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Author Topic: Terrangar Inside  (Read 4093 times)

Offline Pachamama

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Terrangar Inside
« on: July 14, 2007, 03:02:38 PM »
                                                     Terrangar Inside

                                                                A new era

Only days ago Terrangar has officially been recognized by the nations of Taijitu.
After many years of struggling to turn the 200 tribes of the geographical region of Terrangar into a nation of the same name the official recognition of our nation is the end point to a long journey.
"All those years of hard work, struggle and austerity we finally have achieved our goal. All our efforts have paid off."
Foreign minister Talman Yar said before entering his plane to attend a peace summit in Saletsia to which the nations of Easteros have been invited.
"This invitation" the ministers deputy said "is proof that Terrangar is recognized as a nation and full fledged member of the continent of Easteros".
President Folong has addressed the nation and declared the day an official holiday.

                                                           Financial Sector

This morning the Minister for Trade and commerce declared that the former state yards had been privatized in a move to increase industrial output and save money.
"This step has been taken to allow private ventures putting money in companies that the state can not afford too.
Why should the government put money into a shipyard that would be better used on education and welfare. But the yards as such are important for our economy. So privatization was a logical step to get the cost factor out of the government budget without loosing the Yard" Minister Tegan II said. in an Interview.
The spokesperson for the newly formed "White Water Shipyards" added "In this way we are far more flexible than the government. With the money we have it was our intention to concentrate on the production of a new line of ships and keeping the current services like repair and maintenance. Depending on orders plans are to increase the facilities step by step. This will create new jobs and advances in technology."

                                                          Oil discovered.
A team of scientists from the University of Terrangar that was send on an expedition to the eastern desert reported the finding of an oilfield deep inside this barren land.
"Also we made the discovery of the field 4 weeks ago we did not release an official statement immediately. We wanted to survey the size of the field at first.
The data that has been collected is now being processed. From what I can already say we expect this field to be huge. At least 50 billion barrels in size. Seismic data also shows the presence of smaller fields which require closer analysis" Professor Meshkal from the chair of geophysics explained.
The Motac has already moved in and will give financial support to further investigations.

                                                            Open roads

The news that the CL government was back in power had people dancing in the streets.
The nation has always been a good and reliable business partner.
In the light of recent events trade with the military regime was halted so to show support to the old government.
This had been especially hard to the joint venture between the Republic and Terrangar regarding the production of high grade phosphorus.
It is believed that after the return of the regular government trade relations will return to normal and may even increase.

                                                       International politics

                                                          Back on the track

Today the public was informed that the military coup  in the Republic of Chinese loyalist had come to an end.
Already this morning CL newscasters reported large groups of soldiers marching peacefully towards the capitol chanting to return the Chancellor to power.
The civil resistance that ensued led to the breakdown and dissolving of the military ruler ship within hours. The Chancellor has been re-established in his position and police and military have managed to restore order with few incidents.
Most of the rebels have been apprehended by the police and military but some of them did escape and are currently on the run.
Those that could be apprehended were quickly put to trial.
Of interest in this matter is the fact that no death sentences were pronounced.Instead according to  CL news sources the criminals were either discharged dishonorably or heavily demoted in rank.
Also the civility in which the government acts remains unexplained President Folong has congratulated them on their civilized and humane behavior, stating that this will only deepen the good relations between our  nations.

On an unofficial note this reporter wishes to express his happiness about the turn of events and congratulate the chancellor on his return.

                                                             Peace restored

As the deputy minister of foreign affairs informed us today that the peace summit in Salestia dealing with the recent war between the UASS and a Dysanii/ Myroria alliance has come to an abrupt but nonetheless satisfactory outcome.
We currently have no further information but will report as news come in.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2007, 05:24:23 PM by Pachamama »
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92

"War`s  begin where you will
but they do not stop where you please"


Offline Pachamama

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Re: Terrangar Inside
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2007, 09:53:32 AM »
                                                       A new brother in arms
Today in a small ceremony the former general cargo freighter  "Endeavor of the seas" was transferred from the Transworld Shipping Line to the Terrangan Navy.
The contract had been signed and the vessel purchased at a decreased price 2 month ago, delivery was delayed as the ship underwent an overhaul and modifications at the White Water Shipyards.
"Those modifications are mostly internal with replacing civilian Communication equipment with a military Comm suit and radar equipment" Navy spokesman Commodore Matoche explained.
"With this new ship in the role of a fleet support ship we will be able to expand our fleet operations to the next level"
"Transworld sold the ship to the ,military to show our support for our country's defense" the TSL representative said.
"The ship has been renamed the Mule for it`s role as a cargo and supply vessel. Currently unarmed we plan two install to CIWS systems for protection as well as countermeasures." the Commodore added.


