:32:36 AM »
Ok guys, let's calm down and be a bit more civil, shall we?

Offline St Oz

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #50 on: March 25, 2008, 04:52:28 AM »
Everyone Shut the Fuck up and stop being thin biological clock bitches about it so that some progress can be done about this mess.

This whole Martial Law and Risk of Invasion is a load of Bullshit but in order for Taijitu to get back on its feet I believe that. All the spies, I'm not sure since I haven't been the MoRS in awhile but it is possible. As opposed to Armies that invade regions, Spies attack the forum as well. You're only part of your community, I've been in forums where spies have hit and where I was a spy and hit. Some reasons for Region Downfall is because of spies who ruined them. I've destroyed who Forums with their Archives. Imagine all the conversations, blogs, games, RPs gone! Vanished! That's why you need to be afraid of spies. They will destroy you faster than inactivity. 

Now, now, I know I'm among the Apathetic and among all those who are Apathetic I do have good reason to have my apathy. For one I've been on NS for more than three-four years, two I've taken so many Map applications I'll scream, and three I was the one who brought RP to Lexicon and then to Taijitu in the first place. I really do like taijitu, a year ago I remember we were counting how many people were coming into the region at once. However in my experience I knew a day like this would come, the Apathy Years! The years when all activity seems to be sucked out, for some it's the lack of energy, for some the lack of interest (like me), and for some the lack of time. Now as a founder, someone who helped come up with the name you call this region, and the writer of the Founder's Original Charter... I would like to remind everyone what principles this region is built on. For one I will recite the Charter

"We the exiles of the Lexicon, hereby form Taijitu, as the founders we are all responsible to the unbiased ways unlike our former region. We will create a Utopia of friendship and prosperity. We are all united as one to form the best region we can hope to create, form a union that’s forever, and to look to the future. Taijitu Prosper"

We the Exiles of Lexicon, hereby form Taijitu
Out of nothing the names who signed that charter were all in a chat room deciding what we would do at a time of crisis. Our only option was a new Forum, we had absolutely no power whatsoever.

as the founders we are all responsible to the unbiased ways unlike our former region
As the founders we would not interfere, but as you can see... the delegate is one of those, but did you not vote him there? But since he disbanded the senate I would like to say that he has not disbanded any hope of you giving your opinion. If that happened we wouldn't even have this discussion. All of you that opposed would be kicked out on the spot, that's what happened at the Lexicon, don't you forget it. I was kicked because I spoke out against IP. SD and IS are not Cathy and IP. I would know. I've worked for both of them and I have to say they're nothing alike, IP never even considered opinions of those in equal power to him, SD is willing to hear everyone's opinions and answer them here. Don't think that this coup is so much wrong but meant to correct a Senate that has hindered progress.

We will create Utopia of friendship and prosperity
Our main goal wasn't government, I know my main goal was this, to make a community of friends (and even enemies) where you could chat, RP, etc. A place where you could escape School, work, and duties so that you had the opportunity to socialize with all kinds of people even if they are annoying.

We are all united as one to form the best region we can hope to create
I've known SD Longer than most here, I know he and IS would never waste their time on something like this only to destroy it, they will work hard and they're not power hungry. What they want is Taijitu to be prosperous again.

form a union that’s forever, and to look to the future. Taijitu Prosper
As you see it written, To make it last as long as possible.

You may not like that you lost your precious Senator position but lately all the Senate has been doing is hindering powers instead of letting them do their jobs. How can anyone function if the Senate's limiting their jobs and making them go under every single regulation that would help "protect" everyone's feelings. Let the Delegate do his Job, let his VD do his Job, let his whole cabinet do their jobs. You all need it if you like it or not. Only whine and bitch about it if the Martial Law should be lifted and you can't democratically vote for your Delegate. Let this be a coup of Government Structure rather than people's powers and you will be prosperous. Taijitu Prosper. Remember who you are.

Offline Rozaria

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #51 on: March 25, 2008, 05:06:57 AM »
Quote from: Letter to All Nations
  From the disorganized desk of Darrick Lexus

Dear Nations of Taijitu,

I have received intelligence from the Voice of the People(like the Speaker for the Senate) that the citizens are not happy with the recent changes in the regional government. I, as the Minister of Cretia and the Vice Chancellor to Rozarria, will only advocate the citizen's concerns, because if I take any actions against the regional government, my country as I know it will crumble at the feet of Sovereign Dixie. The  questions and concerns are as follows:

  • Will the region go back to the way it was before the ordeal?
  • If not, what will the changes be?
  • How long until this is over with?
  • If we do lose what will be some of the repercussions?

