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News: If a neighbor is in need of revolutionary rehabilitation, report it to the Citizen-Liaision!

Author Topic: The Courier Llanyderns number one magasine for all your information requirements  (Read 1325 times)


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  • Posts: 413
Tension's mount within UASS.
It is with sad heart that I Eidlebarsh Beddink report to you gentle readers that tensions between the government of Llanydern and certain other states within the UASS have risen over the question of admittance of states who can only be described as Stalinist in outlook.  The methods used by Stalinists being as all my readers will realize against those acceptable to the glorious people of Llanydern this being the most obvious reasons for our appeal against this decision.  When asked their position a spokesman from the ministry for foreign relations had the following to say "Due to disagreements among the members of the alliance a concludium is being held to review the decisions that have been made up until this point" when asked whether Llanydern was going to break with the alliance he replied with "no decisions have been made at this time and as such we have no comments to the press".

Naval expansion within Llanydern
With the recent changes to the ratios of manpower allocated to the various departments of the military it was unsurprising that the small and rather old fashioned fleet of Llanydern would be radically redesigned.  It has been announced that three(3) new escort carriers and two(2) fast carriers will be constructed this year, with a rate of three(3) and two(2) respectively for a total of ten(10) years.  Add this to the plans to construct at least fifty (50) destroyers and frigates per annum (though in what ratios is as yet unknown) and the widespread construction of patrol craft, missile corvettes and mine sweeper/layers.  There has even been the rumor that a arsenal ship will be produced though the naval ministry refuses to comment on this.  Naval air arm strength has also been greatly improved with the new Gog and Magog turbo prop aircraft.  The submariners have also struck lucky in the higher budget with plans to build seventy five (75) diseal electric submarines, twenty five (25) nuclear submarines over the next ten (10) years.  Also five (5) ICBM carrying nuclear submarines are being produced under the "all flesh is grass" project.
I don't have anger issues I just prefer to solve my problems with violence!


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  • Posts: 413
Official governmental notice

In response to growing militarization of our northern border action short of mobilization has been ordered.
Please carry out the following instructions:

-Will all firearm rated citizens please report to their local armory for equipment.
-Will all personnel of the security services please report to their stations for orders
-All Grade 1 personnel please report to your units all leave has been canceled
-All Grade 2 personnel please report to your units and prepare for mobilization
-All Grade 3 personnel please remain attentive to any order to mobilize, please note this order could come at any time.
-All personnel of the support services please report to your places of service where you will be required to work for an additional 15 hours per week (note that this is in addition to your normal duties)
I don't have anger issues I just prefer to solve my problems with violence!


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  • Posts: 413
As Dysanii troops continue to posture across the border Llanydern prepares for the worst:

Patriotism rules the nations heart
Many Grade 2 and 3 troops have begun demanding that they be mobilized to meet the northern threat and many among the security forces have requested transfer to combat units.  This patriotism has been felt all over with production levels of military equipment reaching new highs as members of the support services work for sometimes 40 hours much longer then the 15 hours required of them from the ASM order.

Evacuation of non-combatants
It has been decided to evacuate non-combatants from within 75km of the border with Dysanii territory.  While necessary this move has caused some complaints both from citizens unwilling to leave their homes and from those who wish to stay and defend their lands from the foreign aggressor.  Due to this those citizens over the age of 20 who wish to stay are being allowed to at the discretion of their physician and the council for defense for their town. Those that are being evacuated are being evacuated to the mountains far from the potential conflict and the citizens they are being billeted with are making them feel right at home.

Dysanii incursions
Dysanii troops and aircraft have been repeatedly turned back due to accidental crossings of the Llanydern border however as of yet they have been turned back peacefully by elements of the border patrol and the Llanydern airforce.
I don't have anger issues I just prefer to solve my problems with violence!


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  • Posts: 413
Questions asked at council
The council is split as this issue goes to press over the question of the Dysanii aggression, arguments rage over whether it is an elaborate hoax to wring concessions from the people of Llanydern or if it is an actual threat.  As of yet those who believe the hoax theory are in the minority but the hoaxers (as they have rapidly become known) are making use of the divide between those who say we should strike first (first strikers) and those who argue for watchful readiness (the patient guardians).  Matters have not been helped by the fact that due to illness the chairman has had to withdraw from council his place being taken by the minister for defense as acting chairwoman.

OOC: please note this is not a military coop the Chairman of the council would by this point be over a hundred and he is actually ill (it was my plan to kill him off though I would have preferred not to have done this during the Dysanii crisis but still when life gives you lemons make lemonade (or in my case wonder why an abstract concept is giving me citrus fruit) and she is his heir apparent so to speak (more so then should be actually but as she doesn't know you can't.  For those of you in the now very defunct and also obsolete "Llanydern opens its doors to foreign trade" thread the chairman hasn't changed and the minister for defence is the young woman (now 20-30 years on not so young) with the eye patch by his side.
I don't have anger issues I just prefer to solve my problems with violence!


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  • Posts: 413
The War continues
Fierce fighting still engulfs our northern border with the forces of Dysanii making slow progress.  However rejoice all those who have a love of Llanydern in your hearts as today marked the beginning of the counter attack by units of the 2nd and 3rd army groups.

People of Dysanii, rejoice!

Our glorious armies have swept away all opposition on the Llanydern front. Who are they to defy imperial rule?

This just goes to show how deluded the people of Dysanii are by their corrupt capitalist media
I don't have anger issues I just prefer to solve my problems with violence!