                             The new supply vessel for the Terrangan Navy during  seaworthiness trials

                                              Oil discovered part two.

After a long and sometimes dangerous journey trough the Andesta Mountain Range the convoy reached it`s destination in the eastern desert.
Proffesor Meshkal who leads the exploration of what scientists have named the probably largest oilfield in the world or at least the region said in an interview.
"The field size has been established at 56 billion barrels, not counting the smaller oilfields nearby. We are here to start a exploration drilling to get more precise data on rock formation and depth. The dangerous part is that we may have a lot of natural gas in this field and we don`t yet exactly know the amount of pressure"
This the Profesor stated would require a slow drilling process so not to get surprised by the sudden release of gas, commonly known as a "Blow Out"
"If we can manage to open this field, the country will be rich" the representative from Motac escorting the exploration said.


The site of the exploration drilling with the teams camp around it. Will this be a common sight out here in the future?

                                                An expedition into historie

This morning a group of specialists in the repair of furniture has left Terrangar  for the country of Kabe on invitation from Lord Anthony Ka'Be, Administrator of Ka'be Family Estates

The group has been called in to access damage to antique furniture to be used in a restoration.
"This is a huge honor to our sometimes overlooked Industrie of furniture restoration" Mister Culhu said.
"Here we can show the skills and abilities of our craftsmen" he added.
Doktor Moccha, a leading specialist for restoration from the Univeritys Chair of Archaeology said "This is a big challenge. We will have to use all our skill depending on the degree of damage.Most important is the faithfull restoration of the original.We want to use as few modern materials for repair as possible."

Arriving within a day the team immediately started their work. first they had to asses the damage.
"We are a bit jetlagged, but I think the excitment overcomes this. We want to start as soon as possible."
Doktor Moccha said. "First we will take pictures from every piece and make damage protocolls. We also will have to take samples for analysis. Like this Laquer. It`composition may be unknown today, so staying as close to the original as possible we have to recreate it."

The first step. Sorting the pieces for damage assesment

A hopeless case? Doktor Moccha doesn`t think so

"It won`t be easy but it can be repired. It`s just a question of time and effort"

« Last Edit: July 17, 2007, 09:21:52 AM by Pachamama »
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92

"War`s  begin where you will
but they do not stop where you please"


Offline Pachamama

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Re: Terrangar Inside
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2007, 10:43:35 PM »
                                               The warriors new name

In a naming ceremony at the naval base this morning several ships were involved in re-naming. By gouvernment degree military vessels must be named in Tarang the native language.
This step was taken to represent our nation and it`s culture as well as “integrate” the ships in our nation.
“With the renaming these vessels have finally become our own and are now part of our history.” Commodore Matoche said.
“The troops already have started to give their equipment names by traditional means.” General Cuetlachtli added. “They call the Ka-27 Helicopter the “ Xicohtencatl“ wich translates into „Angry bumblebee“ the General said, „so it feels just natural“

The new fleet tanker aptly named „Atl“ or „Water“

                                      Smelly black stuff  may make Terrangar rich

The exploration drilling at what has become known as „Field A“ troughout the  country has come to an succesfull end.
„The biggest probelms posed“ a spokesperson from Motac said in an interview „is the Andeas Mountains. They are a natural barrier difficult to overcome. However we are making inroads into solving this problem. Currently we are „abusing“ military cargo aircraft to transport material over to „Field A“ and have already taken steps together with TAL to deploy new technologys in the construction of the pipeline.“

                                           Flight into the future

This morning news was out that  M-Tech Construction, Terrangars largest construction company, renowned in our country trough projects on Infrastructure and large development projects has won several national contracts, amongst them the construction of the new Northern Valley Dam and hydroelectric power plant.
But the most impressive news was that the company is on it`s way to become a global name.
Mr. Atlatel, spokesperson for M-Tech said in a statement “We have made the first step on the international stage by winning a contract with the Republic of Chinese Loyalists for the construction of their new international Airport. This is a huge project and prove of our abilitys. Now we have the chanche to face the best.
It also proves that our company motto “We can do it” is the right approach. This is the main reason why we won the contract, not by outbiding our opponent with cheap labour and cheap materials but by listening to the wishes of our customer and finding ways “to do it”.
Mr. Atlatel also said that this contract will not impede on local projects like the construction of the new Terrangar World Airport.
“It just means that we will have to hire more workers, at the same time making sure that our current workforce keeps employed for many more years to come. And that I think is not a bad thing.” he stated.