I would like these questions answered before or by my speech to the citizens on live television. I would like who ever answered these questions to send the letter to:

Darrick Lexus
Vice Chancellor to Rozarria
Minister of Cretia
Rozarrian Government Offices
854  Theocracy Terrance W.
Regulus, Cretia, Rozarria

Darrick Lexus

Darrick Lexus
« Last Edit: March 25, 2008, 05:26:06 AM by Daric Lexus »
Minister of Cretia:

Offline Naivetry

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #52 on: March 25, 2008, 07:41:48 AM »
If there's anything this game has taught me, it's that losing your community over a forum coup isn't worth it.  You may hate what they've done, but you have to admit that it wakes people up.  It makes people play this game.  And remember that - this is all just a game we're playing, and this government isn't what's important.  The community is what's important; the community is what needs to survive above all else.  And it can, if you want it to.  Will you fight over this?  Sure.  But even if you hate each other as politicians, there's no reason to hate each other as old friends and players.

Seriously, you criticize L&C/Westwind's regime but then you do exactly the same as he did in Equilism! It's identical, the Equilism forums are being annoying at the moment so I can't login but the topic is here. They did exactly the same thing, three of them took control of the founder, region, instituted a dictatorship.
Sorry, Durnia, but you've got the wrong event.  The parallel is to Westwind's coup in Oct. 2006, when he revealed that he'd been holding the Founder nation for the last year or more and established Imperial Equilism based on that authority.  Others formed a Government in Exile under the old Constitution.  But the community survived and made up - and then we wrote in a clause in the new Constitution explicitly to allow West, Chauce, and Neo to do what they did in the thread you linked - take action to save the region, without throwing out the Constitution.  Emergency Powers - they're a great thing.

Equilism hasn't been under a dictatorship since '06.  Although the emergency government had broad powers, its first act was to form a democratic representative body for the duration of the state of emergency.  We're back under Constitutional government and have been for several weeks, now, because government under the state of emergency had accomplished all it could.

Sorry for the soap box and the annoying insertion of a lecture on Equilism, it's none of my business.  Just wishing the best for the region.  I'm out.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2008, 07:43:59 AM by Naivetry »
Visitor from Equilism
[11:40pm] Soly: Violence is a poor solution.

Offline Khem

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #53 on: March 25, 2008, 08:09:41 AM »
Everyone Shut the Fuck up and stop being thin biological clock bitches about it so that some progress can be done about this mess.

This whole Martial Law and Risk of Invasion is a load of Bullshit but in order for Taijitu to get back on its feet I believe that. All the spies, I'm not sure since I haven't been the MoRS in awhile but it is possible. As opposed to Armies that invade regions, Spies attack the forum as well. You're only part of your community, I've been in forums where spies have hit and where I was a spy and hit. Some reasons for Region Downfall is because of spies who ruined them. I've destroyed who Forums with their Archives. Imagine all the conversations, blogs, games, RPs gone! Vanished! That's why you need to be afraid of spies. They will destroy you faster than inactivity. 

Now, now, I know I'm among the Apathetic and among all those who are Apathetic I do have good reason to have my apathy. For one I've been on NS for more than three-four years, two I've taken so many Map applications I'll scream, and three I was the one who brought RP to Lexicon and then to Taijitu in the first place. I really do like taijitu, a year ago I remember we were counting how many people were coming into the region at once. However in my experience I knew a day like this would come, the Apathy Years! The years when all activity seems to be sucked out, for some it's the lack of energy, for some the lack of interest (like me), and for some the lack of time. Now as a founder, someone who helped come up with the name you call this region, and the writer of the Founder's Original Charter... I would like to remind everyone what principles this region is built on. For one I will recite the Charter

"We the exiles of the Lexicon, hereby form Taijitu, as the founders we are all responsible to the unbiased ways unlike our former region. We will create a Utopia of friendship and prosperity. We are all united as one to form the best region we can hope to create, form a union that’s forever, and to look to the future. Taijitu Prosper"

We the Exiles of Lexicon, hereby form Taijitu
Out of nothing the names who signed that charter were all in a chat room deciding what we would do at a time of crisis. Our only option was a new Forum, we had absolutely no power whatsoever.

as the founders we are all responsible to the unbiased ways unlike our former region
As the founders we would not interfere, but as you can see... the delegate is one of those, but did you not vote him there? But since he disbanded the senate I would like to say that he has not disbanded any hope of you giving your opinion. If that happened we wouldn't even have this discussion. All of you that opposed would be kicked out on the spot, that's what happened at the Lexicon, don't you forget it. I was kicked because I spoke out against IP. SD and IS are not Cathy and IP. I would know. I've worked for both of them and I have to say they're nothing alike, IP never even considered opinions of those in equal power to him, SD is willing to hear everyone's opinions and answer them here. Don't think that this coup is so much wrong but meant to correct a Senate that has hindered progress.

