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News: Let us become steel shields that defend the ideals of the Glorious Revolution and Taijituan democracy!

Author Topic: Letters from The Abode  (Read 2336 times)

Offline The Abode

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Letters from The Abode
« on: May 20, 2007, 03:18:06 PM »
Ever since the dramatic religious wars, resulting in the dramatic overturn of the democratic government of E'ermor in 1912, the country changed its name to The Abode has been strictly isolated from the rest of the region.

The small nation has not allowed visitors to cross its border and has severed all diplomatic links with other countries for almost a century.

Now, for the first time since the last patriots fled the country in the years after the last war (last refugee left The Abode in 1922), the world gets some news.

Quote from: The Office of the Second Abider
To our neighbouring nations,

Heed! For a long time we have not shown ourselves in your midst. This may soon change.
The great migration is imminent! We wish to extend our hand to those who wish to take wing and fly south.
The Great One has favoured us, but is not without mercy for the rest of the world. We welcome diplomats and religious icons to learn the Truth and accept the inevitable. Follow the path of the righteous flock and clap your bills in unison!

Also, trade agreements would be nice.

With regards,

The Second Abider.

Offline The Abode

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Re: Letters from The Abode
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2007, 02:17:23 PM »
From: The Second Abider
To: Our neighbouring nations

Heed! We have honoured the nations of the Mercantilist States, Takasia, Varkour and Tagirstan with a presence on our holy soil. We express the intent that many are to follow. Though the arrival of ambassadors has lead to many protests, we are determined to turn our gaze outwards in these coming years of importance.

When you plan on visiting us, you shall go to Kle'erthon. The rest of our glorious nation is strictly off limits.

With regards,

The Second Abider