First picture of the Loyalist Republic`s airport construction site
« Last Edit: July 21, 2007, 05:25:38 PM by Pachamama »
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92

"War`s  begin where you will
but they do not stop where you please"


Offline Pachamama

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Re: Terrangar Inside
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2007, 05:04:44 PM »
                                                            Terrangar Inside

                                                   TAL strikes deal with Army and Motac

Terrangar Air Lines (TAL) has signed a deal with the Army and Motac this morning.
The Motac and MoD will give an interest free credit to TAL to purchase and operate a number of airships. Motac wants to use these in pipeline construction and the military for transport of troops to the new base in the eastern desert

                                                           New defender of the Land

In a large ceremony that involved not only high-ranking Officers and Ministers from several departments but the President and the workers of White Water Yards a new vessel was unveiled before the public.
The first frigate of the new warrior class will join Terrangas Navy in a few weeks after her christening and a visit to the equipment dock.
The Navy expects the vessel named       to be send on manoeuvres in 3 month after her final shakedown cruise.
Admiral  said “This is a very important step for us. The last few years have shown that we cannot rely on outside sources for our defensive needs. This will make us independent of the up`s and down’s of the international arms trade and the restrictions trough wars elsewhere.

                                          Pipeline under construction makes progress.

The pipelinefrom Oilfield A to the harbour at forge city is well underway. The problems with building the section over the Andenas mountain range have been solved and Motac has anounced that after a 1 year construction phase the pipeline will connect to it`s other half that has begun construction in the eastern desert.
The picture shows construction teams in the jungles of Terrangar.

                                                 Police cracks down on lunatic sect.
Today a uprising in the senate started after a Mr. Max du Pont, obviously an outsider made a move to permit human sacrifices by his religious group “The order of the Violett”
Mr. du Pont was arrested by guards on the speakers floor and police send to the curch`s building at Crossing Rivers Street within half an hour. The arrest permit for all sect members had been signed by the minister of the interiour while on his way to the scene.
Police secured a large number of documents supplying adresses of members and financiers of the sect.
“We found several documents from an orphanage that had unwittingly supplied them with young orphan children.
We found several blood marks and a freezer with human parts in it. We also were able to free one victim but she is currently hospitalized and unable to stand wittness.” said Police Inspector Coatl.
According to police officials the sacrifical room in the cellar was scene to brutal murder.
The remains that were discovered by police investigators and forensics experts on the scene have been send to a laboratory for DNA analysis.
“We may be looking at the closing of several missing person cases. Also we will have to do some extensive questioning as we believe that some victims were buried elsewere. The crime scene is still under investigation by our specialists” Police Chief Kopac told the press.

                                                       From the flight line
Once again the ground is shaking and the air vibrating in the Republic of Chinese Loyalist.
But this time it`s not war that is responsible.
The construction of the  new international airport for the Republic  is in full swing.
Construction machinery the size of buildings is rumbling across the jungle floor moving mountains of earth.
“To speed up construction without reducing work safety and quality standards we used some tricks”
Chief enginneer Paca responsible for the supervision of the construction said.
“One of these was to lease huge equipment normally used in open pit mining. Leasing that equipment reduces cost as we barely need such huge machines elswere. And it speeds up the construction because we can do more in less time without making any compromises regarding safety and quality”

The picture shows a huge grader usually used in open pit mining, leveling the ground at Runway 3

« Last Edit: August 04, 2007, 09:57:26 PM by Pachamama »
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92

"War`s  begin where you will
but they do not stop where you please"


Offline Pachamama

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Re: Terrangar Inside
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2007, 09:52:38 PM »
Special Notice


Festivities to start at the Republic of Chinese Loyalist       :congrats:

National Informer-The city of Na Sui plans to initiate the Festival of Waves in an attempt to promote tourism in the District. The city has emerge as a gateway for oversea visitors after Parliament removed past restrictions on international travel. The city reportedly spent two hundred million yaos in promoting the event abroad.

We hope that many Terrangans will visit this occasion as we have been told that it is a very beautiful Festival
and a great occasion to learn more about our neighbor.
It`s also a good way to put these language skills to test and improve them trough practical use.