We will create Utopia of friendship and prosperity
Our main goal wasn't government, I know my main goal was this, to make a community of friends (and even enemies) where you could chat, RP, etc. A place where you could escape School, work, and duties so that you had the opportunity to socialize with all kinds of people even if they are annoying.

We are all united as one to form the best region we can hope to create
I've known SD Longer than most here, I know he and IS would never waste their time on something like this only to destroy it, they will work hard and they're not power hungry. What they want is Taijitu to be prosperous again.

form a union that’s forever, and to look to the future. Taijitu Prosper
As you see it written, To make it last as long as possible.

You may not like that you lost your precious Senator position but lately all the Senate has been doing is hindering powers instead of letting them do their jobs. How can anyone function if the Senate's limiting their jobs and making them go under every single regulation that would help "protect" everyone's feelings. Let the Delegate do his Job, let his VD do his Job, let his whole cabinet do their jobs. You all need it if you like it or not. Only whine and bitch about it if the Martial Law should be lifted and you can't democratically vote for your Delegate. Let this be a coup of Government Structure rather than people's powers and you will be prosperous. Taijitu Prosper. Remember who you are.

thank you oz. you realy put into perspective for me. i had been very against this as it had the same sort of air about it as the original exilation from the lexicon. now i realize the true difference. i stand by my comrades here in Taijitu and shall support my friends through this in any way i can.

long live taijitu.

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
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Offline kor

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #54 on: March 25, 2008, 12:25:17 PM »
Everyone Shut the Fuck up and stop being thin biological clock bitches about it so that some progress can be done about this mess.

This whole Martial Law and Risk of Invasion is a load of Bullshit but in order for Taijitu to get back on its feet I believe that. All the spies, I'm not sure since I haven't been the MoRS in awhile but it is possible. As opposed to Armies that invade regions, Spies attack the forum as well. You're only part of your community, I've been in forums where spies have hit and where I was a spy and hit.

lol Spies. That's so retarded.

Offline Allama

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #55 on: March 25, 2008, 01:42:23 PM »
Though it's been said, I just wanted to throw my two cents in and say that the reason I've decided to support the new pseudo-dictatorial government is that Taijitu, after all is said and done, is based on a game.  A game that had gotten really damn boring.  I was honestly only sticking around for the friends I have here and a sense of loyalty to the region that allowed me to meet those I have come to care for very much, but then this happened and suddenly things in the region were interesting in and of themselves again.

I started to feel upset that what I felt to be the legitimate form of gov't we had had been overthrown and seriously considered being indignant, but then my brain rebooted on me and said, "What exactly was that government doing for us anyway, as far as game enjoyment was concerned?  As long as you know SD has plans to bring democracy back after the shake-up, what's the harm in having a little fun while simultaneously injecting some actual interest into the region's general population?"  I realized that these people had the best interests of this region at heart, no matter what my initial reaction had been, so I have thrown my lot in with them.

Everyone who feels differently I utterly respect, of course, and would even if I had not felt the same way.  Any concerns being brought up now will help us to work towards a more agreeable solution later, so I'm really glad we're all talking about this, plus everyone has the right to express themselves regardless of whether or not it is useful (which I maintain that it is).  Increased civility would be totally awesome, though.  ;)

Speaking of which, take a look at who is posting here.  People who have been relatively (or almost entirely) inactive are all over this conversation.  Whether or not the means suit you, you can't argue that it's sparked at least a bit more interest.

Offline kor

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #56 on: March 25, 2008, 01:47:17 PM »
Talking=/=Government activity

That's what we were doing before.

Offline Allama

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #57 on: March 25, 2008, 01:50:46 PM »
True, but before we were talking while nothing was going on.  At least now something is happening and we're talking about it.  ^_^

Offline kor

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #58 on: March 25, 2008, 01:53:33 PM »
Is something happening? I haven't seen anything yet aside from some name changes and the downsizing of the government.

Offline PoD Gunner

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Re: A new direction, and a new beginning.
« Reply #59 on: March 25, 2008, 02:08:38 PM »
This kourageous boy is surely quick. Wonder if TGR has cooked and served him some curry à la curry, or if we should call him Flash! Aaaaaaaah!  ;) :P

We said that by the end of this week all new plans will unfold. Continuously calling us on that might make us post them sooner though....hm.
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