Tension's mount within UASS.
It is with sad heart that I Eidlebarsh Beddink report to you gentle readers that tensions between the government of Llanydern and certain other states within the UASS have risen over the question of admittance of states who can only be described as Stalinist in outlook. The methods used by Stalinists being as all my readers will realize against those acceptable to the glorious people of Llanydern this being the most obvious reasons for our appeal against this decision. When asked their position a spokesman from the ministry for foreign relations had the following to say "Due to disagreements among the members of the alliance a concludium is being held to review the decisions that have been made up until this point" when asked whether Llanydern was going to break with the alliance he replied with "no decisions have been made at this time and as such we have no comments to the press".
Naval expansion within Llanydern
With the recent changes to the ratios of manpower allocated to the various departments of the military it was unsurprising that the small and rather old fashioned fleet of Llanydern would be radically redesigned. It has been announced that three(3) new escort carriers and two(2) fast carriers will be constructed this year, with a rate of three(3) and two(2) respectively for a total of ten(10) years. Add this to the plans to construct at least fifty (50) destroyers and frigates per annum (though in what ratios is as yet unknown) and the widespread construction of patrol craft, missile corvettes and mine sweeper/layers. There has even been the rumor that a arsenal ship will be produced though the naval ministry refuses to comment on this. Naval air arm strength has also been greatly improved with the new Gog and Magog turbo prop aircraft. The submariners have also struck lucky in the higher budget with plans to build seventy five (75) diseal electric submarines, twenty five (25) nuclear submarines over the next ten (10) years. Also five (5) ICBM carrying nuclear submarines are being produced under the "all flesh is grass" project.