Also Students are offered reduced travel cost by TAL and other carriers.
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92

"War`s  begin where you will
but they do not stop where you please"


Offline Pachamama

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Re: Terrangar Inside
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2007, 04:15:35 PM »
                                           Airport to open soon.

The airport of Chinese loyalist is to open soon as the construction of the main building comes to an end.
Chief engineer Paca told our paper” Our work here is soon to be finished. Our job was to construct the runways, Infrastructure and the framework for the main building as well as basic utilities.. Now the rest is up to the companies at CL.we have been working with them for the past years and it has been a great pleasure.
Also the fact that we had to learn several languages at school pays out in such an enterprise. It is a lot easier and work goes much smoother if you can talk to the people on station in their language.
We hope after this we may have further contracts in the future.
We have already pulled out most of the heavy equipment months ago as the larger structures were finished. With tomorrows topping out party we will then pack up and return.”
Our paper wishes for the best for CL and their new airport.
This reporter will make sure to be on the first flight from Terrangar to land there.

The central building in its final stages.

                                                  More ships for the trade

Motac and the well known company of M-Tech construction have signed a contract with Protac dry docks to get their yards back in operational shape.
Due to a very harsh and long winter the docks had suffered from disuse and were in  need for repair.
The first ships to be build in the newly opened yards are a new VLCC tanker for Terrangar Oil and a bulk carrier to
satisfy the demand for iron ore transported in from the Republic of Chinese Loyalist.

                                     Governmental changes to the best.

The Government of Salestia has changed it`s status from Peoples Republic to an Empire.
This has created some unrest amongst government officials at Friday.
Over the weekend the Terrangar ambassador to Salestia and his Salestian colleague in Terrangar have been flooded with requests for information.
It looks that former President Barga has become Empress Barga. The spokesperson for the Foreign ministry also stated that talks had shown that the change was supported by the populace trough a poll in which 83% of the people participated.
the vote for to turn the Republic into an  monarchist government with President Barga being the monarch came out at 61%
Also a chancellor was elected by the peoples as well as a party.
“This is the most democratic empire I have ever seen” a member of the foreign ministry said.
Chosen as for the position of chancellor was Ariel Levana.
We wish the new government best of luck.


« Last Edit: September 22, 2007, 06:15:26 AM by Pachamama »
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92

"War`s  begin where you will
but they do not stop where you please"


Offline Pachamama

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Re: Terrangar Inside
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2007, 09:59:55 PM »
Since eight o' clock this morning Terrangar is in a state of defensive alert.
Please listen to the hourly news update.
We reprint for everyone the speech of our president.

Statement by Rokan Folong 2nd President of Terrangar
The nation of Terrangar hereby declares it's neutrality in the ongoing conflicts of our world.
We will only assist in humanitarian efforts and act in accordance with the IPO.
However our nation will be put on defensive alert.
This motion was made according to emergency laws without a popular vote.
There will be no increase in armed forces personal at the moment.
However to save on time should a crisis approach the government will put the activation of reservists on a popular vote this weekend.
The Federation of Terrangar states that it will give safe shelter to refugees from any nation that make it to our shores according to the treatys we signed.
However we will only allow damaged military vesseld that reach our shores to restore seaworthiness or flight capabilitys.
By no means are theay allowed to effect repairs of weapons or sensors outside navigational equipment and other systems to regain seaworthiness as long as they are inside our territory.
Under seaworthiness/ flight capability we hereby define the ability of vessels in question to reach their homecountry or another friendly nation.

Return of the old warriors
The Terrangan Navy has moved two old ships to the military dry dock and the White Water ship yards.
The vessels are the TNS Hammerhead (ex-St.Louis) and TNS Swordfish(ex-Philadelphia) .Both ships have been purchase by the fledgling Terrangan Navy from surplus sales almost 24 years ago. They have been laid up for almost 8 years and were reactivated to serve as coastal defense.
Official sources state that the vessels will be "Mission ready" within three month.
Originally the vessels were slated for scrapping after serving as barracks and munitions ships for the last 8 years.
The Navy spokesperson told us.
"We must face the fact that these ships are outdated.
They ware however capable of assisting our surface fleet in patrolling Terrangan waters.
In case of an attack they would be deployed to attack amphibious forces that try to make it to our beaches.
But we all hope that it will not come that far.
They are not much but in times like these they are a lot better than nothing."

The TNS Swordfis on her way to the drydock, after 8 years in storage.
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92

"War`s  begin where you will
but they do not stop where you please"
