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News: Long live the Glorious Revolution!

Author Topic: The Teoghlachian Sgeul  (Read 2256 times)

Offline Teoghlach

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The Teoghlachian Sgeul
« on: May 16, 2007, 07:15:56 PM »
16 May 2006
The Teoghlachian Sgeul

"Surprise Teoghlach Civil War Film Up for Major Awards"

With the 2nd Annual Kanami International Film Festival and Awards fast approaching, there is big excitement out of the newly christened nation of Teoghlach. The film, "Let God Not Weaken Our Hand," directed, written, and edited by civil war survivors and brothers Michael and John Silverman, is a telling tale of the war against the coup d'etat in the old Federation of Saorse that led to the creation of The Community of Teoghlach.

Nominated for 9 awards at the Festival, including Best Picture, the movie is a telling and heart-warming account of how peace can arise from war in due time. A review of the film can be found below, as well as a recent interview with director and writer Michael Silverman, out of Kanami. This film, filmed with the gracious help of Teoghlach's new region Taijitu, is believed to be a top-runner in the Festival, which will be kicking off soon, and support back home in Teoghlach couldn't be any stronger.

Summary of the film: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=525329&page=2

Interview with Michael Silverman: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=12607567#post12607567